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Your single favorite drummer is....


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Ok, you get one, and ONLY one choice. Who is your favorite drummer, and why?


Mine is definitly Vinnie Colaiuta. He is great in all areas of the instrument. Has incredible discipline, musicality, chops, reading chops, played with everyone. He is a nice guy, modest, humble, simply loves drumming and always tries to advance himself. He is a true musician.

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Hmmm, well, I have quite a few favorites, but I'm happy to say that my single favorite drummer is the one that I'm currently playing with. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif And I'm not just saying that because I play with him. I was already raving about him for quite a long time before that and tried never to miss a gig that he played. I would've given anything then just for him to do a session with me, but now we're in a band together which is something too cool for me to have even imagined.


Why? Sheesh, let me count the ways. JD is from New Orleans and his dad was a jazz trumpeter. So he grew up with traditional jazz and later was in drum corps and marched in the Mardi Gras parades. So he's got discipline and chops for days, not to mention "feel" for days.


The thing is though, although he CAN play anything, what he really loves to play is Brit Invasion rock, which is my thing. He practiced his Neil Peart chops along with all the other drummers in high school, just to learn, but while all the other guys worshipped Peart, JD just wanted to play the Beatles and the Who. He's all about the song - which is NOT to say he is necessarily understated. He's got the chops and he uses 'em - and is not afraid to do things that draw attention to himself - hell, that's part of a rock drummer's job! But the thing is that whatever he does always FITS the song and makes it RICHER, more driving, more of whatever it is or should be. He's got enough subtleties in his arsenal that he can throw some monster chops into pretty much everything without ever being accused of "overplaying". But you sure would notice it if all that richness were suddenly NOT there. Most of the time, all you notice is that he's beating the living crap out of the kit and making everybody else in the band sound great.


Not only that, but JD manages to kick ass whether he's playing his full kit or in a coffeehouse where all he's got is a snare and a cymbal.


Oh, did I mention that he sings killer harmonies while all of this is going on? That he prides himself on taking responsibility for all the little things like tuning and maintaining his drums right? That he always enjoys playing no matter how big or small the gig, and puts just as much effort into rehearsals as he does gigs? That he never stops finding something to appreciate about every situation, but also never stops looking for things that he could improve?


Well I could go on for awhile, but that'll do for a start. Hopefully you get the idea why this is my "single" favorite drummer, except that unfortunately, he isn't single! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif





This message has been edited by Lee Flier on 08-28-2001 at 03:26 PM

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Originally posted by rlhubley:

Ok, you get one, and ONLY one choice. Who is your favorite drummer, and why?


Vinnie Colaiuta is my favorite. For all his chops (and they are extraordinary), he is usually tasteful and considerate of the music. Once or twice I've heard him flat out overplay, but it's such a guilty pleasure, I don't hold it against him. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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Yes he does have a computer and even DSL. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif I don't think he participates in forums too much though - not enough time. He works a full time job and has a family, and actually puts a lot of energy into his family more so than most musicians do.


But you never know, maybe if I send him this URL so he can see how much I rant and rave about him, it will prompt him to post, even if only to tell me to stop already. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif Then again maybe he will be too embarrassed to post! LOL...


From reading your post in the "what is the drummer's role" thread, though, I'd say you and he are on much the same wavelength. "The engine that makes the band sound great" - that's always what I thought a great drummer does, and he does it! And it's quite exhilarating to be riding on that train! I'm glad you are getting a lot of gigs for having that attitude, cuz it sounds like people appreciate you very much for it, as I do. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif You guys deserve it!




This message has been edited by Lee Flier on 08-28-2001 at 03:09 PM

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For one choice, Neil. He seems to fit the music perfectly. Serve the song He's the bands lyricist, which (according to Neil) helps give him a bit different perspective on his drumming. He's garnered his share of accolades for his technique and creativity, and seems willing to re-think and even re-create himself, if it might add interest to the band or help keep the music from becoming stale. None of that "Hey, this is how I play. If ya don't like it, listen to somebody else" attitude. Very humble guy. Not too many drummers in Neil's category seem willing to openly admit their own foibles, and work to correct or change their approach to those areas. LOL, besides, I prefer progressive rock stuff.


Proficient, walks his own path, and always searching for improvement. Serve the music. AND, doesn't knock anyone else for pursuing things their own way. Kind of explains why he is who he is, doesn't it? He's certainly earned my admiration over the years. I imagine there's a few others who like him as a drummer as well. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had.
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Originally posted by ModernDrummer:

I imagine there's a few others who like him as a drummer as well. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


That's me!


Even though I really don't listen to Rush all that often anymore, Neil Peart has got to be my favorite all-time drummer. He was the first drummer I really got into and convinced me that drums were the coolest instrument to play.


His drum solos were unbelievable when I first heard them, and in my junior high days I could really relate to some of his lyrics (Subdivisions). I guess I've also been an introvert. I find his desire to constantly feed his intellect quite inspiring as well. Neil is just an all-around cool guy! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

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Bill Bruford. Technique aside, it's his willingness to progress, and jump into different situations that inspires me. He is always looking forward, finding what is different, and doing it tastefully.

Technique wise, those beat displacements kill me!

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Thanks for the kind words Lee.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


btw, I think it's great you hang out here. It's rare for a musician to take an interest in the concerns of drummers. Your drummer is very lucky!

Just for the record.
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Interesting...nobody picked John Bonham. I know, I know, he had terrible technique, played really loose, etc. Whatever...He is the drummer that inspired me to set up pillows on my bed and start playing with borrowed chop sticks as a kid. No kidding. He had a feel and a subtlety (yes, subtlety) to his playing that grabbed me and still influences me today. Bonzo got beat.




"You don't just EAT the biggest turnip in the world!"


"You don't just EAT the biggest turnip in the world!"


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Bonham was an incredible drummer, and a huge influence on drummers still today. He had the phattest groove, and GREAT musicality. And quoted from Jimi Hendrix "You got a right foot like a rabbit!". He defines rock drumming! A favorite of mine? Yes, of course, but if only get one pick, I've gotta go with Vinnie.


Another drummer nobody mentions, and it seems is always forgotten:

John "JR" Robinson. The most recorded drummer in history. This guy is an excellant groovemeister, musician, clinician, and just a swell, down to earth person.

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Well I'd have picked Bonham in all likelihood, were it not for our own dear drummer - who does incidentally like to cop a Bonzo lick or two when given the opportunity! (or sometimes even when NOT given the opportunity as the case may be - like the time we played a few bars of the Beatles song "Mother Nature's Son" and he started doing the "Kashmir" beat behind it... LOL...)



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erm mine would have to be my teacher he always amazes me he can do stuff i've never seen chambers ,coluiata and the likes of do.

hes just amazing.

my fave kat in commercial drumming world would be joey jordison,his work just amazes me like in slipknots new album how he plays heavy metal with such disiplin,and adds jazz elements and rudiments into his work,and amazing feet,obvisously i'm sure ur faves may be a ble to do this but i think hes great,but doesn't even touch my teacher.

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my all time faforite drummer, percussion, tecture, ect, is jim keltner.this fella must be a guitar, bass player and a vocalist to do what he does. the way he plays on recordings is beyond. bill
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my all time faforite drummer, percussion, tecture, ect, is jim keltner.this fella must be a guitar, bass player and a vocalist to do what he does. the way he plays on recordings is beyond. bill
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Simon Phillips.

This guy is a true virtuoso player with just a perfect ability to very tasty drumming as well. Also has played with "everyone" and in "all" music styles. He is an awesome producer and an incredible composer to boot (makes only great solo recordings!).


Vladislav *)


*) Not a drummer. Just a former bass player. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

I am back.
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That's Bruford playing through that horrible sounding Simmonds kit. I can't believe he used those on a couple of albums. That snare sample makes me ill. Great drummer, bad tone.


My favorite is Ian Mosley because I'm such a Marillion freak. He doesn't play with much flash and he looks kind of lazy when he plays, but he serves the song so well and he has a great sense of dynamics. He knows how to play softly and with power. www.marillion.com/band/mosley/index.html

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