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Life is Fragile

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So I'm finishing up a session when my sons friend comes in the studio. I can't hear him so I tell him I'll be out in a couple of minutes figuring it's just 8 year old kids getting in another hassle. He goes back outside.


Half a minute later my son walks in the studio with blood streaming down his face. I mean like a river, I freak. They were playing baseball and not watching what they were doing and he got a bat right in the forehead. We make it to the hospital he got some Xrays which turned out ok and luckily 17 stiches in his forehead was the worst he got.


Nothing much more to say but life is presious. Things can happen in a blink of an eye to change everything. After going through this and reading the post by philbo_Tangent it's crystal clear.


Appreciate what you've got. Life is fragile

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I haven't felt like fainting in 20 years. Me and my wife were both watching him being stitched up and I thought I was handling it cool when all of a sudden bam. My head started to swim and I thought I was gonna faint. I was sweating, it was nasty. The same thing happened to my wife. We both had to sit down.


What's up with that? Is that some kind of primitive reaction or something? That's what it felt like. I wasn't like I was getting grossed out or nothing at least I thought not.

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Originally posted by dman:

What's up with that? Is that some kind of primitive reaction or something? That's what it felt like. I wasn't like I was getting grossed out or nothing at least I thought not.

It was probably just two loving parents realizing the close call their son just went through...


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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Man, that's scary.


I think about my kids and all of the damage they are going to do to themelves as they grow up. It's just scary to think about.


I look back on my own life and think about some of the goofy shit that happened to me....from the time we were visting some friends and I got my arm caught in the ringer of their washing machine, to the time I was racing home on my ten speed one night and I looked down for a second and slammed into a parked car. It's a wonder my parents weren't prescribed sedatives!


I don't know how I'm going to handle my kids getting hurt. God, I hope nothing seriously bad happens.


I'm glad your son is doing okay Dman. I see in your avatar he's a beautiful child.


Teach them to start hitting more balls and less heads.

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Nursers, actually more resiliant...less brittle. Flexible and able to absorb a shock.


I am happy to know that it was not worse.


Lost 3 friends this week. Not good.

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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Sorry to hear about your son and I hope that he recovers expeditiously. You are very blessed that your son was able to walk, and not rendered unconscious, enough to alert you to the trauma he was suffering; the passing moments could have meant life or death.


I know exactly what you mean when you say this... >figuring it's just 8 year old kids getting in another hassle.< ... Kids tend to be none stop in squabbling and fussing and harrassing each other; it sometimes gets to a point where you have to tone them out once in a while to get anything serious accomplished. Moments like this remind us of just how precious life truly is. I will pray for your son's speedy recovery.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


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Wow dman, scary stuff. I know a guy who was struck with a SOFTBALL (in the head) during a ballgame. Went to hospital, was released. Died that night.


Be sure and watch your son closely for any changes. I don't mean to alarm, just to say, if there is any problem, don't ignore it. When we're talking about a brain here.


Great news, just a bad cut.


I saw a man hit by a golf ball struck with a DRIVER and the guy was on an adjacent teebox only about 30' away. He went down like a stone. I thought he was dead but he finally got up. Not badly hurt. He was a hulk of a man though.

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Be sure and watch your son closely for any changes.
My wife slept by him last night. He's awake now and aside from the wound everything seems to be normal.


It is amazing how resiliant the body can be at times.


Thanks for the replys everybody as Bruce would say "You guys are Gassers"

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Originally posted by Anifa:

Moments like this remind us of just how precious life truly is.

Ain't it so!



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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Jeez. Like some others said, watch closely for signs of concussion. Closed head injury is a spooky thing.


This morning I was working on cleaning my pool for the season, and we have these steel shelf brackets that the former homeowner put on the fencepost to hold the pool tools (skimmer, brush, etc.) My little soon-to-be three year old was running around "helping", pushing a broom and stuff.


I said to myself - "That stupid bracket is RIGHT AT the level of his head" I have decent rubber coated hooks I intend to mount for holding the tools. I became totally paranoid that mini-me would run into one of those stupid brackets and slice open his forehead (or an eye :eek: )


What happened? I banged the #&%!* thing and sliced open the edge of my hand :mad:


Went inside, bandaged up, grabbed a screwdriver and immediately removed those steel brackets.

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