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Completely OT: Food

_Sweet Willie_

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We picked up some really nice pork tenderloins at Costco and will fix those Sunday. I like to rub them with Brisket Rub, BBQ over a pretty hot fire, brasing them on all sides for about 10 -15 minutes. Then wrap them in foil and cook in a 275 degree oven for about one hour. They really stay very juicy and tender. They tend to get too dry just cooking them completely on a charcoal fire. DiJon mustard makes a nice topping on them after the oven. Of course a few beers while cooking helps quite a bit also.


I pray all Americans will think seriously about Memorial Day and it's true meaning. I would like to write a book someday about, what would the World be like today if there had been NO United States of America.


Enjoy the day, Rocky

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Had Brats and Italian sausage. Boiled'em first in beer last night, browned them on the grill today. But, alas, I boiled them too long (8 minutes after it came to a boil...) All the taste and juicy goodness went right down the drain with the beer. Next time I'm just going to bring the beer and sausuages to a boil,turn off the heat, and pull them out when it's cool enough to not burn your hand. Unless, that is, anybody else has a better plan.....

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Had Brats and Italian sausage. Boiled'em first in beer last night, browned them on the grill today. But, alas, I boiled them too long (8 minutes after it came to a boil...) All the taste and juicy goodness went right down the drain with the beer. Next time I'm just going to bring the beer and sausuages to a boil,turn off the heat, and pull them out when it's cool enough to not burn your hand. Unless, that is, anybody else has a better plan.....
use those metal tounge things.

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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mmm.. it is amazing how the Food topic is one of the most well-fed ( ;) ) ones...


I tend to speak of Bass within the overall mix, as the music's "Cholesterol" (U know.. the "Beef", the "meat", the "fat" of the whole thing...). Now I tend to understand more the "why" ... ;)


These my thoughts, after an artery-clogger 4-cheesed pizza :P :P

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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Mamma mia, just arrived from Italy, the food the wine the cheese......


Parma is a really nice town. One of my regrets is that due to work I've always needed to live in rather large cities, whereas Italy is full of fantastic, smallish towns like Parma and Cremona (one of my faves).


What did you have over there? The time we went there, we were visiting a friend who owned a theme bar so we didn't get to sample much of the local cuisine. The torte fritte were a bit disappointing but the ham, well... it's Parma ham, isn't it? :D

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We arrived there on friday afternoon and our Hotel was carefully selected. I've booked the hotel right oposite to the train station and 5 minutes walk to the twon centre that afternoon we walked around and took some photos, then we head off to the restaurant La tratoria del tribunale.... http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r165/davidmpires/ParmaMilan090.jpg it was fantastic the people were so friendly the food was amazing the wine.... We both had pasta. My other half had the gnochi made of chashewnuts and I had the ravioli...we also ordered a mix of dry cured meats to go with some focacia and the wine. http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r165/davidmpires/ParmaMilan092.jpg


As a desert we had some creme burle and again it was delightfull.


On Saturday we took the train to milan and had some sort of pasty in one of the most famous houses in italy. I can't remember the name.


Later that night we got some pizzas from a pizeria and took them to the hotel with a bottle of wine.


Sunday morning we saw the rest of Parma and had lunch at the same restaurant we dine on friday. It was time to go sadly. We are going to italy again later this year.





"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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  • 1 month later...

I went this morning with the lady, to our local fish monger, We asked for some sardines, they looked very fresh indeed, and the gent is there straight away said, you are portuguese aren't you. How can he tell, no one in england eats sardines.


I can't wait tomorrow lunch i'll have grilled sardines with lots of rock salt, boiled potatoes with oregano, burn a green pepper in the cooker, then peel it off and slice it, salt and olive oil on top, olive oil on top of the potatoes too, a fresh super bock (portuguese beer) and off we go for a lovely afternoon.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Sounds great. I est a lot of sardines but mostly canned. They are a good tasting fish.

This one is good -




It's strange that we don't eat so much fish or seafood in England compared to France or Portugal. I just got back from Paris - in the hypermarkets the fish selections were amazing.

We had lunch at the Musee D'Orsay: more for the incredible dining room than the food but the food was good - steamed perch with potatoes and radishes and a kind of cheese with berries for dessert.


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Phil they do but just not in London, in Sevenoaks you get this fish monger and they have a wide selection of fresh fish, me and my other half go there every saturday




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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You right Phil, I think the problem is on the parents who don't give fish to the kids and make them eat everything


at work if I said that i ate fish twice this weekend and neither of those were cod or salmon, and no batter was involved, they would twist their nose




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Madeira was a great place for fish when I was there - everything I tried was wonderful. I think I mentioned before the Scabbard fish (Espada?)




I love the Cantonese way with fish though - just simply steamed with ginger and green onion - a nice Chilean seabass goes down well.


Then there's sashimi of course - I went to one bar and had three different cuts of tuna - albacore, toro (fatty) and maguro. My favourite is Hamachi (yellow tail) but I did try baby hamachi sashimi once and that was wonderful.

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Espada is awsome, and they have about ten other types of fish, there's this place where they open the fish, butterfly way, and grill it after and it tastes so so good.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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due to doing training for the polcie i have been eating meet again, a more balanced diet :D i thought i would share taht,

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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So you are in the police academy SPK?
nope but you have to meet a phisical fitness to get in. got to wait till im 18 till i can.

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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  • 2 months later...

My brother -in-law is in town running sound on a show in DC. We met up the other night for dinner at Red Hot & Blue, for some good barbeque, ourselves! Ribs, brisket, hushpuppies... and if I didn't have to drive him back to his hotel in DC then back home to Baltimore, a beer would have been wonderful with it. Alas, the duties of the designated driver.

He kept talking to us but not making eye contact, looking over our shoulders. Come to find out, he was watching the Mets game over in the bar section.


Had some left overs today from a Moroccan chicken stew I made earlier in the week. Tender, a mix of savory herbs and subtle sweetness from apricots, raisins & lemon. Delish!

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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  • 3 months later...

Just needed to bump this fella.


I cooked a couple of pork tenderloins on the grill this evening. Cooked to perfections, but SOMBITCH tasted like, like, wet cardboard. Really tender, picture perfect..... cardboard. We slathered them in barbecue sauce; at least that way they tasted like BBQ sauce.



Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Pork tenderloins: We usually roll them in "Brisket Rub" and then slow cook them in a frying pan with a little olive oil. Put a lid on the pan to hold in the heat. Deglaze the pan with a little wine and use as a sauce.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Just needed to bump this fella.


I cooked a couple of pork tenderloins on the grill this evening. Cooked to perfections, but SOMBITCH tasted like, like, wet cardboard. Really tender, picture perfect..... cardboard. We slathered them in barbecue sauce; at least that way they tasted like BBQ sauce.


My mother-in-law (who I love dearly and is otherwise a pretty good cook) makes cardboard pork tenderloin for Christmas dinner each year. Bland, bland, bland! She just covers it in herbs, throws it in the oven and serves it with mushroom gravy. No marinade, no stuffing, no nuthin. She doesn't bother searing it before she sticks it in the oven either.


Everyone else seems to enjoy it. I suffer through it each year thinking there has to be a better way to prepare this cut of meat. :rolleyes:



Mudcat's music on Soundclick


"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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We went to my wife's aunts for Thanksgiving one year. They are fairly new to this country but wanted to do Thanksgiving so the menu, with the exception of the "turkey" and the baked ham I brought was typical Central-American holiday food. My ham disappeared in the blink of an eye. They made a point to let me know that they made turkey since I was coming, I'm sure the fact that they get their free one at the supermarket helped but I was greatfull for the thought. This "turkey" was like eating sand. There wasn't even stuffing or gravy. Although I can almost imagine the slurping sounds of the turkey sopping up the gravy like a fat kid polishing off a milkshake. I ate what I was given, and didn't say a word about it, not that I could with the 3 day case of cotton mouth I had.


Is it turkey I want on Thanksgiving? No, I want homemade stuffing and gravy (Mine or my Mom's) everything else is unimportant.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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I did a dry rub, as I tend to save marinades for tougher cuts of meat, like a london broil. I used high heat on the grill, the temp of the meat coasted to 130F. I cooked dozens of them and it seems that one in ten is just a crappy piece of meat. Looks good, tender, all browned and caramel-y on the outside, pink juicy tender on the inside. Could have been on the cover of Gourmet. Just that it tasted like tofu--- bland as bland could be. THe other nine are always good eats. Next time maybe I'll shoot it into a brine for an hour before cooking.


One in ten. Dunno what's up with that. Maybe that pig had some bad karma going on. I cooked two, but haven't cut into the second one yet. If that one sucks also, it'll go onto some nachos. I'll make up for it this weekend with the top round roast that is dry aging in the fridge. $2.49 a pound; how can you go wrong?


On the desert side, I made two flourless almond-chocolate torts for a couple New Years parties and served it with an inky red cab. drool. And it was pretty easy. I chopped up the chocolate together with the almonds in a blender; I didn't even have to melt the chocolate.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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The Armani of Bread has arrived in London!


His name is Rocco Princi


He's opened a new cafe/bakery together with super-restauranteur Alan Yau and it rocks! The food is great and it's cheap and it's stylish and it's Italian and it's in Wardour Street Soho.


Who could ask for more?

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