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Trace elliot or Laney Combo


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what du guys rekon should i buy a trace elliot combo 715SMC 150watt 1 x 15" Bass Combo complete with 7 Band Graphic EQ, Compressor and Dedicated D.I




Laney RBW300 165 watts RMS HH 15" switchable horn.

Active & Passive input, channel gain, compressor, variable Enhance, three band eq, Presence, switchable limiter, volume and HF in/out switch for the on board horn. XLR DI output a global FX loop a headphone socket and a tuner out facility. and is kickback


help both are the same price what would you get, ive gathere now that you dont need more than 200 watts if uve got di, but what happens if i play somewhere that doesnt have a PA should i get a 300watt combo for only £100 more should i get a combo AAARGH help plz plz

I say you strap a nuke to my forehead and i'll nut the smegger
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Buy as much power as you can possibly afford. The old bass players rule of thumb for power requirement is...


Add up the power of all the other amps in the band, and double it. That's How much power you'll need on stage as a bassplayer.


That means, typically, if you play in a band with two 100 watt guitar amps, you will need about 400 watts to have full control over your stage sound.


And besides that, more power generally means much tighter sounding bass.

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Wow - the Laney Richters look pretty cool. Here in the States I hadn't seen those at a dealer, just a few of the small g***** combos. Wish they had more cabinet specs on their site - at least I didn't find them as I quickly browsed. Any reviews from the crowd?
- Matt W.
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  • 2 years later...

It's never too late to change :D

So let's change the date typed in on top of the posts, that way tenstrum will be cool. :thu:

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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I've mentioned the Laney on here before.


I've a Richter R2, reputed to be 120w, 180 with extension speaker.


I like the amp, with its tilt-back design and parametric eq, but I'm *very* disappointed with the speaker in it.


It's reputed to be a 'Celestion Custom' 12", and, indeed, opening it up & looking at it, it has a Celestion sticker over the mag. But it seems to be a very light stamped steel chassis, and it doesn't give very much volume - certainly not compared to the Beyma I've just bought for my other amp. If the Beyma had fitted into the cab, I'd have tried it, as I think this (Celestion) speaker is not very sensitive. I'd love to put something like an Eminence Kappa in there and make a comparison.


What makes me think that 'Celestion Custom' stands for 'Cheap Import'?


As it stands, the R2 is a great sounding little amp that's excellent for practice, but I believe that with a decent speaker in it it'd be very compact and giggable for small auditoria/ clubs/pubs. Maybe you'll have better luck with the 15".


My tuppenceworth.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Thanks Geoff,

I'll see how it goes. It's only a temporary set up to save me from hiring an amp. An acquaintance through the church was kind enough to let me use it whenever I need it - well the bass fraternity has to stick together. My old Gallien Kruger has been written off (partly due to constant road abuse). It seems to have a decent variety of achievable tones. Problem is, I haven't used it in anger, I'll only find out at the gig on Sunday whether it's up to scratch. It's an improvement on my last gig though, borrowed an amp from the guitar players school (where he teaches) - it failed and I ended up playing through the PA only. I really need to get some money together and solve this amp problem for good!

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I've just got hold of an old Marshall 3520. Looks good, no crackling from the pots and sounds great at low vol. Just got to get a speaker cab together to do it justice. Trouble is the Beyma speaker (which is great) has an extended flange and won't fit my other close-fitting cabs. A well.....



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Originally posted by musicfiend:

It's never too late to change :D

My point exactly....

And no, I didn't miss the date. I think almost everyone knows what an Ampeg freak I am. So therefore anytime anyone mentions a cab, I reply Ampeg regardless (and with good humor intentions)of the details...

(I'm kinda like the AFLAC duck only with AMPEG!)


So once again,




"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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I'm a bit concerned as I just found out we're playing in front of 5000 people [ :D ]. I hope the PA and monitors are good! Also I wonder if it's really 300W or if that's only with an extension speaker.

Thanks for the offer Alex [ ;) ], a rig on a bike - that i'd have to see. Apparently the stage is 30ft by 50ft - I might need to borrow the bike to get around the stage!


Hasta Manana!

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You should be fine, Phil, if the amp is really 300 watts and there's PA support. Just yesterday, I saw Eddie Palmieri's band at an outdoor show. Around 5-700 people, I'd guess, perhaps a few more. I have some pics around somewhere...


Lots of percussion, some horns, a piano, and a bass. The bass player, Joe Santiago, was using an old Pbass through a GK head and a Hartke cab that looked to be a 1x15 or possibly a 1x12 (do they make those?). Full sweet creamy tone onstage (I was pretty close :) ), and the PA carried "the house".


Smaller rigs are great, and the right combo can be a really good thing. Here's hoping the one you have is a good'un.






p.s. Break a leg, Phil. :)


I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Thanks Wraub,

It went well. The Laney was way too quiet though. I wasn't able to go above 1/4 on the gain without distortion and the foldback wasn't great. It was a great gig, but you know the feeling where if you could have heard yourself properly, you could have played so much better! - especially on fretless!

Why are so many guitarists so loud? :freak:

I think it'll do the job for me on smaller gigs and/or with better foldback and PA systems but I just realised I am going to have to buy something with a much gigger power capacity - particularly as I like a really clean sound.

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