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What will happen when we run out of threads?


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There will always be more depth for music theory.

There will be new styles of music that we will discuss where the bass fits in.

There will always be new gear ;)

There will always be new events in our musical (and our other) life that we will discuss.

There will always be someone who couldn't find their slant to a topic in the search.

There will always be someone who doesn't search :(


Most of all, we've managed to attract some interesting folks here.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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...and there will ALWAYS be a newbie with no clue as to how the search feature works or spelling errors that Bump can thrash.


...and there will ALWAYS be a bassist who thinks theory is unimportant for Jeremy to correct.


...and there will ALWYAS be love for Willy to spread.


...and there will ALWAYS be new bassist looking for a forum concurrance on what gear to buy.


...and, willing, there will ALWAYS be new gear, new gigs, new bandmates, new venues, new experiences, new lessons to share - for when there is nothing new to share, it is time to cash out and play that big gig in the sky.


(was that corny or what!) :rolleyes:


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Originally posted by Social Critic:

[QB(was that corny or what!) :rolleyes: [/QB]

and there will always be somebody being corny (usually me, but everyone is welcome to join in).




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Yogi:

Originally posted by TShakazBlackRoots:

I was thinking to myself....what if we run out of what to discuss about the bass?

We'll just do all the posts again, this time in Pig Latin.
Ordway, myway anmay! :thu:


Eacepay, :cool:



Ostscriptpay: On'tday orgetfay -- it'sway allway uvlay... :D



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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The stars will wink out one by one. Even the sun will cease burning. The earth will stop turning on it's axis. Everything will become cold and still in the infinite blackness of starless space. All that will be left is the slow dimming of the red pilot light on a Fender Bassman amp.




Guitar players and drummers will inherit the earth.


"Get your filthy hands off me you damn dirty apes!"

L Tucker

Nice, nice, very nice.

So many people in the same device.

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Originally posted by TuckLM:

The stars will wink out one by one. Even the sun will cease burning. The earth will stop turning on it's axis. Everything will become cold and still in the infinite blackness of starless space. All that will be left is the slow dimming of the red pilot light on a Fender Bassman amp.




Guitar players and drummers will inherit the earth.


"Get your filthy hands off me you damn dirty apes!"

Now THAT was some classic shit! :thu:
Donnie Peterson
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well if worst comes to worst, i can always just piss off some more people saying that 4 strings are better than 5 & 6 strings, lol.


but....that's only if we're desperate. ;)



5 words you should live by...


Music is its own reward



My Band: www.Myspace.com/audreyisanarcissist

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Originally posted by TShakazBlackRoots:

I was thinking to myself....what if we run out of what to discuss about the bass, what will happen to out forum? :confused: Or is it impossible for bass talk to run out? ;)

My brother, I waited, procrastinated, meditated and pontificated on this question for days. IMHO, bass talk will never run out in this century as we need to include other entities to our forum that are capable of communicating in bass frequencies. I'm referring to:


-drummers and other percussionists who tune their drums to match bass notes (I know two in Northern NJ alone)... naturally, I meant evolved drummers, not the other kind we keep running into.


-other sentient species on this planet, such as whales and dolphins, who may never pluck a string or hit a keyboard but communicate daily across the oceans of the world via sonar, essentially bass frequencies lower than ours. If we can use a pitch transposer and decipher their language, which is musical and lyrical in structure (look it up!) we as bass players may be able to accomplish dialogue that non-musical entities in scientific fields have failed to do. I recall a musician named Paul Horn who attempted to do this years ago.


-extraterrestials, particularly the non-violent ones, who have probably communicated using low-frequency pulses which can span galaxies and who are probably wondering if we're even listening.


-the planets and stars themselves. Our mother earth resonates at 8 Hz, and communicates frequently to us through natural phenomenon, but perhaps she may be speaking to us via frequency modulation and resonance?


I hope you're laughing along with me, but remember, humor contains the seeds of truth.


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A corndog is a hot dog (a.k.a. frankfurter, weiner, etc.) w/ a cornbread covering on a stick. Yummy. Really yummy.


Better than a blood sausage -- as much as I like a blood sausage w/ a hearty mustard...but that's neither here nor there.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Thats it we need to ship Alex south of the mason dixon line, get some Souuthern goodness in that belly.


Some greens, cornbread, sweet potatoes, and make a stop in WV to get some biscuits and gravy made of lard. The kinda food that makes you sweat motor oil. :thu:

Together all sing their different songs in union - the Uni-verse.

My Current Project

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MMMMMMMMM... Biscuits and gravy, greens, and cornbread too?



Alex- do you cook/bake for yourself (or have a friend for that?)

Plenty of good recipes out there. You must try some.

And, IMO, one of the few things that can improve a good dog, or really improve a bad one.


All of the above has been tested for maximum beer compatability, with a high degree of tasty-ness.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Alex, I'll be happy to host if you can make it to the Tulsa State Fair . (if the Flash works for you, that thing the pig eats is a corndog with a bit of mustard on it, but one should not eat the stick).


Perhaps we can gather John S and Ransom and catch the Confunkshun show... or any number of country acts.


We can introduce you to a proper corndog, fried Twinkies, and I understand they also offer fried Snickers. (ug!)

- Matt W.
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Originally posted by getz76:

Cornbread is bread made with cornmeal. It has a sweet taste, and more of a cake/muffin type of texture.

It's wonderful. Very wonderful.

No no no. Cornbread is the bassist living in TX who hasn't been here for a while because he's carrying all the hot dogs eaten in the USA during the summer. A very tasty player, who actually played in the NFL (National Football League - American football). I think he carries all those hot dogs to rebuild his knees.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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