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The story of my newest bass

King Kamehameha

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I have been saving this story up for a bit. I have no idea why. Probably because I am lazy.


My bass is a Tony Franklin signature, and this is how I got it:


I discovered Tony Franklin through his work with Gary Hoey, and stumbled upon his website a couple of months ago. We emailed back and forth for a long time (well, we still do!)


So, in late August, me and my mum went on a trip to California to learn to surf. The day after we got there, after our surf lesson in the morning, I reminded her that Tony said we should call him.


My mum called, and he invited us out to the Fender factory for a tour.


I was so excited; I actually wore a skirt! :D


It was kind of a long drive, but it wasn't that bad. Towards the end I started freaking out: "Mum, do you know who we are about to see? That guy who played on the song we just listened to. TONY FRANKLIN."


We didn't quite know where to park, so my mum called him again to ask, and he came to help us.....I saw him in my rear-view mirror and almost pissed my pants.


I got a hug (probably my life goal right there) before we went in. When we did.....


It was crazy. I was like any other kid in a candy store. I didn't talk a whole lot cause I was pretty...scared, I guess, but I was incredibly happy too.


I would post pictures, but none of them came out. :cry:


Tony let me play his bass. I was glad just to see one in person.


It was the perfect bass even with a too-long strap, even scared out of my mind, even in a skirt. And I got to play it for a long time. Of course, when he so much as looked at me, I froze up......but next time I won't! Hey, playing in front of your hero is HARD.


We weren't expecting to buy one that day, but we did and had it sent home to us---I had brought a different (fretted) bass with me, and didn't want to travel with two. I got a deal because I have a good friend who works at Fender.


That's about it.


I love my bass. It is perfect. Even at 3 in the morning, even though it made a dent in my ear (don't even ask), even through my room amp. I sleep with it at night. Just holding the neck has made me cry before. I named it Tony---not just because it's his signature model, not just because he helped me get it, but because it looks like him.


I am keeping this bass forever. It'll always remind me of my favorite Veggieman. :D

"My two Fender Basses, I just call them "Lesbos" because of the time they spend together in the closet."-Durockrolly


This has been a Maisie production. (Directed in part by Spiderman)

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That is a wonderful story and I am so happy for you. I hope you keep that bass for the rest of your life and pass it down to your loved ones.

This should be the fuel you need to become a wonderful bassist. Someday, Tony will comment to someone. I know her and I remember the day we met, very well.

Congratulations, and practice, practice, practice. All of your dreams will come true.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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I've worn a skirt a few times and I always hear people mentioning my heritage but I just like the breeze while I play my bagpipes.


Congrats on a life-changing experience. May that bass serve you and your children well for decades to come.

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Thanks! It has inspired me, and definitely this bass will be the one I take with me to the grave. :P Just the bass itself has helped my big musical frustration. But now that I did all that, I could never stop playing (not that I would have before, don't worry!)


Here is a picture of 3 out of my 4, since I didn't have a single picture of the TF.



"My two Fender Basses, I just call them "Lesbos" because of the time they spend together in the closet."-Durockrolly


This has been a Maisie production. (Directed in part by Spiderman)

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That's a great story. It sounds like Tony's personality ranks right up there with his musicianship. Good for you!


By the way, I've heard of people doing damage to their guitar's neck by sleeping with it.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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That's a great story. It sounds like Tony's personality ranks right up there with his musicianship. Good for you!
It sure does! He is definitely on my list of Top 10 Nicest People Ever.


Damaging the neck? Hm, well not all people sleep in the same postion.....

"My two Fender Basses, I just call them "Lesbos" because of the time they spend together in the closet."-Durockrolly


This has been a Maisie production. (Directed in part by Spiderman)

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Damaging the neck? Hm, well not all people sleep in the same postion.....
True. And a 95 lb. female is not nearly as likely to hurt a bass as, say, I would (dimensions withheld). But I would hate to hear about a broken or warped neck all the same.


Hm, maybe that's how you got your dent in your ear?

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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That's a great story!


I had a chance to meet Tony Franklin at a clinic he gave here in New Jersey a few months ago. I got to talk with him a bit (local vegetarian restaurants were among the topics of discussion). He is indeed a very nice guy. You could do a lot worse as far as bass heroes go.


Here's a link to a thread we had about him back then.



Push the button Frank.
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Damaging the neck? Hm, well not all people sleep in the same postion.....


True. And a 95 lb. female is not nearly as likely to hurt a bass as, say, I would (dimensions withheld). But I would hate to hear about a broken or warped neck all the same.


Hm, maybe that's how you got your dent in your ear?

How do you know how much I weigh....... :freak:


Dent in my ear is from one of the tuning thingys. I saved the bass but hurt my ear. Much more important.




That's a great story!


I had a chance to meet Tony Franklin at a clinic he gave here in New Jersey a few months ago. I got to talk with him a bit (local vegetarian restaurants were among the topics of discussion). He is indeed a very nice guy. You could do a lot worse as far as bass heroes go.


Here's a link to a thread we had about him back then.



That's so cool! I can't believe I missed the clinics he did near Buttsville in April, but I am sure I will have an opportunity to go to one in the future.


I've seen the thread.....I searched his name. :D


Are you a veggieman too? I am waaaayyy too manly for that. :D




Obviously. :D:D

"My two Fender Basses, I just call them "Lesbos" because of the time they spend together in the closet."-Durockrolly


This has been a Maisie production. (Directed in part by Spiderman)

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Oh yeah, and surprisingly, in my sleep I always end up putting it in the perfect place right next to me where it isn't hurt. On the arm of that tie-dye pillow in the pic, cause I sleep on the floor. So I think it's okay.


I just love the thing so much, I don't think I'd be able to stop.....


This is why school is so hard for me.

"My two Fender Basses, I just call them "Lesbos" because of the time they spend together in the closet."-Durockrolly


This has been a Maisie production. (Directed in part by Spiderman)

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Funny thing is, my bed rocks. I'm just weird.


People tell me, "Don't stop playing." I just haven't really thought about it. Both their remarks and even considering stopping! Even when I hardly played at all, it was something I could DO. The fretless bass has expanded me so much more already. I can do things with this bass that I love. I feel (as I think all musicians do at times) like I am the first person ever to discover each little thing that can be done with this instrument. I think me and this bass were meant to be together. Bass, fretless bass, TF fretless bass, and this one in particular.


I am starting jazz band tomorrow and a different band program next week. I'm taking this bass with me. Anything that lets me see him more hours of the day, that's good for me.

"My two Fender Basses, I just call them "Lesbos" because of the time they spend together in the closet."-Durockrolly


This has been a Maisie production. (Directed in part by Spiderman)

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Yeah, Tony said he met Jaco---how scary! I probably would literally piss my...skirt. :freak:


I will make sure I know when he is Boston....I mean Buttsville. :D Cause I want to see him.


I definitely have thanked him. I had no idea what I was missing without this bass. After the end of summer/start of new school business, I am dewimpifying my calluses more than ever before!


The bus driver let me play on the bus. :D


I'm definitely happier.

"My two Fender Basses, I just call them "Lesbos" because of the time they spend together in the closet."-Durockrolly


This has been a Maisie production. (Directed in part by Spiderman)

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Congratulations, there is almost nothing better than a bass that demands that you play it. :)


I happened to meet/see Mr. Franklin at last year's MP Live, and he has been very kind on my myspace. I have also been a fan for a long time.


You could do much worse for inspiration. :D


All the best to you.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Neat story! That's so much cooler than so many connections with celebrities, and not because the celebrity is rude. Just that they have private lives, too, and would like to enjoy them... privately. ;)


Last night I ran into Victor Wooten at a Meyer Sound demo in Nashville. (The Flecktones Jeff Coffin was a special guest performer.) I had absolutely nothing intelligent to say :freak: , and it was obvious Victor was there to relax, so far be it for me to bother him. Would've been nice to hang, as you did with Tony Franklin.


Congrats on the trip and the bass. :thu:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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