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Was she murdered or sold into slavery?

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The young lady in Aruba, was she murdered? My wife thinks she was sold into slavery. She saw some news special about slavery groups in that area. A lady was on the special braodcast talking about her daughter that disappeared from the same bar three years ago. They had been on a cruise ship. The lady thinks it was a slavery ring.

Rumours will abound. All I know is that it makes me sad that this is not a safe world for our kids, even when they turn into young adults and should be able to take care of themselves.



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There is a human slavery ring apparently operating in the Caribbean. The fact that slavery is a concern in the 21st centruy SICKENS me. :mad: But it is an issue in the world we live in, and IMO, it's a possibility she was a victim of that. But even if she wasn't, other people - all over the world, are. And that is a world wide disgrace!
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Where are the Bruce Lees of the world when you need them?


Actually, we have the potential for the plot of a good action movie here. Any screenplay writers out there? Doesn't have to be a difficult screenplay...


GOOD GUY...(mouth moving differently) You have sold my sister into slavery. Prepare to die...(SHWACK! WHOOSH! SHWACK!!!)


BAD GUY...You're good, but not good enough! (That line has to be in every martial arts movie) SHWACK! WHOOOSH!!! SHWACK! CRASH!!!


GOOD GUY (Grievously injured and bleeding) Unnhhhhh....I will rescue you, my sister!


SISTER... (Screams)


BAD GUY...(Laughs) SHWACK!!!


GOOD GUY (Gets up and trips bad guy, who falls in front of a locomotive that just happens to be passing by)...



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My sweetie says she thinks the poor girl might be in South America in a slave ring by now. Thing is, there's no body found with massive searches. One of those guys who supposedly dropped her at her hotel has to know something?


Why do I know so much about this story? Why are the 'missing white person' networks not covering the extraordinary robber baron behavior of 'the powers that be?' Seems like that's affecting way more lives than the plight of one poor soul who was dumb enough to hop into a car with three strange foreign men.





Anyway, Ted, I'll write that screenplay if you can get me an advance. :~) I'm great with action and dialog (nothing against your 'I'll save you' stuff ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've many friends in the west indies and everyone of them think she's been sold off to become a prostitute in a slave ring. If so she's either on another island or in South America. I agree with them. It's sad that all the attention in the press might actually cause her death because she's become so publicized.
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Brutal concept...


She was likely Rohipped and may well be deceased...

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I suspect she is the victim of a drug overdose. Either a bad reaction to cocaine (like Hank Gathers) or a bad reaction to a date rape drug.


I come to this suspicion based on the actions of the three teenagers they have in custody. From what I have read, their stories have been inconsistent. Based on their age & background I would doubt they are involved in the slave trade. A case of partying gone awry makes more sense to me.

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So, what's up with this sex slave thing? They take women to remote islands or something to where they have no way to escape? And they live there for a long time as sex slaves? Years? A lifetime? What's up with that? Man, that would be a terrible way to have to live.

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Sombitch! Read this. Wow.





LONDON, England (CNN) -- The plight of women and children being sold into sex slavery around the world is being highlighted as part of International Women's Day.


An estimated two million women and children are sold into the sex trade every year, the U.S. research group Protection Project states.


Launching a report by the group, U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski described the sex trade as "a repugnant and despicable practice that has no place in the 21st century."


Women in society






She said: "No human being anywhere in the world should be regarded as a commodity."


Former U.S. President Bill Clinton sponsored a law last year toughening the penalty for human trafficking.

Trafficking in young girls


The ground-breaking law offers protection and an opportunity for permanent residency for victims who testify against those who enslave them.


Calls for similar laws to be introduced in Europe are also being made to coincide with International Women's Day.


Up to 120,000 women are smuggled into western Europe, mainly from central and eastern Europe, and forced into prostitution.


A report by the Protection Project, based at Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland, has documented the rising trends in the sex slave trade.


It says more than 15,000 women are trafficked into the United States every year, many of them young girls from Mexico.


The project also claims that Asian women are sold to brothels in North America for $16,000 each.


Almost 200,000 girls from Nepal, many of them under the age of 14, are working as sex slaves in India.


An estimated 10,000 women from the former Soviet Union have been forced into prostitution in Israel.


The Thai government reports that 60,000 Thai children have been sold into prostitution.


As many as 10,000 children aged between six and 14 are virtually enslaved in brothels in Sri Lanka.


Some 20,000 women and children from Burma have been forced into prostitution in Thailand.


The project also says that of 155 cases of forced prostitution brought before the courts in The Netherlands, only four resulted in convictions of the traffickers.


The Protection Project is compiling a database on laws on trafficking, forced prostitution, slavery and debt bondage in 190 independent states and 63 dependencies.

Kidnap fears in Britain


In Britain, details are surfacing of dozens of teenage girls in the care of social services who may have been kidnapped by organised gangs and forced to work as prostitutes abroad, mainly in Italy.


The girls in question are child asylum seekers from Africa, who enter the care of West Sussex social services after arriving at Gatwick Airport in the south of England.


A West Sussex council spokesman said: "It is true to say that a certain number of asylum seekers, minors, have gone missing from social services care. We believe they may have been taken by gangs abroad.


"We have always done as much as we can to prevent this happening, but we cannot force people to stay inside all the time.


"We are reducing the numbers who are going missing by working very closely with all the agencies, including the police. We are doing everything in our power to stop this."

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