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BadAss II Bridges


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Hi, i live in the uk, and to get a new badass is around £80, $160 . So i was looking on ebay.com, and found some great deals, like £25 brand new any colour, and only £6 to ship. Now is it worth the hassle of buying one, are they that good. Its to put on my xmas present, a MIM fender jazz, in chrome red. Im guessing these are fairly easy to install, just screw out the old and screw in the new, djust to your action, and adjust intonation. Or am i wrong, i think you can get some models, which have more attack, which you have to cut grooves. But is this on the noraml badass ii? Thanks,
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If you really need a nice bridge, BadAss is a pretty good choice. What are you putting it on?

If you are looking for tone improvement, you probably will not notice any difference.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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It varies from bass to bass, but I noticed a big difference in sustain and overtones when I dropped one on my 77 Pbass, made all the difference in the world.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Endorsement -- I've had a Badass II on my '76 Jazz Bass for more than 25 years and I love it.


Very easy to install -- they are a direct replacement for the original bridge.


I don't know if they're all this way, but IIRC the technician who installed mine custom cut the slots.

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I've got one on my Jazz bass. It came with the bass, so I can't give a before-and-after story. But it's a good bridge.


I had a MIM for a while, & the bridge did seem a bit flimsy. It's a pretty common exchange.


That eBay price sounds good! Probably about what you'd pay for strings? (I know that in Aus strings are a shocking price!)

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They come new with the string slots uncut. A friend who makes mandolins installed mine and told me the slots only need to be cut big enough to hold the string, (not as large as the nut slots). That's the way he installed mine and it sounds fine.

I can't really tell a difference in tone but there IS more sustain compared to the stock bridge.

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The only modification I have on my '76 Precision is the Badass II bridge. I put it on because a) the original bridge was out of alignment! b) the saddles kept dropping down.


That was about 29 years ago! I have to admit that the sustain was slighty improved, but I dont think I could hear any tonal differences. The Badass is a more substantial bridge and very solid.


Having said all that, there's nothing wrong with the original Fender bridge. Played a '62 Jazz recently and the sustain was excellent. All I needed to have done was to use some PTFE tape around the thread of the offending saddle studs.


However, if your main reasoning is aesthetic, then who am I to put you off!



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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Originally posted by Davo-London:

The only modification I have on my '76 Precision is the Badass II bridge. I put it on because a) the original bridge was out of alignment! b) the saddles kept dropping down.


That was about 29 years ago! I have to admit that the sustain was slighty improved, but I dont think I could hear any tonal differences. The Badass is a more substantial bridge and very solid.


Having said all that, there's nothing wrong with the original Fender bridge. Played a '62 Jazz recently and the sustain was excellent. All I needed to have done was to use some PTFE tape around the thread of the offending saddle studs.


However, if your main reasoning is aesthetic, then who am I to put you off!



The odd thing for me is that I hear the difference in the mix much more than with the bass played by itself (it just sounds a bit zingier, with more sustain). I was in a heavey 2 guitar band and was using the T-40 because the Pbass's E string would just get totally lost. I was going to swap pups but did the BAII first and the difference had so much impact, I junked the idea of getting new pups. Been a fan ever since:




You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Originally posted by Rocky3840:

Seeing is believing ! Thanks Lug


What bridge is that on the poor old P Bass?


BA II, the rest are BA I's.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Originally posted by Davo-London:

weren't you worried about putting your fish on the lawn?



:confused: I don't own any cats.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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I am of the opinion (completely unfounded) that you can't tell when a bridge change will make a big difference (unless it's broken or something).


One of our people (who hasn't been posting for a bit) changed the bridge on an OLP and felt it made a huge difference.




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Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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In my opinion, Fender is probably very interested in giving their customers the very best tone for the money. In the past they have used heavier cast bridges and moved away from them. Fender's best instruments have what most would consider a cheap, light, flimsey bridge. Evidently, they don't think it is that important. I have a BadAss on one of my basses and I like it. It is solid, very adjustable and high quality. I can't tell any tone difference, but it is a nice bridge.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Originally posted by Rocky3840:

In my opinion, Fender is probably very interested in giving their customers the very best tone for the money. In the past they have used heavier cast bridges and moved away from them. Fender's best instruments have what most would consider a cheap, light, flimsey bridge. Evidently, they don't think it is that important.

Don't Fender's best instruments have string-through-body bridge setups? :confused:


From a Fender press release concerning the 2006 Highway One series:

"The new Highway One P Bass and Jazz Bass guitars feature new colors and a classic '70s styling. Additionally, Fender's patented graphite reinforcement rods have been added to the necks for added stability, and a heavy Badass II bridgea very popular after market modificationhas been added for increased performance and great sound."


I am very willing to admit that the tonal improvement I hear with the BA-II may be purely psychosomatic. But I still say it sounds better. :D I may be crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Push the button Frank.
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Originally posted by kenfxj:


From a Fender press release concerning the 2006 Highway One series:

"The new Highway One P Bass and Jazz Bass has a heavy Badass II bridgea very popular after market modificationhas been added for increased performance and great sound."



That is a nice added feature but look what they put on their Best Bass, The USA Deluxe Jazz.


If you can hear an improvement that is great, I Just would not change bridges expecting a big improvement.

Many have discussed the sound difference of the String-thru bridges. Very divided opinions. But again I say, The BadAss is a very good bridge, It looks good and on some instruments may may a big difference.

Rocky :thu:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Originally posted by Rocky3840:

That is a nice added feature but look what they put on their Best Bass, The USA Deluxe Jazz.

The American Deluxe Jazz has a thru-body bridge. I doubt many people would bother replacing a thru-body bridge, at least for sustain purposes. When the same stamped bridge is used without sting-thru is when, I believe, replacement with a higher mass bridge is beneficial.
Push the button Frank.
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Hi h364 Here is something for you to think about.

I had a MIM Jazz Bass took off the neck replaced it with a warmoth jazz bass neck unlined fretless purple heart fingerboard, took out the factory pickups replaced them with EMG Vintage 64 jbass pickups. replaced the bridge with a limited edition chrome badass 2 bridge put LaBella black tapewound (N760) strings. I ended up with great sustain , great harmonic abilty and have taken it to sam ash and guitar center to check out some pedals let the staff play it and was told it sounded and felt more comfterable than the top of the line american made fender basses. I have also let other bass players in other bands play it and everyone of them loved it I have also been offered over a $1000.00 for it but I can`t sell it how can you sell you first frackenstien bass. MY Point is fender stuff sucks go with G&L or go with frankenstiening your MIM Fender Warmoth necks are better Leo Quine Badass II bridge is better the fender standard bridge check out the saddled they slide from side to side in other words if you want a Great Fender buy pre CBS or GET A G&L. LOTS OF LUCK Ironstorm

Alembic SC Standard slim neck taper

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I installed my first Badass II about 15 years ago on my "Jaco" special. It's still in service, file marks, scrapes, rust spots and all, and it keeps great intonation. The latest one on my ESP 5-string took more work to line up properly, but I got the same enhancements. I hope Leo continues to invent more cool stuff like this bridge.


Prior to that, I did my best working with stock Fender bridges as far back as 1973, but unless I either super-glued the screws in place or chipped out the base to keep the bridge parts from shifting around, I would have to re-intonate every couple of months. Just take a good look at both bridges and see what i mean.

"A rose by any other name... " :wave:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by jlrush:

[QB] They come new with the string slots uncut. A friend who makes mandolins installed mine and told me the slots only need to be cut big enough to hold the string



Im planing to buy a badass bridge but i just saw that they come with the string slots UNCUT!! is it supposed to be like that or "jlrush" was right and you have to cut them by yourself? (or how does it work anyway)

Nadu, the intergalactic


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If your string spacing is ok without cutting slots don't worry about it. If you need to change the string spacing you can cut slots and space them to your liking. Personally I would cut slots and round them so that the string has a nice smooth surface to rest on. This would prevent string damage over time.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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