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OT - I may be moving

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Kind've late for me to be learning this, but the minor base realignment that Hill Air Force Base will be undergoing as part of the BRAC includes moving the Ammo Directorate to Eglin AFB in Florida! I had gone through the list when it came out but completely missed this, I thought only an F-16 wing from Hill would be moving.


Aircraft ejection systems are kind of the "bastard stepchildren" being in the Ammunition directorate, but I guess because they involve explosives that's why we're here. There's talk of an ejection seat office at Brooks in Texas moving up here to join us, if that happens we'll probably separate from Ammo and be our own directorate, but we won't know anything positive until the politicians are done and the paperwork signed in September.


I've been to Eglin many times and like the area, but there'd be lots of changes:


1. No state income tax (state income tax is 45% of my federal tax here in Utah).

2. No church running the state.


4. Thunderstorms.

5. A new area of the U.S. I haven't lived in yet.


1. No skiing :(:(:(

2. Humidity

3. Mosquitoes

4. Hurricanes


I have no idea if the music scene is better or worse in Ft. Walton Beach, but I'm guessing its better. I can have fun with photography in either place. Won't have easy access to green chile but I will have fresh seafood. Wow, so many things to think about...


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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You sound kinda sure about this, Botch.


I think it's exciting and hope that the plusses outweight the minuses as you continue to ponder the changes.


I think they have access to the 'net there, so all of us will still be hangin' out together, right? :rolleyes:


Plus you can finally get that TAN you've been faking for so long. Throw away that funny brown stuff in the bottle, OK?


Well, Good Luck and welcome to 32542 ELGIN AFB, FL! :thu:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by phaeton:


5. Everyone that leaves Ogden in the wintertime goes here.



:D yeah that's one more tradeoff: hordes of kids vs. hordes of retirees...


Hey, I pulled up a bunch of cool ads! ==>


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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I moved to Florida from Ohio on my own initiative 20 years ago Botch, and I've never looked back. Sure, I miss the crotch- deep snow in the winter, the seemingly endless flu season, cars with duct tape holding the bits of rust together and months of overcast sky without that bothersome sun beating down on you... Yeah, you're right. It sucks here...
Yes, there's bass in the caR-R-R-R-R
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Yeah, and when I go to see my family in Utah, which I'm bound to have to do again sooner or later, ;) Botch won't be there. :(


Hopefully you'll be able to stay in Utah Botch... the bugs down south are big enough to carry even someone of your size away. ;):D

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Just think of the possibilities...


Maybe a Florida MusicPlayer get together with Craig Anderton, Bruce Swedein, Bill Roberts, Is there bassss in the car, FrankyP, and all the others down in that region. Now THAT would be one cool get together.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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1. No skiing

2. Humidity

3. Mosquitoes

4. Hurricanes

That is easy!



No Skiing? Try water skiing!

Humidity? Go inside and have a smoothy.

Mosquito issues? DEET!!!

Hurricanes? If the house is 10 years old or newer, most of them held up well. The cleanup is like boot camp. Great way to lose 20lbs!

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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Oh what a delema Botch. Florida is one of my favorite places. I could easily retire in a condo on the beach. However, there is just something about the beauty of the mountains that sucks a person in. Well, it could be worse, you could get transferred to the Minot, ND Air Force Base!



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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how you doing? I must say Florida is beautiful been here since jan. to deal with my bipolar issues.The Atari will be shipped down soon cannot wait.Maybe will meet up sometime, anyways i hope all is well.



"Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you."


Friedrich Nietzsche

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Think this through carefully.


You are moving to a very flat place.


Your work involves things that go boom.


Consider it.... an opportunity!


(juuuuust kidding, but maybe, just maybe, you can invent the first ski slope in Florida? ar ar ar)


It's not that bad, they have air conditioning down there.


The mosquitoes in North Carolina were big enough to go out on a date with, and they just sucked your veins dry, not your wallet, so you just have to keep it all in perspective.... I'm sure the mosquitoes in Florida will be bigger. They may even be literate at this point.

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When I was a young lad in North Dakota the mosquitos were so big they'd pick you up and take you home to feed their young.

When they swarmed they covered the sky and caused the light to dim.

It was a mosquiteclipse of the sun.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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