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Rock Star SuperNova...

owens hound

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So, did anyone check it out last night?

I did and thought that there were some really amazing singers. It was about 50/50. Some were just awesome, I liked the first 3 for sure, and some were just ok(ok as in way better then I'll ever be but maybe not quite up to snuff in professional standards).

I also really thought that the band was great. The bass played played Music Man basses all night except for an acoustic tune(Knockin on Heaven's Door) where he played an acoustic bass but I'm not sure which one.

I was really impressed by this band when they did RockStar Inxs last year. I think that this would be a great gig.


As for Supernova, I think I'll have to wait to hear the music they make. I do like all the bands they came from, Metallica/Voivod, G'n'R and Motley Crue so it should be interesting to hear them together musically. Lots of rockstar attitude so far from all 3.

It should be an interesting season musically as I'm not totally sold on the premise of the show.

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Caught a few minutes last night while flippin' through.

Saw a woman doing operabatics, running up and down scales like she was looking for the right one, and consistently coming up light. The crowd seemed to dig her, though.

Right before I changed the channel, they showed Tommy Lee mugging for the camera like an 8 year old.


I just might pass on this program.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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The bass player was friggin awesome-- he played 'pinball wizard' in a jaco-meets-flea fashion. For the most part of the show the bass was in the front of the mix, which was nice.


My fave is that girl singer from texas (via africa) who did 'Lithium'.


For those that didn't see the show, she had these piercing 'I mihht be crazy' eyes. Even when the song went from the whisper verse to the screaming chorus, she just stood still and looked into the audience like 'I know I should be jumping up and down in rock star fashion, but if I do, I just might kill someone'.




As for the inevitable comparisons to idol-- GOOD in that they don't embarass the also-rans with endless loops of failed auditions; this show is more business than circus. BAD in that our hosts/judges can be a bit more critical. Out of about 5 singers that begged to be put down, only one (the poor guy that tried to sing Roxanne) got the tongue-lashing he deserved.


Still, I do suggest people check it out.


(I wasn't a fan of last year's until the Switch album came out, then I was like -- hey, they might be on to something')

"Women and rhythm section first" -- JFP
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I love this show although, there is A LOT that needs to be changed.


I blame the producers of the show for throwing together a bunch of B-listers and calling them a "Supergroup".

I mean, Gilby Clark??? He's not even a has-been. He's a never was.

Jason Newsted quit Metallica years ago and, even if he didn't....we all know that Bass players are pretty much invisible anyway. He's not bringing and real "Star power" to this thing.


Tommy Lee is the only person there that at least TRIED to make records that sound contemporary! He didn't sell a lot of copies but, at least he tried.



If Supernova was, say, the bass player from Green Day, the drummer from Blink 182, the guitar player from My Chemical Romance and so on...the show would AT LEAST have a chance.



The freaky Eddie Munster kid OR the freaky chick with the crazy face will be selected in a few weeks.

Until then, they'll kick off more than one person per week just to speed things up.



I have huge issues with the actual WAY the show is run but, that's a whole other can o' worms. They don't even let these singers pick their own songs! They supply them with a small list, and then...they condemn them for their song choices.


It's retarded.

"I don't play Bass..I play SONGS."
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As long as they don't intentionally put talentless slugs like American Idol, I'm happy.


Ans it is nice to see a smokin' Backup band.


The bassist was totally laying it down and was not only all over the grovve, but his stage prescence and interaction w/the vocalists was much better than the guitarists'

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Watching that band is always satisfying. They totally have it.



The song selections on these shows ALWAYS bug me though.



This is SUPERNOVA. What in the hell does Melissa Etheridge "I'm The Only One" have to do with ANYTHING?!

Same goes for Janis Joplin. I mean, if the REAL Janis came back to earth...even SHE would not get this gig. Square peg - round hole.


I don't think that doing that Duran Duran song should've been the kiss o' death for that kid. Especially when you consider that he did a harder rockin' version of it.


The song selection aspect of the show needs to be addressed. Same goes for American Idol.



The producers of the show make them pick from a list of songs like "Iris" and Coldplay. Then, they condemn the singers for not being "gritty" or "dirty".


On Idol, they pick showtunes or Barry Manilow themed shows...then they bash the singers for being "lounge-y" or "like something they'd hear on a cruise ship".

The failure is built in. I hate that aspect of it.

"I don't play Bass..I play SONGS."
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I hate those shows. I don't watch Idol, Survivor, any of them. Not that TV was ever full of really quality programing, but it used to have a little substance. Now it's just let's see how outrageous we can get. who can eat the grossest thing, who can make a fool of themselves.etc.


At least there's CSI, Discovery, Alton Brown, etc., tooccupy my time and not have my brain completly drained by the numming and continuing dumbing down that is done by TV these days.

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I've seen Jason Newsted several times in concert in the 14 years that he was in MetallicA and in ALL those shows, Jason was always the most solid player in the band.


I also have (or rather had since my CD collection was stolen) Flotsam & Jetsam's first CD. Flotsam & Jetsam was a Metal band out of Arizona that Jason started and he wrote all the music and lyrics himself for that CD and it is Top Shelf 80's Thrash Metal.


When he was with MetallicA, Jason was completely held back in the writing process which is highly unfortunate, but it's MetallicA's loss in the end.


Anyway, Jason Newsted is a really solid bass player and highly under rated. It's really too bad MetallicA didn't use his creativity.

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Yeah, I used to dig Arizona's own , Flotsam and Jetsam. Definitely a must for any student of metal.


Think about this, who could possibly fill Cliff's shoes?


Pretty tall order no doubt. Too bad Hetfield had nothing to do with the good material on Kill 'em all through Master of Puppets either.


It's like the good stuff which got people hooked on Metallica was written by Mustaine and when they got a real composer like Newstead, the ego took over and "justice for all on up has had sophormoric songwriting at best

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Last year I (if I remember correctly) started the "Rock Star" thread, and I don't start many threads or post that often. That said, the House Band is & was better band than INXS. Also, INXS chose the 'guy-with-attitude' but not out of adolescent behavior as the new 'rock star'. Despite INSX's STUPID choice, I did enjoy the performances of the House Band & some of the 'contestants' alot.


This year, none of the singers have impressed me so far. The House Band sounds great regardless. Great live music occurs so seldom on TV anymore that it's a treat to listen & watch this band perform in my living room, even if the vocal 'talent' displayed is lacking. BP did a short article on the bassist not too long ago. I think I remember that he is a Russian national. He is really good, as is the rest of the band.


As far as 'Super Crappola' goes, I've never liked Motley Crue or G&N. Metallica has had some great moments. Jason N is a very good rock musician &, of this crew, he seems to be the one that's the least interested in hype & the most interested in the music.


I'm an old guy who loves live music. Please tune in to enjoy (& support) the House Band. Besides, it's fun to listen to tunes that you'd have forgotten that you've heard, which happens at times.

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I forgot, can somebody clue me in on who the hell Dave Navarro is? This is the 2nd season he's been on the show. I can't figure out what his function is, except to show off tatoos, throw up the 'hook'm horns' sign, and say 'rock on dude'. Maybe he's a teen heart-throb or something, encouraging 14-15 year old girls to catch STDs.


Brooks Burk(e?) does have her virtues though. Her outfits show both of them to great effect.

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I say they ditch every contestant except 'scary chick' (who should walk away with this anyway, considering her voice, attitude, and presence), and give us a 14-week documentary on the recording process as the band works with her.


And yes, Navarro does little on the show except exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide.

"Women and rhythm section first" -- JFP
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I'm getting sick and tired of these reality shows filling the cast with people who can't possibly win.


I don't care if it's IDOL, or ROCKSTAR, or THE AMAZING RACE. Every season, there seems to be a lot of "filler".



I think it would be a lot more compelling to watch 4 people go through this "audition" process for the next 15 weeks. That would give everyone involved sufficient time to find everyone strengths (and weaknesses).



I mean, does anybody REALLY think that Jill (the girl who sang Joplin) has a CHANCE at successfully fronting this heavy band?


Does anyone really think that the girl who sang Melissa Etheridge has a commanding presence? All these "extras" really need to go home. Let's focus on the top three. We all know who those people are. Let see what they can do!

"I don't play Bass..I play SONGS."
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I just watched the 30 minute "reality" portion of the show for this week.


I know I sound like a broken record but, I just can't wrap my brain around these song selections?!



For those of you who don't know the dealio, here it is.


The singers are presented with an seemingly random (yet approved!) list of songs. There are no assigned songs. It's a free-for-all.

All in all, there is one song for every singer.


The singers have to decide who sings which song. "Does anyone wanna sing THE KINKS?" "Hey, Can I sing Franz Ferdinand?"

etc etc



My problem is, once again, the producers have selected the most unfitting songs for THIS project.

"Ring Of Fire" by Johnny Cash??? What in the hell does that have to do with THIS audition process?



Somebody is gonna sing "If You Could Only See" by Tonic. A wimpy whiney ballad. You just KNOW that a member of the panel is gonna say "hey man, it's just gritty enough for Supernova"



It's almost like it's FIXED. They are aiming for failure. Argh.

"I don't play Bass..I play SONGS."
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Originally posted by tucker71:

It's almost like it's FIXED. They are aiming for failure. Argh.

It's TV!! Just like the news, you might like the story of the puppies that were rescued from the cellar, but you get sucked in when "gunman kills 3 while robbing 7-11 only netting $9.53". Humans in general for whatever reason in our make-up LOVE failure, maybe not for ourselves but watching others crash and burn....bring it on!! Again, how REAL is REALITY TV? They need the conflict for ratings. If you saw SUPERGROUP on VH1 (Nugent, Bach, Ian, Bonham, Seinfield). All different rockers, supposed to write a couple orignals and perform some of their music (in 2 weeks time mind you). There wasn't much conflict until one members 'drinking' came into the spotlight like it was thrown in there all of a sudden.

The show was OK but I'd want to see some super players for the next one (if they do it again); Mike Portnoy, Vai, maybe Tony Levin, Scott Henderson, even Nelly Furtado or Devin Townshend on vox would actually be cool. But that would actually be a "players supergroup". Not much market-able TV time there.


I guess I am saying this is what it is about...buzz.... even you hating it and ranting makes it have ratings! Someone else might check it out cuz ou hate it so or want to see the 'crazy girl' ,or the band..ect. Its creatures of habit... I've got to get to the end of this corridor to fin that piece of cheese now, I know its around here somewhere. :)


Peace, Brocko

Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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I hear ya Brocko.

All I'm saying is; they don't need the dead weight.


The olympics is compelling to watch simply because it's a contest between people who are all the best at what they do.

They don't feel the need to add athletes that aren't professionals just to "make things interesting" and...

they certainly don't make the athletes compete in events that aren't their specialty.


The athletes are there to do what they are good at.



I'd like to see that same formula applied to these singing shows.

If someones specialty is, for example, singing like the guy from Creed and Nickleback....don't make him do showtunes or Barry Manilow covers.


If somebody naturally sings like the guy from Linkin Park, don't make him sing Goo Goo Dolls.




Having said that...yes...I will be watching every episode.

"I don't play Bass..I play SONGS."
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Originally posted by yZeCounsel:

Think about this, who could possibly fill Cliff's shoes?

Robert Trujillo



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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If you saw SUPERGROUP on VH1 (Nugent, Bach, Ian, Bonham, Seinfield). All different rockers, supposed to write a couple orignals and perform some of their music (in 2 weeks time mind you). There wasn't much conflict until one members 'drinking' came into the spotlight like it was thrown in there all of a sudden.


Not to hijack this thread on 'supernova'... if somewhere there is another post on 'supergroup' let me know.


NUGENT = legend

BONHAM = son of legend

BACH = Icon (not quite legend, but successful in the day)

IAN = underground Icon



Sorry, I failed to se Seinfeld's talents or contribution. I'm sure there are other washed-up bassists or those a bit past their prime that would have been available for the project.


Nikki Sixx, Bobby Dahl, guy from Mudvayne, etc.


Face it, Seinfeld didn't belong.

"Women and rhythm section first" -- JFP
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Originally posted by bottle12am:



Sorry, I failed to se Seinfeld's talents or contribution. I'm sure there are other washed-up bassists or those a bit past their prime that would have been available for the project.


Nikki Sixx, Bobby Dahl, guy from Mudvayne, etc.


Face it, Seinfeld didn't belong.

Push the button Frank.
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Originally posted by bottle12am:

If you saw SUPERGROUP on VH1 (Nugent, Bach, Ian, Bonham, Seinfield). All different rockers, supposed to write a couple orignals and perform some of their music (in 2 weeks time mind you). There wasn't much conflict until one members 'drinking' came into the spotlight like it was thrown in there all of a sudden.

Not to hijack this thread on 'supernova'... if somewhere there is another post on 'supergroup' let me know.


NUGENT = legend

BONHAM = son of legend

BACH = Icon (not quite legend, but successful in the day)

IAN = underground Icon



Sorry, I failed to se Seinfeld's talents or contribution. I'm sure there are other washed-up bassists or those a bit past their prime that would have been available for the project.


Nikki Sixx, Bobby Dahl, guy from Mudvayne, etc.


Face it, Seinfeld didn't belong. [/QB]

There are only two reasons that I can thick of to put Evan Seinfeld on this show.


#1 He was on HBO's Oz

#2 His wife is Tera Patrick :P If you aren't familiar with Tera Patrick , do a Google search, but only if you are over 18 years of age.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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Originally posted by bottle12am:


he's the most "hardcore" of the band, and some guy with a "hardcore" attitude is needed for this sort of show -- someone who will be angry all the time and use the f-word all over the place. his tattoos make him look tough. a lot tougher than ian's bald head and bach's girly long hair.



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I missed the debut, but if there are any female contestants I'm done.


I have nothing against female singers, and in fact work with them all the time.


But THIS band is not going to have a female singer fronting it, and it's BS for them to pretend otherwise. Too much testosterone.


It was a load when INXS did it last year, and it's load if they're doing it again this year.

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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I missed the debut, but if there are any female contestants I'm done.


I have nothing against female singers, and in fact work with them all the time.


But THIS band is not going to have a female singer fronting it, and it's BS for them to pretend otherwise. Too much testosterone.


It was a load when INXS did it last year, and it's load if they're doing it again this year.

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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I watched the last 20 minutes of the show last night.


It sucks -- the last two singers were just awful, and they're pimping it with female singers.


Basically, I'm done.

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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sex sells... pretty/creepy girls dressed... its hypnotizing... must get closer to TV!! I cannot see that band being happy with any of those finalist. But then look where I am. Brooke Burke is the only redeeming quality of that show for me.


Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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I watched it last night.


What surprised me was how phony it all was. There is not one of these singers that actually sound like a rock singer...


And the phony rock attitude has become so ridiculous. Makes the Rolling Stones seem relevant again... Although I never was a metal fan, I thought Jason Newstead was a good musician. Now, all I see of him are those stupid poses... and the words that are uttered are of the same level.

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I have to agree that the show has taken a turn in the direction of terrible. I didn't really like any of the singers last night, even the ones that 'Supernova' said that they liked. I also thought that 'Supernova' seemed to be quite mean to the singers when telling them how they did.

I though that the song choices that the singers were given were also pretty lame, popular songs for sure but some have been done to death.


The house band still rocked but that is the only redeeming quality for me at this point. Too bad as I had thought it started out very strong and it does not look like it will end that way.

I'm still going to watch it until the end, unless it gets much worse.



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