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17,500 / 22,000

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A couple of milestones as we get ready for the "big changes" - I just hit 17,500 posts and the PS forum hit 22,000 posts - both on the same day. :cool:


Hey, I know it's kind of a silly thing to celebrate, but simple guys like me take our amusements where we can find them. :)


And really, it is pretty cool - in just under 18 months, our little "by popular demand" EQ magazine Project Studio recording forum has managed to rack up 22K worth of quality posts, done with a overall attitude of mutual respect and civility. A lot of cool topics were discussed, and a lot of useful information was shared - I was really impressed by how much people were willing to pitch in and help one another. :thu: To each and every one of you who participated, and to those who Lurked (Lurkers Rule! :thu:;) ), thank you for being such an indispensable part of it all. YOU made it happen!


And that leads me back to where it all started... several people "pushed" for such a forum, and suggested me as moderator, and a guy named Craig Anderton believed in me enough to give me the chance to help make it happen. And CMP / EQ has given me the opportunity to be associated with their great publication - for me, that's kind of like seeing your name in Guitar Player - oops wait - I got to see that too! :D


To all of you, but especially to you Craig, I'm extremely grateful. :o


I know it's a little early to officially "sign off" as moderator here (that happens on Monday), but I just wanted to take this opportunity to say to all of you that you're very special to me, and I greatly appreciate the help, opportunities and friendships that have come my way just because I decided to sign up on an Internet forum named "Musicplayer" four and a half years ago and started hanging out a bit. Is this an amazing world or what? :D


Thank you all...


With humble and heartfelt thanks, and warmest regards,




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So it's Monday, then? I have to read the right threads... :freak:


I've really only lurked on your forum, Phil. (I have no idea how some of you manage to contribute to so many forums. How fast do you type? :D ) But that's pretty impressive for a brand new forum. Looks like it fills a vital need for the community here. I'm sure it will only grow with the move to HC. Congratulations!


And a second for thanking Dendy, Jim Quinn, Rob Kudyba and everyone else at CMP who've kept this place running and running well. :thu:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe:

I know it's a little early to officially "sign off" as moderator here (that happens on Monday)

Any particular time on Monday so we can have a countdown? 5...4...3...2....1.....
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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