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Extreme Sport Drumming


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O.K. The subject of Extreme Sport Drumming emerged on another thread, so I thought I would start a new subject area for this topic.


If you are unaware of Extreme Sport Drumming, it was started by two great guys in Nashville (where they have a school ... Nashville Percussion Institute) invented a Drum-o-meter. (see www.drumometer.com) This device measures single stroke hits to any surface with a high degree of accuracy.


Extreme Sport Drumming got its start from there. It is a Guiness World Book Record sanctioned event. (See www.extremesportdrumming for current record holders)


It is not designed to replace or take away from the art of drumming or the music that is created with or by drumming. It is simply a competitve extension of drumming.


Check out the web-sites and come back and post your thoughts regarding Extreme Sport Drumming.



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*Tee Hee Hee*...drank a liter of mountain dew and managed to do bursts in excess of 900 single beats a minute (5's at 180 bpm)and I could keep it together for 10-15 seconds. Not bad...I havn't played since Sunday either. I didn't want to screw up my wrists. Need a big warm up and get the fingers and wrists working in perfect harmony to do it for a minute. Nice change of pace. I think I could make 1000 in not too long. I don't think I could ever make 5's at 220 bpm though. What a blast. There was this kid at school who had a cobra tattooed on his stomach that used to shred doubles like the devil was after him. I used to hang with the dude once inna while in the pad room and we used to just frigging blast doubles. Too fun.




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felix, that's great!, yeah i started a min seemed like forever, then i worked up to doing sextuplets at 120 mm which was hard for me but that equals 720 in a min, now after a year with drumometer i am pushing 820-850. not bad for sisy huh? the problem and according to Johnny Rabb and Art Verdi (WFD New World Champion) is rolls seem to flatline as they get up to this speed, meaning they can move in and out of time and you can drop or pick up a stroke or two within 60 seconds. but working with a metronome and doing the math is Fun! What ever happened to you tatoo friend, he's not got a big Cadillac logo on his chest does he? hahaha (lol) oh! by the way great site! you may not know this but it is harder to find an intelligent thread about Extreme Sport Drumming than it is to find one on "Insane Clown Posse".
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I'm getting into this! Does one get a playing surface of choice? Seems to me that would level out the playing field.


I actually think women can do most things, expecially involving manual dexterity better than men.


It almost feels as if I'm doubling at the high speeds! Very fun indeed.


I don't know what ever happened to the "cobra kid"...we weren't friends really, I just used to try and keep up with him LOL.

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It is like all top Athletes, these guys bust their bitts everyday. That's what has inspired me seeing the work that guys like Johnny Rabb, Tim Waterson, Art Verdi (this guy is 54 yrs. old and 'kicking all butts") Mike Mangini, Marco minneman and the list goes on and on, It's total dedication to the tech. that produces these kinds of scores. If you have ever seen Johnny Rabb, this guy is serious. I haven't met Mr. Verdi yet but the WFD guys say they have never seen anything like it. A student at NPI and email friend of mine says both Tim Waterson and Art Verdi are posting on various sites, including they take "no crap" off the evan's drumtalk punks. Anyway if i keep a log of my daily practice and workout because these guys especially an 54 yr. old running 1116 singles in 60 seconds...get out of here! This is a great site...I will email my friend at evan's site and see if we can get Art and Tim and WFD gang over here.
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It was pretty sad at the Evans board. I think you guys should go over there and join the debate. It's pretty funny..... I enjoy it

anyway, art and tim did come there and post then one clown convinced most of the people that they were imposters,

the funny part was, if you read verdi's posts, who the hell wouldn't want to take credit for what he said, ha ha ha ha

wish it were me............the guy is like Mr. Drum, man o man, would I liek to have a conversation with him

go there, they might just come back you never know

now andy from drum mag is there

this is a great site too though

54 years old, could you imagine what this verdi guy was like at 30, whew

I am going to try an email verdi and get some info on him

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Hey, Soundzap:


Bring folks here! Don't invite them away!!!


We are striving to develop *the MOST* vibrant drum community on the world wide web!!


This means we want drummers of all styles of playing, all speeds of playing, all genres of playing. If you march, play rock, punk, jazz, metal, speed ... IT'S ALL GOOD!!


Spread the good word about MusicPlayer.com's Drum Talk!




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soundzap, yeah i have heard and dj is right. This is a much friendlier place for WFD guys. No bashing. Did you mean that Andy of Drum! magazine is posting about WFD? That's huge! What does he say? I have read he likes it! SZ please spread the word to all WFD guys to come over here, i want to see what they have to say.
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Hey, Lego:


Here is my thoughts regarding WFD. I remember when I did Drum Corps (I was in a Top 12 Drum Corps ... at the time it was called SunCoast Sound ... they since moved across the state and became Magic of Orlando), and all I could think about at the time was Drum Corps, Drum Corps, Drum Corps!


This "love" for a particular avenue of drumming is not uncommon. (as is the same true for any thing one does with passion)


People that did not understand Drum Corps thought that this was a wimp thing to participate in, ... or that we were "crazy" to do it.


What they did not know or understand was that in 1987, Sports Illustrated did a Feature story on Drum Corps. They hailed it as the 3rd most competitive sport in the world!!! Unfortunately, it came in at 30-something in spectator support. In 1988, The University of Indiana did a study that showed that a Drum Corp member has the stamina, breath capacity, and heart rate comperable to that of a Tri-athalon Athlete by the end of the season!!

What this taught me was that those that criticize just do not have all or know all the facts. People should try harder to think before the speak! Know more of the facts. The more you say (without the facts), the more you look foolish!


Now, on the other hand, with age has come some wisdom ( I hope). I have learned that you have to learn to balance yourself. For those of you into WFD, try to think about other aspects of drumming from time to time! Broaden your drumming horizon. Still fixate on your love for WFD, but use it to better your drumming in a larger way. Apply the love for WFD to the learning of Rudiments! Ask questions on the forum about how to get a better drum sound, ... that sorta thing!


You will live longer and prosper for it! You will also thank me some day should you heed this advise! Remember ... one day, we will be drumming together in that great drum-line in the sky!!



DJ (djarrett) (Dendy)

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DJ, I would like to say "I'm sorry" to you, I didn't mean to say go there instead of here. sorry again

this is a much more sophisticated board on drumming.

This Art Verdi guy made me realize, after reading what he had to say, that he mastered the drums, not just the speed. He is a drummer and musician in every sense of the word. if he does ever decide to post again on any board, it should be here. in fact, Art, Tim, Johnny, andy, if you are reading, please post to us, I have so many tecnique questions for all of you.

Thanks, and I hope you aren't upset at the thought that I would want people, real drummers in all aspects, on this board to go there. this is by far the better place for the lovers of drums.

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Hey, SoundzapS:


It's all good!


We aim to please here. I hope to develop a following for WFD and Drum Corps, Percussive Arts, Percussion Ensembles, Indoor Percussion (WGI) , etc., etc. ... just as we have for drumset!


The way I look at it ... we all win from sharing knowledge.


I think all drummers want to know about bigger drumming horizons!




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SoundZaps, I know You! Yeah! this place seems cool, djarrett may or may not know what we went through over at some of the other places, but he has offered a fair discussion board here. I got an email from Tim Waterson explainning all his past trouble with the haters, but that is in the past hopefully, yeah djarrett is right all movements if they last have gone through this. It will make us better musicians and closer in the long run. My main problem is if the post says WFD or extreme sport drumming and that's my interest and I am a registered user then I have the right to post on topics that I enjoy. To run Tim Waterson and Art Verdi and Travis Barker off a board is stupid. These guys are at the top of their games. SounZaps spread the word to any wfd geeks that we are over here. I hope we can get back in touch with these guys and get them to post here. Good to see you again my friend. bb
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B.B., I know what you mean over at Evans. I didn't do much posting there in the past 3 or 4 months,but I have to say that those guys are insulting and selfish. I's a little group that wants the whole board to themselves. I don't think the admin.should of got on you at all. You didn't say one thing out of line!
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I am with you, that's what Tim says too. you know that board had 4 of the top wfd supporters and this guy harry kept saying it wasn't really them and calling them stupid liars and crap. i just got feed up with the childish behavior, (excuse me please drumtalk readers for venting) they had post there on wfd long before i got there and when Tim, Art, Travis and Andy d. got there it was just too much detail talk about tech. for the regulars to handle, they were lost in the legit topics that they started.I mean it is sad when you run off some of the tops in your industry just because you want to be a punk. Ok! i got that out! I want to talk about how to improve my tech.. I am keeeping a daily practice log, busted 876 today and am working on Johnny and Tim's exercises from Drum! "how to play fast". I love Johnny's exercise of rolling through the sixteenth notes, hand exercises. It really works, my feet are weaker and especially the doubles. The heel and toe thing is a killer. Anyway this seems much better over here.
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Hey, Just so you guys know ... I am pretty tight with Boo.


MusicPlayer.com hosted Glen Caruba ... one of my best pals, at Winter Namm in our booth as he broke his previous WFD hand drumming speed record!


We are not only WFD friendly, but all drum friendly.


You find something that rattles you here (other than the friendly debates) ... let me know!





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Originally posted by felix stein:

*Tee Hee Hee*...drank a liter of mountain dew and managed to do bursts in excess of 900 single beats a minute (5's at 180 bpm)and I could keep it together for 10-15 seconds. Not bad...I havn't played since Sunday either.


Liter of Mountain Dew??? Yep, there's some caffeine there, but...if you really want to be






you need to hook up with about four or five doppio espressos...down 'em and go CRAZY!!!

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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hey, bb:

I do have video of this! It is not on the site. I am preparing to run the DRUM! story on Fast Drumming, with some side bars from me regarding Glen and other stuff.

I also have video of Tim on bass drum!


Glen had a Drum-o-meter attached to a Pearl Cajon. We was flying!


Will work on these videos in REAL right after NAMM next week!



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I am not sure which one is faster. I think they probably work hard to keep that between them!

They are hard working fellas ... I will give you that!

They are real busy with NPI (nashville percussion institute), Drum-o-meter, and WFD!!

Always coming up with something!


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DJ, have you ever seen the video the WFD guys have of Art Verdi. Tim said, or someone said, it was amazing and awesome. What the hell did this guy do to be able to do that at 54 years old.

How can we all get to see ? Will he ever be appearing anyplace?

I'de like to see it

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djarrett, WOW! Can't wait to see the videos and article. Thanks so much for making this a cool hang and educational site. What footage is it of Tim? I think he would really like this site if we can get to him, we will! Is Glen still the Fastest Hand Champion?
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