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Sadowsky SA200 All Tube Head

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It would be interesting to see a no-holds-barred head-to-head comparison review with the awesome Traynor head. I'm sure the Traynor price tage is going to be easier to swallow, and I wouldn't be surprised if it holds up very well sonically and in terms of flexibility.
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Originally posted by ArwinH:

Yup, I think the cabs he's using are rebadged bergs. The amp's style seems o be based loosely on the aguilar stuff, which makes sense. The head is supposed to be a very "loud 200 watts" as silly as that sounds. Dig the 5 band graphic eq as well. Supposed to get good gnarly tones too.

Huh? Koch designed the Aguilar stuff as well?


Koch has used this design numerous times. The chassis is literally the same as the Eden VT300B (also made by Koch).

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Originally posted by greenboy:

I'm sure the Traynor price tage is going to be easier to swallow, and I wouldn't be surprised if it holds up very well sonically and in terms of flexibility.

Indeed. That Sadowsky name plate is going to demand a premium, but at least the underlying product has some umph (Koch has a great reputation, and they've done this before with the Eden head mentioned above).
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No, I don't believe Kock designed the aguilar stuff. He did design the eden tube ehad though, and comparing the two chassis you relly the similarity in design. I was referring to the similarity in appearance between the teo products (vents, knob style, silver facing, etc). Interesting when you consider the close relation between the two companies, but could be just a coincidence).
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