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Lets test the vintage debate!!! PLEASE READ


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Originally posted by Whacked:

Originally posted by Social Critic:

Does a black vintage '60 Jazz play faster than a black new Jazz Deluxe?

No. Just louder.
Damn, that was dumb. Of course, black is louder, RED is faster ... I keep forgetting.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Originally posted by Big Daddy from Motown:

Why don't you ask the players who currently own or have owned vintage basses what they think?

There are at least 8 0r 10 of us oldsters lurking about.

I'm guessing that anyone that has paid more for a vintage bass will hear a differance, whether imagined or real. Otherwise they wouldn't have bought one..right? maybe I'm wrong. so what do you think MDfMT?







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BTW, it doesnt appear that some of you caught the sarcasm there. That was a very long and joking way of saying

"many experments have a large amount of uncontrolable variables. This is just for fun, lighten up."



Originally posted by getz76:


quote:Originally posted by dnkritr:

Even science seems to be about 90% BS.


Where did you come up with 90%?


by dnkritr


As of 2005, the Department of Understanding Humanity (D.U.H.) found that 67% of all statistics are made up on the spot. end quote


Isnt this obviously a joke? As is the rst of it to some extent. LOL you guys are funny.







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Originally posted by Big Daddy from Motown:

Why don't you ask the players who currently own or have owned vintage basses what they think?

There are at least 8 0r 10 of us oldsters lurking about.

Maybe the last person to be objective is the owner of a certain Vintage bass. I've probably owned abut 30 Fenders over the years. Don't ask me, I am not trustworthy to make an unbiased decision.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Newer Stingrays are better in sound and feel than the older ones. The new ones have 3 band eq, 6 bolt on neck, easy truss rod adjustement, against 2 band eq, 3 bolt on adj.

But Fenders... mmmm... those new ones seems like toys against the yellowish aged ones.

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Originally posted by getz76:

You cannot have it both ways. If you pan the scientific method, do not claim you can get good results from using it.



Why would you try to make an exercise scientific, if when you're done you can just as well say, "Meh--that's just science"? Why not save yourself the trouble & just make your guess now?


Also, could we finally lay to rest the misconception that the present question is which sounds better? No one is silly enough to suppose that that could be "settled" in a test. The question was only ever whether a noticeable sonic difference can be found, & if so, what causes it (aging, materials, simple variation, etc.). The claim that X sounds better than Y entails that X and Y don't sound the same, & the latter claim can be tested; finding a noticeable difference would leave open the question of difference in sound quality, but finding no meaningful difference would undercut the claim that "vintage sounds better." So the questions aren't unrelated; but the test is only a test of difference.




You want my guess? You sample 500 different Fender Jazz basses, say, all ages, & there will be tonal differences right across the board. They'll cluster together enough to separate a Jazz from a Thunderbird, but within the Jazz data-points, there will just be a scatter, no meaningful separation into groups.


But hey, one guess is as good as another.

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Originally posted by dcr:

The question was only ever whether a noticeable sonic difference can be found, & if so, what causes it (aging, materials, simple variation, etc.).


I agree ! Let's get back to the original suggestion.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Originally posted by Rocky3840:

I am wondering how the Fender (Factory) folks would feel about this test? Something tells me that they would not be in favor.

I get the same feeling too. A lot of Fender's image is tied in to the whole "we were there at rock's birth" trip and I don't think they'd be interested in anything that decreased the mystique of their vintage stuff.


Originally posted by Rocky3840:

What if their best new instruments did not sound as good. What does that mean? Technology has not advanced in 50 years?

No, I think it just means that Fender's R&D department hasn't been frightfully busy in

the past few decades. Necks have changed, machine-heads have changed, pickups have changed, five and six string basses have become commonplace, etc, etc. I think technology has advanced a lot.


Mind you, with guitars and basses, the R&D can get way ahead of what the market may be willing to accept. Look at Gibson's family trees and look at how many dead-ends it has. So many guitar and bass models just... bombed because players were too straight to buy them.

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  • 3 months later...
I know that nowadays people use the expression,"He's got the mojo," but a mojo is an actual ritual object which gives you good luck.


For a while I was playing gigs with a real bluesman named Cool Papa. At one point he said, "we're going to play a song called Got My Mojo Workin' and I've got my mojo right here, heh, heh." Then he patted a little bag on his belt.


Whew! At that point I realized that this stuff is real.


"Keep that thing away from me," I said.


I then played the best version of the song I ever played in my life. I was afraid that I'd be struck by lightning if I didn't.


I got my mojo workin but it just don't work on youuuuuu


Haha great story Jeremy thanks

The world will still be turning when you've gone...


Currently playing with Heather Noble and Maven


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I think dcr's letter to Myth Busters is a great idea. Fun program.

Would be really interesting to see if there is any discernable differnece in sound. Have you sent a letter to them yet dcr?


MUSIC is food for the soul
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I know that nowadays people use the expression,"He's got the mojo," but a mojo is an actual ritual object which gives you good luck.


For a while I was playing gigs with a real bluesman named Cool Papa. At one point he said, "we're going to play a song called Got My Mojo Workin' and I've got my mojo right here, heh, heh." Then he patted a little bag on his belt.


Whew! At that point I realized that this stuff is real.


"Keep that thing away from me," I said.


I then played the best version of the song I ever played in my life. I was afraid that I'd be struck by lightning if I didn't.


Is it possible that the mojo was some sort of drug? I know that for a while people have used mojo as a slang for using.








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For a while I was playing gigs with a real bluesman named Cool Papa. At one point he said, "we're going to play a song called Got My Mojo Workin' and I've got my mojo right here, heh, heh." Then he patted a little bag on his belt.


Is it possible that the mojo was some sort of drug? I know that for a while people have used mojo as a slang for using.




We all need Mojo. It gives us the edge. It gives us self confidence. Certainly makes you a better player. A drug would be that last thing that could accomplish this. Mojo can only be had by going to the swamps of the Delta region and collecting bits and objects to put in our bag and then it needs to be "Blessed" by a Voodo priest. Or, I will sell you a bag of Mojo for a small price.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Rocky, I'll have two bags. Is it as good as that snake oil you sold me just before Christmas?

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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