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Introduce Yourself

Gord -B

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It's very cool to see people from around the world on this forum.

For all you non-native English speakers, don't apologize if you think your English is poor, I doubt any of us could do as well trying to speaking your languages. (Some of the native English speakers here should probably apologize...;) )

"Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.'-Hamlet


Guitar solos last 30 seconds, the bass line lasts for the whole song.



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Hi Davo,

I am employded in a fabrication/machining company called Grenland Group (Grenlandgroup.com). My projects are 100% for our largest customer FMC Technologies. We make equipment for Ormen Lange, Tyrihans and all the other oil/gas fields in the North Sea and also worldwide as well. So, I am very busy in my work! But I always find time to play the bass. Rehearsel one or two evenings a week, and gigs one or two nights a month.

And what do you do in your workinghours?

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" .- Jimi Hendrix
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Welcome aboard. This place will definately help you with your bassing and Mattulator can even help you with your bass-ing as well!



Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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Nowrway, now Greece. Truely expanding the international flavor of our little forum! Welcome, Helge and George. Only time and practice can make you a batter bass player. This forum will definately make you a better bassist.


I wonder why the French aren't represented?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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  • 3 months later...

I should have introduced myself earlier, but I guess it's better late than never! My name's Don and I'm a life-long Michigan resident. Started playing tuba at age 12, picked up bass at age 15, and I haven't stopped playing since (now 38). I enjoy playing whatever style comes my way, but I especially love swing, jazz, blues, rock, and any combination there-of. Currently my bass stable includes:


72 Fender P-bass (my favorite!)

modified J-bass/fretless

Ibanez 5-string (XGR series?)

MK Dragonfly 3/fretless

Hamer 12-string


I would love to own an upright bass but between a small house, small car, and a new wife (married Nov. 15th) I just can't swing it. Currently work as a PC tech for the local school district.


I'm enjoying the forum and look forward to seeing what-all everyone's talking about!!



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I suppose I'll do a more proper introduction since this thread has been bumped to the front page.


Hello, my name is Jacob, I've been playing bass in a more serious manner since July. I was never particularly into music when I was younger(I'm currently 16). It took the Classic Queen compilation album when I was 13 to get my interest for music started. I primarily listen to rock/metal, although I'm not adverse to jazz, rap, classical, and such. My favorite bass players are Geddy Lee, Chris Squire, Roger Patterson(Atheist), John Entwhistle, and Frank Bello(Anthrax). Currently the only equipment I own is a squire fender jazz(Ernie Ball stings, lowered action) and Rumble 15. I'm working towards getting job so I can save up to buy a Rickenbacker 4001 eventually.


This forum has been really enjoyable to visit and I feel like ask questions without feeling like a idiot here. I hope with my bass instructor, some dedication, and the help of the forums here, that I'll eventually become a decent bassist.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

My name is Paul,I've been lurking,actually learning,around here for a while.

I've been playing bass more off than on for the last twenty five or so years.

I started out in the early 70's taking lessons from three different teachers, only one was a bass player, anyway I jammed around with a bunch of people, nothing serious, in the mid 80's got into a GB band for a couple of years,had fun made some dough band broke up.

In between all that got married had two beautiful kids, son and daughter, got divorced got remarried to a woman with two kids of her own, two girls, yeah I'm a ramblin' man.

Anyway I came to the forum in the hope of finding some theory. What I found, almost 700 pages of pure motherlode.

So forgive me if I don't add much, I'm kinda busy finding stuff to learn.

Anyway, again...Thanks All for helpin' the Little Guy out.


fender pbass, michael kelly dragonfly, mim fender jazz
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So forgive me if I don't add much,


Hell, I never add anything and they've all put with me for years now.


Welcome you guys and congrats to the newlyweds.

This is an incredible place to learn and exchange info or just to hang.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Hi everyone, I'm Tallon. I'm 22 and have been playing for about 8 years. I play bass for the band May Weather. My influences come from the O.C. Supertones, Five Iron Frenzy, moe., Victor Wooten, and few others, but those are the main ones.


My gear seems like it's always changing. It also seems that craigslist is my provider for new used equipment. The bass I use most often is either my Schecter CV-4, Schecter Stiletto Custom 5, or my Gretsch Electrotone. My amps are a conglomeration of different brands. I have an early 70s Ampeg SVT head and 810, a peavey 810, a gutted Behringer 410, another gutted Behringer 115A, (it's fun to use behringer and Ampeg in the same sentence) and a slave 2500 watt solid state amp running off the SVT. I have yet to use it all at once, but that might be overkill. typically the SVT provides all I need, but if we play a bigger venue, I'll add the peavey.


Rock on!

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Hello everybody. My name is Michael and I live in Middlebury, Vermont. I started playing guitar in the mid 60's, some friends started a band and needed a bass player so I volunterred. Those were the days, we had to change the bands name every couple of weeks so people would come to our gigs. I put the bass down for about 40 years and with the urging of a friends son decided to play again. I'm loving it! Played with a local band for about a year doing everything from Red Hot Chili Peppers to BB King with some originals thrown in. I currently am not playing with a band but spend time sharpening my skills. Glad you're all are here!
Can't control the ocean but we can learn to ride the waves.
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hello, folks, Graham here from the great state of Texas.

I've been playing music for 20 years and bass for much of that time,

even if it's usually been a secondary preoccupation-

I've explored weird guitar tunings, drones, fingerpicking, analog electronics, more computer-based electronic music, and lots lots more,

but the past six months I've really narrowed my focus back on the electric bass guitar.

You can't beat that rumble!

Really having fun right now with compositions with Fahey-esque fingerpicking

with dissonant yet melodic bass lines.


I only have one bass atm, but she is pure sweet love. A survivor, just like me.




I only have a small combo amp right now (Ampeg BA115) and a little Tech 21 DI,

but I'm planning on buying a big powerful rig with my tax return money.

hello Bassman 300 and 8x10!

I'm looking forward to getting to jam with fools for the first time in a few years-

time to break out of the ol' bedroom studio.


Tune-wise, I dig everything from John Fahey to Captain Beefheart to Melvins to Junkyard Band to Sleep

to electric Miles to Thrones to Can to Sabbath to Dillinja to Black Flag to all that!


anyway, looking forward to talking bass and music with you dudes. cheers!

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sadly, the story isn't as interesting as you might guess.


"I put a blunt between the E string and the headstock Keef-style

and the next thing you know the whole practice room was ablaze"

is more inspiring but it's just not true.

"It was burned as Satan handed it to me from the bowels of hell"

is another happy little fairy tale for me. :thu:


the reality is that a music store somewhere had a fire,

a sharp ebayer bought quite a bit of lightly damaged goods for a song,

gave 'em some TLC and nursed them back to good ol' American profit.

I got a cheap new bass that plays beautifully and has great character.


The funny part is that this model - the ESP Vintage-4 - is a factory relic'd bass!

It was faking the funk, but then got a little dose of reality.

Makes it more poignant somehow...to me, anyway.

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