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I recently received my new drum, a custom-made Cajon by Paul Namkung (World Drums). What a beautiful instrument; made from Curly Hard Maple with several different wood inlays on the front panel. There are two playing surfaces; one on each side.




If you want to get some cool LIVE loop sounds, a cajon can really do the trick. Sounds like a ethereal 60's drumkit.


If anyone is interested in one of these beauties, let me know and I'll put you in touch with Paul. He makes less than 100 cajons a year, and the craftmanship is the best I've seen. Paul also makes Taiko drums ... but you better have the $$$ ... they ain't cheap.





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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Bart... how much did you pay for it? I might be interested. I've heard these before live and I always thought they might also be a great way create interesting patterns in the studio.


Oh, yeah.... and any chance you'd be into posting some MP3s of you playing it?



This message has been edited by sidereal on 07-20-2001 at 03:58 PM

Just for the record.
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Remember, this is a custom made drum. I think it retails for close to $500.00 ... and this one is called the Big Butt series which is the larger of the Cajons from World Drums.


Not to sound like I have my nose in the air, but I have an agreement with Paul Namkung to not talk about what I paid. He gave me the "good guy deal" because I'm using it professionally, and made a point to say that not eveyone would get it for what I did. Still it wasn't cheap by any means.


I'll be making some loops with this drum very soon. I'll share it with you when I'm done.





Bart Elliott


Drummer Cafe - community drum & percussion forum
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The photo you want to insert must be sitting on a web server somewhere so that you can reference it with an http address. Once you have the photo up somewhere, you simply type the URL into your post in between image tags, like this:




Just remove the asterisks - I had to include them so that the software doesn't think it's an actual picture!


Hey Bart: if you play the Cajon does that mean you have really big cajones? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



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Waaaiiilll, Bart, it shore is purdy. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif Some really great woods and workmanship on the front of it.


Hmmmm, you know, if you put a neck and some strings on that thing, you'd have a pretty deep sounding acoustic guitar! 'Course, it may be a bit unwieldy trying to sling it around your neck! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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