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Completely OT: Food

_Sweet Willie_

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Which beans, Karl?
Well, my mum used kidney beans, the beans they use in baked beans but she found them with out the sauce, runner beans not when they are in the pod obviously and butter beans. She put some veg in it like carrots onions and peppers with a spicy sauce. Put it in torteaa (can't spell it) wraps. Went down a treat.

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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Sounds good Karl, I like tortillas.

My wife makes a killer Chocolate Walnut Pie. It's similar to pecan pie, but with walnuts and chocolate chips. Mmmm, Mmmmm.

Her cooking skills amaze me. I'll look around the kitchen and think there's nothing to eat, and she can find something to throw together in 30 minutes that tastes great.

How do they do that?

I'm not a bad cook mind you. I can cook alot of standard dishes and they're good. I have a potatoes and hot links recipe that's killer, and of course I do the grilling, Oh,hoh,hoh, (a little Tim Allen there) but she can make a good meal out of nothing.

Visit my band's new web site.









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Just want to say I started looking forward to Thanksgiving in June. I'm getting pretty pumped about it.


I never reached my goal of eating 4 full plates and half a pie in one Turkey Day sitting. What can I say?


I don't even think I can reach it this year. Maybe I should have a goal of 3 full plates and a whole pie?


Only 2+ months away....

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I'm feeling like eating Mexican tonight mmm and some cocktails to help it go down.



You are a power eating




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I'm feeling like eating Mexican tonight mmm and some cocktails to help it go down.



Two parts frozen concentrate lime juice, two parts Tequila, one part triple sec, ice, blender, repeat.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Or.................The real one


1 part fresh squeezed small Mexican limes.

3 parts "Herradura" Tequilla

2 parts "Cointreu" orange liquor

Shake with ice, strain and drink from a salt rimmed "Margarita" glass.


This is the original "Margarita" reciepe develped by Margarita Sames in Acapulco Mexico in 1947. I know it to be accurate because she was a very close friend and I mixed them for her at some of her many private parties under her supevision.




"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Power eating? Are you a huge guy or a tiny guy like that hot dog eating champ?


LOL! Thanksgiving is definitely all about power eating for me. It's by far my favorite holiday.


I'm not huge or tiny - 6 foot 2, 190 lbs. I can't pack it away like when I was younger, that's for sure.


I'm thinking 3 plates, half a cherry pie and half a pecan pie (and I don't see how some of those can't be a la mode). 3 plates doesn't even seem like much of a goal but I keep failing at 4 plates so I guess have to scale back my goals. Maybe I just need more training.


Rocky did you really know the original Margarita? That's a trip. Did you meet Isabel Daiquri and Pancho Pina Colada too?

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Yea as a vegitarian you should get those pulses. Chick peas - I can't get enough of them. I eat humous like its going out of fashion. I'm surprised I'm still under 12 stone! (170lbs)

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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Oh yeah - Puy lentils, black eyed peas, chick peas, adzuki beans (they're great), all the Indian dhals - masoor, urad, etc. KIdney beans are good with stacks of garlic.


Hey, they opened a 'Humus Bar' near me - we should go there, Tim.




Oh yeah, the Mexicans and Brazilians do good things with pulses too. And a good puy lentil dish in Paris mmmm. I'm still trying to reproduce one I had years ago in a fine Parisian restaurant (it wasn't vegetarian though!).

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Oh yeah - Puy lentils, chick peas, adzuki beans (they're great), all the Indian dhals - masoor, urad, etc.


I have no idea what this stuff is. I don't think we have it in Texas. :laugh:


Rocky :snax:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Rocky did you really know the original Margarita? That's a trip. Did you meet Isabel Daiquri and Pancho Pina Colada too?

I used to be a close, personal friend of Jim Beam, but we had a parting of the ways.

Push the button Frank.
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  • 4 weeks later...




Decent Mexican food has finally arrived in London.


Recently there have been a few signs of its emergence:

Mucho Mas (2/10) Mestizo (4/10) and Taqueria (excellent home made tortillas and authentic Cuban food - but so far away - 7/10)

I finally went to a London Mexican restaurant I could recommend. To anyone.


Wahaca (Oaxaca) in Covent Garden serves great Mexican street food. The prices are low and the food is excellent. There is an open kitchen and you can even see into the food store from the restaurant.

Tacos, Tostadas, a great range of stuffed quesadillas and burritos. Lots of fish options. Freshly made Aqua Fresca, only 1.25 for a big old glass. Only the righteous Belu for mineral water. Loads of Tequilas and cocktails. Great salsas. Some of the chips were a little below par - that's the only fault I could find. Great service.

Oh, and as we left we were given what we thought were the standard retro restaurant bookmatches - only to discover they were actually small containers of jalapeno seeds to plant.

Oh, and they make a point of using local and free range produce.







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Ok, since we don't have a 'Drink' thread, I decided to post this on the 'Food' one. Here it goes.


In my undending quest to be cool :) , I have been dabbling in drinking various cocktails when I go out to dinner/bars/lounges etc. and never really found one I liked until recently, and now it has become my all-time favorite.


It is a Harvey Wallbanger. I am not sure of how many of you guys are familiar with this drink, as it peaked in popularity during the 70's and subsequently died out.


The ingredients are:

-6 parts orange juice

-3 parts Vodka (your choice)

-1 part Vanilla Galliano


Mix the vodka and orange juice in the glass, then float the Vanilla Galliano on top. Garnish (w/ and orange slice or cherry) and serve.


It is a very tasty drink and you look supremely cool drinking it.

Try one for yourself, but I am taking the credit for bringing the Harvey Wallbanger fad back :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

After a vaguely disappointing anniversary dinner at the much-hyped Bar Shu (yes, it's decent Szechuan food in London but it burns your tongue and it's not all that) we were delighted to find another great London restauarant this lunchtime. Very reasonable prices too - Kiasu is the place! It means 'fear of coming second' in Hokkien/Straits Chinese and 'Singlish' in Singapore.

It's top quality Penang/Singapore style cafe food and it rocks!






Great stuff!

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I've never really had much foreign food. Only went as far as Chinese, mexican...Indian thats it really. I would like to try Singapore...or anything else :P What is it like? Spicy?

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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I make a killer turkey. I do a brine/cranberry/orange/pepper soak for a day that just is the bomb. Outside is crispy, inside is juicy. My wife doesn't like turkey, but she likes my turkey.


That said, I hate cleaning up after T'day dinner more than anything in this entire world. More than Donald Rumsfeld, even though he is such a wordsmith. More than Paul Bremer. More than the current POTUS and V-POTUS. That's saying a whole lot about how much I don't want to clean up a half-eaten turkey. As such, I'm considering doing a Thanksgiving gumbo instead of a turkey. There would be turkey meat in the gumbo (along with all the rest of the usual ingredients...)


Question to all the foodies out there: is this a good idea, or a bad idea?

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I've never really had much foreign food. Only went as far as Chinese, mexican...Indian thats it really. I would like to try Singapore...or anything else

One of the reasons why Melbourne, Oz is such a great town for eating. Hmm, can't see 'Curry Curry' there, but 'Djakarta' is on page 2.



If you want spicy, Malay and Indonesian are good to try. Thai can be hot, but is a bit sweeter. Burmese is like Thai but a bit richer/stronger like Indian. Sechwan (sp?) Chinese is hot.



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Question to all the foodies out there: is this a good idea, or a bad idea?


Messin' with my Turkey Day is like messin' with my emotions - don't do it.


I always clean cuz I don't want to cook. I want to grandly approach the Turkey Day table with a cape, garland crown and the Olympics theme playing in the background. I'm going to have to start training earlier this year.

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I don't let my wife cook. She makes a horrible mess and I feel compelled to clean it up. I would rather cook and clean myself.

I clean as I cook. When I am finished cooking, there is nothing to clean up. This has only been going on for 48 years. No sense changing now.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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I've been on something of a Burmese food kick recently. I found this one little place in NYC that's just fantastic. It's a bit of a blend of Indian and Thai cuisine with some interesting things added here and there. I'm also feeling for the management lately as they're Burmese ex-pats who no doubt have a good level of concern over what's going on in their homeland lately.

Obligatory Social Media Link

"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Absolute tragedy of the first degree what's been allowed to happen in Burma so long (with the tacit approval of the Chinese and the French etc.) Oops sorry, OT.


Yes Phil, exactly. To go even farther, when a country does need some sort of aide, the first country they call is the US; and when we need help for something, they all run for cover (with a few exceptions). Wow, even more OT.


Back to Food..........I love Food.

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