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What's really important - now?

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Think back a few days. What problems were really getting you down? What was really making you sad or angry? The bear market? The Microsoft case? Mac vs. PC debates? Tough customers? The MTV awards? Boy bands? Auto-tune? I like to think that I'm in tune with what's important in my life, but I have been completely shocked by the day's events. I can't even remember how to turn ON some of my gear. All I can think about is... Family Friends Loved ones Dreams and life ambitions Health and happiness The memory of a peaceful time Anyone else experiencing a momentous shift in perception?
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I am in this weird sort of space. I can't let it go. I can't stop thinking about it. It seems that nothing will ever be the same. I have a completely different set of values now. Every interest (outside of family and friends) seems trivial. I am not interested in my music...at all. I am having difficulty working, and I am / was a total career focused person. I don't know what to do.
Heeeeeere kitty kitty kitty
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the same stuff getting me down last week is still going to be getting me down tomorrow and every day after that. last i check the world is still spinning. today was merely a break being glued to the tv in horror. unfortunately that isnt the case for a lot of people in nyc or washington who lived through that horror. what is really important to me that has been added to my list of worries is all that are still there get help as quickly as possible. for those who left the building today may you rest in peace.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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Know what you mean Dan.I had about 2 hrs sleep when some asshole pops over and want's a copy of some mixes I did a long time ago for him.Having only 2 hrs sleep was a tiny part of why I told him to get the @#$%^ out.This is long term heavy shit were going through here and everyday needs and old gripes seem meaningless right now.The only thing I seem to be able to do is either watch the news,or go on the internet.I just don't feel like picking up my guitar,turning on my keyboard or even listening to music right now.Right now I can only think of the unfair massive loss of life at the moment.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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Can't do anything... things just fall down from my hands. Couldn't sleep last night either. And all this happening with me despite the fact that I live so far from America!?.. Can't find proper words... ...all we need is peace. *) Vladislav *) Well, maybe a little bit of small yet VERY EFFECTIVE war before that!!! [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/mad.gif[/img] [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/mad.gif[/img] [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/mad.gif[/img] This message has been edited by Gulliver on 09-12-2001 at 08:15 AM
I am back.
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I dunno... I've been feeling particularly thankful and blessed the past few months anyway, to have people around me that I love, and to be alive. For various reasons my awareness of that has been heightened anyway. So this event hasn't changed my perspective too much. Made it even more acute, maybe! I don't really agree, though, that what happened yesterday makes music insignificant. I've been thinking for some time now that the whole secret to being a decent human being is to find something you can do that totally fulfills you, but which is BENIGN. If we could all get up in the morning and do something that doesn't hurt anybody - like make music - and be totally happy with that, then the world would be a much better place than it is, because there are obviously a lot of people who won't rest unless they have wealth, power and other things that obviously harm many. My band was supposed to have rehearsal last night, and we only didn't because our drummer's wife and young son had been sent home from work and school early, and his son was very upset so our drummer of course wanted to stay home with them. Our bass player came over anyway and the two of us worked on some new songs. We got quite a bit accomplished actually, and a lot of hugs and appreciation all around. We thought it was a great way to be thankful that we're alive and make the most of it while we can. --Lee
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I can't help but feel that if the terrorists have succeeded in altering our way of life, or if they've succeeded in forcing us to live in fear, that they have succeeded far beyond what is acceptable to me. What happened yesterday makes me that much more thankful for my loved ones and the freedoms and luxuries we enjoy. I agree that some of the petty arguments we used to pass the time before are just that, but they're also demostrative of our individualism and show how much we like to exercise our freedom of speech. My heart goes out to everyone who has been affected by this terrible tragedy, but let's continue to live our lives and take advantage of the opportunities we have in this country. If we don't, we will have truly lost so much more than we did yesterday.
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Last night I was listening to Shawn Colvin's new album (Whole New You). Halfway through the album is a song entitled "Another Plane Went Down" which was partially inspired by the TWA explosion. It's a beautiful yet eerie song, made all the more poignant after yesterday's tragedy. Funny how songs can evolve like that. One minute you hardly pay attention to the lyrics, and the next thing you know it's your life experience spilling out of the speakers.
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Dan, Glad you're OK...My prayers to your co-workers. I waited anxiously for a call from my uncle, he just left monday morning heading back to NY..Riverdale I believe.. after visiting with my family.Finally heard from him, other than smoke and sirens everywhere their all safe. Peace..hope all is well..Harry
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For some strange reason, I slept like a baby last night. I just shut down after all the shock. I was in bed at 10:00 and I haven't done that in 15 years. So many detailed stories are coming out now that are just putting awful pictures in my head. Those poor jumpers. I can't imagine what it must be like to have to make that desicion. It's hard to work today - the phone is quiet, which is good because most of my focus is towards news radio right now.
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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b] I don't really agree, though, that what happened yesterday makes music insignificant. I've been thinking for some time now that the whole secret to being a decent human being is to find something you can do that totally fulfills you, but which is BENIGN. If we could all get up in the morning and do something that doesn't hurt anybody - like make music - and be totally happy with that, then the world would be a much better place than it is, --Lee[/b][/quote] I remember someone telling me that Cat Stephens, the guy who sings "Peace Train" became a militant muslim and totally denounced music because it was "of the devil"? How people can believe that, and the many other f*ckd up beliefs of certain religions is beyond me... completely barbaric.


My Band: http://www.fullblackout.com UPDATED!!! Fairly regularly these days...


http://www.logcabinmusic.com updated 11/9/04

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[quote]Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com: [b]Think back a few days. What problems were really getting you down? What was really making you sad or angry? The bear market? The Microsoft case? Mac vs. PC debates? Tough customers? The MTV awards? Boy bands? Auto-tune? I like to think that I'm in tune with what's important in my life, but I have been completely shocked by the day's events. I can't even remember how to turn ON some of my gear. All I can think about is... Family Friends Loved ones Dreams and life ambitions Health and happiness The memory of a peaceful time Anyone else experiencing a momentous shift in perception?[/b][/quote] That we as a nation that every step to ever prevent this from happening again!! Casey

 "Let It Be!"

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Hey Dan, Thanks for the post and my heart to yours, I am deeply saddened for your friends and grateful you are alive though I don't even know you. I too have been mostly paralyzed since yesterday morning. I just wanted to reach out to all of the people I know and hug them and tell them I was thinking about them. My entire life's priority shifted and here I am today just grateful to be alive and wanting to contribute to the healing process. Evrything except family and friends seems trivial. My best to all Americans. I hope you emerge stronger.
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Sadly, the same as before: Terrorism Fanatism Intolerance Racism Xenophobia (is that the English word?). Hate Stupidity. Risk of being bombed any day has been part of everyday´s life in Spain for decades. I am very sorry that you came to know how it feels this horrible way. I am very glad you survived, Dan. Best regards, JoseC.
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[b]Xenophobia (is that the English word?).[/b] Yes, that's correct, although more Americans are guilty of this than know what the word means. To those who have expressed concern over my colleagues, I'm happy to report that everyone who I work with seems to be okay. Some were on the way in when this happened. Others were working at other locations. Those who were actually in my building had time to get out before the collapse. Thanks to all for your kind thoughts. Dan
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What's really important now is that we stay cool, no matter how difficult that will be. I am very scared, life will never be as it was. The Netherlands offered military help and many countries do the same. The terrible news is on Dutch tv the whole day, the same devastating plane impact over and over again. It makes us very sad, to realize many, many innocent hard working people die that very moment makes me cry. I just want you to know our prayers and thoughts of deepest sympathy are with you Americans. We see crying German people on tv, putting a sea of flowers in front of the American embassy. I hope your government will have the wisdom to make the rights steps and wipe those who are responsible for this terrible act of crime from the face of this planet without starting a major war. People who are able to kill thousands of innocent's are able to do anything. They even are able of doing much more devastating things like yesterday, biological weapons or worse. I am very very scared.
The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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I don't mean to sound like a cook or anything, but I think that a time like this is really what every country needs. When we come across opposition and difficulty such as war, pestilence or famine, it draws a country together and drives them back to the roots of their social structure, whether spiritual or temporal. Take a look at the German philosopher G.W. Hegel; he talks about all kinds of really interesting phenomenon like this. Something to think about. Allen ------------------ http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/292/izzy_epstein.html
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Family Friends Loved ones Dreams and life ambitions Health and happiness The memory of a peaceful time Anyone else experiencing a momentous shift in perception? Yeh, getting the latest and greatest new gear...? How trivial. Michael Oster F7 Sound and Vision http://www.f7sound.com
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Hmmm, sounds like we got a slap in the face with a little reality. Not that I'm glad that it happened I just think that we as americans live behind a self made veil and I'm pretty positive that givin some time everyone will be back to there normal selfish ways. KBP PS I wonder how many people that died in the buildings were highly religious people.
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[quote]Originally posted by KBP: [b]Hmmm, sounds like we got a slap in the face with a little reality. Not that I'm glad that it happened I just think that we as americans live behind a self made veil and I'm pretty positive that givin some time everyone will be back to there normal selfish ways. KBP PS I wonder how many people that died in the buildings were highly religious people.[/b][/quote] OK, we live behind a self-made veil. It still beats living elsewhere. Because we have now experienced a little of the kaos & barbarism that other countries have experienced, this is somehow our "come-uppins"? Or we deserve it?, I don't think so. And regarding your PS; are you alluding to "God has let those people down?" -That's warped, no comment.
In two days, it won't matter.
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You are absolutly right! I don't think ANYONE deserves this type of a thing to happen to them. I am just saying that life as a people is usually more violent then we as americans are used to seeing. When is the last time you killed you're own food. OK maybe you have but most never have, this is just a little thing comparative to what has happened but we as americans and we as people of the civilized world (so to say) have it pretty good and there are alot of people that experience these types of events on a daily basis. As to my PS, yes you are right I was suggesting what you thought and should have just kept it to myself cause that is a comment that could cause people to get really pissed off and start talking religion which is something that I find useless to get into discussions about. But I was not saying that god was not there for THEM. Man tonights CNN Larry king special was quite an eye opener. KBP
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[quote]Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com: [b]Think back a few days. What problems were really getting you down? What was really making you sad or angry? All I can think about is... Family Friends Loved ones Dreams and life ambitions Health and happiness The memory of a peaceful time Anyone else experiencing a momentous shift in perception?[/b][/quote] Dan: NOW we finally agree!! ------------------ Bob.

Bob Buontempo.




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