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we must give what we expect.


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I am writing to you because I wish to make people aware of a situation in which I find myself with Roger Nichols.


I sent an album project for Roger to mix 8 months ago. He said he would mix it 'in a week'. In good faith (which I now realize was idiotic) I sent him the money up front ($7500). After a month I had received nothing and there followed a brief period of reassurance from Roger (via email) that he was 'making progress' and that he would have it done 'by the weekend'.


There was then a period of 3 months where I heard nothing despite numerous and constant attempts to email and telephone him.

Eventually (and I now realise by shear fluke) I managed to speak

to him on the phone. He informed me that he had a bereavement in his family and had lost track of his emails for a number of reasons. I took him at his word (something I now regret) and he said he would take a couple of days to sort himself out then would get on with the job and send the mix.


This was 4 months ago and I still have not received anything and once again he will not respond to emails or telephone calls.


A friend of mine was in Clearwater last week and I asked him to

call at Roger's address with a letter asking for the hard drive

and the money to be returned. My friend managed to contact a guy called Ryan whom I believe to be a colleague or employee of

Roger's. Roger was faxed the letter and my friend had a telephone conversation with Roger in which he agreed to return the hard drive and the money. He posted the hard drive which I now have.


Since that telephone call I have heard nothing from Roger

regarding the money. Once again he will not respond to email or telephone calls.


So, just to clarify... 8 months ago I sent Roger Nichol's an album

of music on a hard drive and $7500 which he said he would mix in a week. After all that time I now have the hard drive back (unmixed) and cannot contact Roger despite all efforts. Last week he said he would arrange to send the money back. I have not received anything at all.


Thank you for taking the time to read this email. Please pass it on to anyone that you think might need to know about the

possibility of dealing with this man.

Mike Walker and Iain Dixon.

Manchester. UK. +44 (0) 161 654 9757

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I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I don't know if you'll be back to check responces but (as if you hadn't already learned from your experience) all I can say is that "contracts are the only way to keep friendly business relationaships friendly or productive."
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Live and learn.. but that's a BIG learn. Maybe throw a couple of 'gators in the studio and let them 'work it out'.


Brighter side; you got yer masters back.



Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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