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Questions about 2x10 cabs


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I have a Peavey 2x10 cabinet and a Nady 1x15 subwoofer, and together they make a pretty respectable noise with my SWR Workingman's 300. But I am considering other options, and have a few questions to put out in the community here. Does anyone here gig with just a 2x10 by itself? Would there be any real advantage to using two 2x10 cabs instead of using one 4x10?

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I use a single 2x10 for smaller gigs or where I know I'll have PA support. I use two 2x10 cabs for everything else.


Prior to getting the ACMEs, I used a Peavey 2x10 with a single 15 cab. I liked the punchier tone of the 2x10s more, but my 15" was not a dedicated subwoofer. I'm not sure you could easily replace that type of bottom end with a traditional 2x10.


I'd still go with two 2x10 cabs over a single 4x10 simply because I wouldn't want to carry a 4x10 up two flights of stairs to my apartment.




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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I sometimes use just my Ampeg BXT210M. It says it handles 400watts RMS and I run it and my 410 which also handles 400 watts rms. They are both 4 ohm and I run each on one side of my amp. However, the 210 does great on its own, especially if you dont have the 30 and 60 Hz parts of your EQ turned up. It can get too loud to listen to in a small practice space. Now that you mention it, it does suck getting that damn 410 up the stairs and I might just have to trade it for another 210 and just use those. The only problem I can think of is that they wouldnt be very high off of the ground making the sound waves run into more interference. This isnt too big a deal for the low end, but the highs might not make it around people. But you could tilt the top on back on the bottom one because it is a tilt back model.

One last way to put it in perspective I practice with loud rock music and sometimes the 210 by itself makes it over the drummer and the 2 guitar players with there full rigs. But I have the low rolled off below somewhere around 60-80.

Good luck man.







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The main advantage to using two 2x10's would be versatility. You could take just one cab to the smaller venues and the take another 2x10 to the larger ones. Even if you have to take two 2x10's ,carrying them in and out has got to be easier. Personnally I think the 2x10 combined with the 1x15 should give a fuller sound, bigger bottom end, etc. IMHO


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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If you're worried about sound dispersion with just one 210, stand it on its end. It'll have a similar dispersion to a 410. With two, either stack them as per usual or set them side-by-side (you can even angle them slightly away from eachother).


Me?...I've been spoiled. I don't know if I'll ever go back to 10s for playing rock. 12s are my friend. I'd like to get friendly with that Aguilar 412.

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Originally posted by Rocky3840:

The main advantage to using two 2x10's would be versatility. You could take just one cab to the smaller venues and the take another 2x10 to the larger ones. Even if you have to take two 2x10's ,carrying them in and out has got to be easier.

I tend to agree with this. That said, I do like me a nice 4x10.


My SWR Super Redhead 2x10 combo has held up very nicely in some loud situations. Having a 2x10 extension cab could be plenty of fun, too...


Originally posted by Rocky3840:

Personnally I think the 2x10 combined with the 1x15 should give a fuller sound, bigger bottom end, etc. IMHO

Depends on the 1x15 and the 2x10. I would be hesitant to generalize on this. There's much more to achieving bigger bottom end and fuller sound than speaker diameter, like cab dimensions and other speaker design parameters.






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Originally posted by Rocky3840:

Personnally I think the 2x10 combined with the 1x15 should give a fuller sound, bigger bottom end, etc. IMHO

Depends on the 1x15 and the 2x10. I would be hesitant to generalize on this. There's much more to achieving bigger bottom end and fuller sound than speaker diameter, like cab dimensions and other speaker design parameters.



--s-uu [/QB]


And there it is boys and girls.

Just because it's a 2-10 doesn't mean it can or can't produce lower frequencies.

Put a 10" with the right parameters into a box with the right parameters and it can sound like an 18.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Pardon my triple post - I am on a laptop that hates my guts and have no idea what happened.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Originally posted by mattulator:

Pardon my triple post - I am on a laptop that hates my guts and have no idea what happened.

Pardoned. I've been there. It's amazing how some laptops can bear such animosity towards their users.


Thankfully I use a desktop at home and I rec'd a new laptop at work that likes me much better than the old one.



--Doctor Luv



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I use a Peavey 210tvx as a stand alone, and I think it does just fine, and when I need more I use a rear mounted 1-18 upright "W" bin type cabinet. (can you say bass in your face)
If you smell something stinking, it's juz me, I'm funky like that
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I used an ACME 2x10 on a few gigs with my Acoustic Image Focus. The fact that the ACME ran at 4 ohms meant that I got 600W or similar out of the focus. Plenty loud enough for small and medium sized gigs. Any bigger and I'm always tempted to rely on PA foldback rather than add more backline. That 2x10 had a surprising amount of low-end; more than my 1x12.
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Picker: is there a sound bit I can listen to to see what application you are going for.

The reason I ask is that, In some applications my 410 and 210 with 1600 watts peak (limit light on constant) wont get me heard. But that is if I am going for very low ambient rumble. Also, to 3rd the box size comment, ampegs lowest freq cab is the SVT410HLF and the 15's and 18's dont come within 10 hz of it.







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Originally posted by dnkritr:

Picker: is there a sound bit I can listen to to see what application you are going for.

The reason I ask is that, In some applications my 410 and 210 with 1600 watts peak (limit light on constant) wont get me heard. But that is if I am going for very low ambient rumble. Also, to 3rd the box size comment, ampegs lowest freq cab is the SVT410HLF and the 15's and 18's dont come within 10 hz of it.


I don't have a clip at this time. The application would be a typical cover band with a drummer, guitar player with a Twin Reverb on a 4X12, and Keyboard/guitar player with a miniature PA, and a chick singer. Consider the PA incapable of carry my signal for support.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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In that case, here are some links. If you get good 210 cabs you will be fine.

for eden http://www.eden-electronics.com/products/cabs/indiv/d210xlt.asp


the ampeg i use



I have heard good things about Epifani on this forum... here is one on ebay



I dont know what model you use, But if you are doing ok with a 210 and a 115 then 2 210's will be no problem.






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Picker, if you don't mind potentially getting a bigger power amp, you might want to consider some Acme's. They are reasonably priced, occasionally available used, and they can reproduce so much low-end that you might find yourself cutting the lows (I do, and I've always craved substantial low-end). The LowB2's (2x10 + 1x6 + tweeter) are small and fairly light (50lbs). They are pretty inefficient, so you just have to use a large power amp to get good volume out of them. However, power amp watts can be had fairly cheaply, so for me it's a reasonable trade-off (I use a LowB4, 4x10 + 1x6 + tweeter). Do some searches on Acme and you should be able to get a feel if these are for you or not...



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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I put my WM8004 head into an 8-ohm Avatar...it does everything I need it to, and then some.


I'm toying with the idea of buying another 2x10, just because I like the stack look, and a little extra volume for BIG gigs is always a good thing.


I sold off my 4x10 because I was tired of hurting myself lugging the thing around.

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I am using a Schroeder 1210L. 1x12 + 1x10 in one cab. It is WAY LOUD. It does a pretty good job of bringing the rock and handles around 700 watts. Right now I'm only using 1 channel of my power amp... 450 watts @ 4 ohms. It is louder than the drummer, vocs and 2 amplified acoustic guitars in my current band.


It is also extremely light (42 lbs) and would be less expensive than buying 2 comparable 210 cabs. You could also check out the 1212L for a small, light 2x12.



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I'd recommend trying the Schroeders - if you can get along with their fairly heavy colouration then they offer the greatest bang for the buck and sound per pound.


At the other end of the tonal spectrum, I use a pair of Acme Low-B2 cabs, though I only take one to rehearsals (and I'm not sure I really need both at gigs but why not!) Loud, deep and very clear. And less demanding on the amp front than their sensitivity specs would suggest.



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I ordered an EDEN 210XST (4 ohm) yesterday. I plan to use it as a stand alone cab without PA support. I think it will work well with my Eden 550 head.


The guys on the Eden forum think this will do it for me - although for a really big/loud gig may need another cab. We'll see.


I went with Eden for a couple reasons. 1st, people say this cab has good lows and can still cut with a little EQ help in the mids. 2nd, the place I bought the Ampeg from will give me what I paid for trade on the Eden. Nice not to loose any money there. 3rd, the same place made me a really nice deal and I like to buy local if possible. I also have never tried an Eden cab and want to hear how the head and cab sound together. People say Eden/Eden is a good combo.


We'll see in a couple weeks.

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Hey Steve I think you made a good choice however; If you plan on adding another cabinet wouldn't you have been better off to get an 8ohm?


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

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I had a Bergie HT112 before. I was looking at others (Epifani, EA, Acme, etc.) but other factors (such as trade in and a nice local price) were part of the decesion as well. Unfortunately, I can't "bite the bullet" anymore. I used to do that and it got me in all kinds of debt trouble that I am trying desparately to get out of now, especially with the baby.


I have played through "lesser" quality gear before - I don't think Eden is necessarily in that catagory - and have been satisfied with my sound. Basically, I sound like me no matter where I am or what I am playing. Yes, the "better" gear is great to have, and I've had my share, but I need to be more realistic and use gear that may not be the "best" but will certainly be good enough for the gigs I'm doing.

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Oh. Well, carry on. BTW, I'm not ragging on Eden, I still have a 212XLT that my wife doesn't know about in a friends garage. :D It's a fine cabinet and I sound like me through it but there is a world of difference between it and the Whappo Jr., worth the $300 difference in the price of each new. Of course, my babies have flown the nest.





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