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Name ONE bassist you'd invite home for dinner.

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Ah Damn, i was going to say Auf Der Maur :love: Otherwise it has to be Flea, he is my bassing God and plus i dig the guys philosophy on life: Love everything and mention the word "cosmic" in every second sentence.


How everyone should live :D


Much Love

Phoney :thu:

"I am just an instrument cos the lord is playing this funk"-T.M Stevens
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Scott Thunes was one of the first bass players that really got it across to me that its all right to use a pick. This was by watching him on the 'Does Humour Belong in Music?' DVD :thu: Patrick O Hearn isn't too shabby on baby snakes either.
Derek Smalls: It's like fire and ice, basically. I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water. http://www.myspace.com/gordonbache
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Originally posted by Whappo:

I can think of some wonderful players Id like to have over, but instead here are the ones that have already been to my house for dinner.


In no particular order:


Mike Dimin

Norm Stockton

Bill Dickens

Steve Lawson

Jake Kot

Trip Wamsley

Todd Johnson

Myron Dove

Polo Jones


I know I missing some playersisnt the mind the first thing to go or is it the second.




...and the homemade ice cream was to die for



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No question that the Low Downers are a big choice. I've gone out of my way at times to meet some of you (and some of you have gone out of your way to meet me). Always a warm and fine experience.


dcr - my mother-in-law makes the best pesto I've ever had, so when I come, I'll bring some.


Wilburn - you are a lucking man. Somebody like Wille should have smacked you for "Let It Beans". I'm just sorry I didn't think of it.


What was this thread about? Oh yeah. McCartney would be first choice, but Tim Bogert, Bruce Thomas, Graham Maby, and Robert Sledge would be close runner-ups (and I'm probably missing some folks).




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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dcr - my mother-in-law makes the best pesto I've ever had, so when I come, I'll bring some.
Tom Capasso, are you sure your mama-in-law ain't a member of the Low down...reads the posts? It's just that not many people 'praise' their mother-in-laws' cooking! :) Poisning more like. :eek:

You are a lucky man.

Some of my in-laws would shoot me if they had a chance. :D:D

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Why will none of you let Lemmy into your house? My wife has played many a game of Ms.Pac-Man with the man and he is, as she puts it, the man. He may not be the greatest player, and he's certainly not the best singer, but he seems like the best party of the living. Maybe it's just because I'm a cook, but the vulgarity is mild for my world and the consumption levels are basically normal. My dinner parties are orgies of glutinous consumption, and I think Lemmie would fit right in whether I was serving foix gras and roast duckling or black pudding and sausages, sushi or pulled pork sandwiches. At the very least I know that he could be counted on to pick up the bone and chew off the meat.

My appologies to the vegetarians in the bunch, I respect your decision, just don't ask me to cook for you. I don't go to a vegetarian restaurant and ask for a meat plate, don't come to mine and ask for a veg-plate.

I'm sorry, I stop now, no cook now, bass player.





always have fun & never whistle while you're pissing
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Another Bassist I would like to meet is Graham Maby (Joe Jackson Band, Marshall Crenshaw, Joan Beaz, They Might Be Giants, others). I really like his tight, melodic, tasteful bass lines.


Must be a good chap--even Scott Thunes has nice things to say about Graham! Graham Maby\'s Bio

Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


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whether I was serving foix gras and roast duckling or black pudding and sausages, sushi or pulled pork sandwiches. At the very least I know that he could be counted on to pick up the bone and chew off the meat.

Damn ! How do I get on your list. mmm pulled pork.

Together all sing their different songs in union - the Uni-verse.

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Originally posted by dcr:

I'd invite Sweets, but I don't want him anywhere near my wife. :D


I can feel the luv... :rolleyes::D


My first choice would be more lowdowners. Maybe I'll actually make it to a college reunion in Providence and get to hang w/ tnb (and slyly make off w/ his WW ;) ).


I've shared a meal w/ Wally, Whappo, and Jeremy. :thu:


I've also broken bread w/ Capasso, wraub, music-man, Mr. Phil, and getz76. :thu:


I need to get my hands on some of Whappo's homemade ice cream. :eek:


I think I would very much enjoy having Richard Bona over for dinner. He might be at the top of my list. Marcus Miller would be up there too, and John Paul Jones as well. So many, really. Is the deal that we feed the bassist and in return we get a lesson? :D






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Jennifer Arroyo from Kittie.
I hung out with Lady J back in the day, when she was in a band from DC called Spine. We ate Slim Jims. She was an absolute doll and a rock star even then.


I eat dinner with another great bassist all the time.




The lovely, talented #6. Ain't he cute?



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Sweets sez:

Maybe I'll actually make it to a college reunion in Providence and get to hang w/ tnb (and slyly make off w/ his WW ).

Come on back, Dog! Jeremy will be here in June (I think), we can all take the train down to NYC and do a BIG hang.


Bring the Nordstrand, I'll put it in the vault with the beloved Sadowsky and the Woods.

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Only 1 bassist!!!!

Well then, most definitally the great Adam Clayton(U2). His playing has inspired me for years. After that, Robert Trujillo(metallica/blach sabbath), and mabye Flea. If I was more into jazz/funk and more calculated music, Victor Wooten.


Rock on


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Originally posted by CMDN:

Jennifer Arroyo from Kittie.
I hung out with Lady J back in the day, when she was in a band from DC called Spine. We ate Slim Jims. She was an absolute doll and a rock star even then.


I eat dinner with another great bassist all the time.




The lovely, talented #6. Ain't he cute?

Oh, but he'd be so much more handsome if he would just smile.


"Start listening to music!".

-Jeremy C

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Oh, but he'd be so much more handsome if he would just smile.


He smiles a lot... just not in this pic. Or any that you may ever see....



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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I just remembered that I have eaten with original Tool bassist Paul D'Amour back when we were both in high school. I didn't really know him then, though. The sharpest memory of him was when we were at a church youth group function and he was wearing shorts - and my sister said, "I wish I had legs as nice as his." And I used to have the hots for his sister...


I have eaten with his parents a number of times - we still attend the same church.

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...and the homemade ice cream was to die for
Thanks Mr. Dimin, you have a standing invitation here.


Speaking of food, it's time for me to start the home made ice cream, fire up the smoker & put some brisket on... hubba, hubba! :thu:




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