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Heard some great drumming today....

Steve LeBlanc

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I often have lunch by myself at a local restaurants mostly to hear music I don't normally...today was Indian.


What a treat, they were playing the Soundtrack for an Indian movie called Tal (Tal means 'Beat' in Indian). I'm going to buy the CD and recommend it to anyone who digs complex rhythm and melody.


Indian rhythms are just incredible...normally each pattern is carefully thought out to affect different parts of your mind and body.


Just thought I'd share.

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Hey, Steve:

I have had the pleasure of seeing several great drummers that play this Indian style of playing.

The most awesome was Trilok Gurtu!

He did this thing with Tabla and some other hand drums that if you closed your eyes, you would have sworn he was grooving on a drumset!


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I play tabla (as well as dholak) and it has to be the most complex instrument in percussion. The reason I say that is that it's predominantly all fingers. An endless number of nuances and sounds, as well as the thick rhythmic structure has got to make it one of the most incredible instruments. After studying for a number of years with various teachers, I have a deeper respect for the instrument every time I play it.


It's one of those instruments that really needs to have your full attention given to it and it alone.


Little known fact: In North India (where tabla come from) students of classical tabla start at a very young age; 2 years old. Traditionally the student would go to live with his teacher (guru) who would train and raise the child (not the parents!). The student is typically not allowed to perform publicly until he has completed 12 YEARS OF STUDY!!! Talk about dedication! They want the students to have flawless execution before they perform for anyone. Needless to say, they would have taken me out back and shot me if I was under that curriculum. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif



Bart Elliott



This message has been edited by Bartman on 05-17-2001 at 10:06 AM

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