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Addicted to the Internet

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Ok, so I'm thinking that I'm addicted to this place. I have no friends other than at work, church, and my family. I mean, I've got friends that I made in college but I seldom talk to them and I don't hang out with them anymore since our paths have parted.


I spend most of my free time here, typing on this forum. There are many times when I don't get things done because I'm typing and browsing the pages here. I'd say that sounds like I'm addicted.


Addictions suck. :mad:


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Aw, we're all addicted! I don't go to work until noon, and get home at 9 or 10 at night, so there's not much else to do. My wife's already in bed when I get home, and I'm a night person. She swears I have all kinds of girlfriends on the internet and that all I do is surf the porn sites, but she couldn't be more wrong. It's either here, another forum or researching new car reviews.

My gear: http://fendercaster.freeservers.com/guit3.html


If you own two Lexus cars, do you have Lexi?

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I'm a misanthrope and I've come to accept it :D . It could be that you don't feel comfortable with non-virtual people and the Internet is your way of keeping connected to the world. Nothing wrong with that as long as you're happy.
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Hey Chris I hear ya, and my preference virtual or otherwise is to hang out with other musicians because.....they are the coolest people in the world. Are they not?


I'm all for extending this community into the real world. I live right up the road from you, if you wanta get together sometime send me a PM. You can also talk to me on Skype if you join up, figure out the simple software and do a search for my name SteveSykes. I'm on early morning and at night.


We've also got The East Coast Jam coming up July 16th in Baltimore. Are you interested in going to that? I'll probably be driving, you're welcome to come along.


So I say if you're addicted to this place it's because you can't get enough of a good thing.

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My wife's already in bed when I get home, and I'm a night person. She swears I have all kinds of girlfriends on the internet and that all I do is surf the porn sites,


Does she watch a lot of Oprah or Dr Phil, or listen to Dr Laura or similar shows? I think a lot of wives are convinced that if their men spend any significant amount of time on the Internet that they MUST be porn junkies, because Oprah and other daytime shows tell them that's the only possible thing we could be doing online. :(


If these forums end up as the topic of discussion on one of those shows, we're ALL in a LOT of trouble. ;):D

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PS As far as addictions, I used to say "I could quit the forums any time I feel like it", :D but now that I'm a moderator, I guess that's not really true anymore... ;) Although on second thought, that hasn't stopped some of the other moderators from quitting. ;):(
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As addictions go, this place is relatively harmless. It's nice to talk to other musos without the fear of getting yer head kicked in. I came home from the pub just now after one pint because it stinks and is boring. I'd rather be at home with you people. The fact that some of you are on the other side of the world to me makes it all the more cool and groovy and doesn't make it any less real. "I was talking to a guy in Australia the other day....." :wave:
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I feel where you're comin' from, Blue. Not only am I in here, I also have a LiveJournal (see sig), where I put my various rambles, pictures, and, well, whatever. :D (Selected entries are only viewable to those on my mutual friends list.)


Also, I'm currently revamping my home page to match my journal's colors.


Those, along with a rekindling interest in photography (esp. digital, but I still do some 35mm film), are the reasons I do the net quite a bit. I tell people about this stuff, and some of them think it's a joke, even after I tell them that I did/wrote/experienced something I put down in the thing. Whatever... it helps keep me sane.

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Blue Strat, it may also be that you have such a huge amount of knowledge about guitar electronics and love to share that with people. Perhaps there are not a lot of people in your local area that either don't understand or don't have as much interest in such a specialized field.


I remember learning in high school about how in the information age things keep becoming more and more specialized. An english teacher I had told a story about a coversation between two people she overheard (I think it may have been at an airport). One person said to the other "I'm so glad to talk to you because not many people understand what we're talking about."


I'm glad that you offer such a goldmine of information here, Blue. I still need to go to Home Depot to check out those round enclosures you reccommended. As well as all those fuzz box threads you've written in the guitar forum. I remember when I posted that I was thinking of going to community college to study electronics you told me that I can still build stuff without any formal schooling, but with formal schooling I could build a lot of stuff. I'm still in school and I have quoted what you told me many times.


Have you ever thought of moving to a place where there are more people who share your specialized interests? Nashville and Atlanta are not that far away from where you live. With your skills in electronics I think it ought to be easy for you to find a job in either of these places.

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Blue Strat, I'm going to take this seriously, in case it is serious.


I think that even a good thing can turn into a bad thing if it throws your life out of balance. Of course, you're the best expert on whether or not that's happened here.


Personally, while I usually find this place to be helpful rather than harmful, I've occasionally reached the point at which I felt it was taking too much of my time and energy. Like exercise or even recreation, something that's good can become counterproductive if overdone. When that happens, I find that a little time away helps. Then, when I return, I set limits on my involvement here. Balance is the key.


As far as addiction goes, while I do believe it's possible to become addicted to activities as well as to drugs, I also believe that we often use the word "addiction" to describe what really are just habits. A little introspection and self-observation will lead you to a better understanding of what's driving you.


While habits can be a force to be reckoned with, they're also usually something we have the power to change on our own. Addictions, on the other hand, more often require the aid and/or intervention of others. If you can change what's bothering you on your own, you'll almost certainly find it empowering. On the other hand, if you need help, there's no shame in asking for it. We all need help of one sort or another from time to time.


Good luck and take care.





My Blue Someday appears on Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Amazon

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It's all my fault. If I would just get that Blow By Blow CD in the mail, the poor guy could get on with his life. :D

I guess I'll have to foot the bill for his rehab.


And I wasn't aware of this thing called the internet...does it have something to do with the forums? :eek:

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Originally posted by Blue Strat:

I have no friends other than at work, church, and my family.

I have no friends at work, no family and the few times I go to church the pastor always asks me to stand and introduce myself. :(:mad::D

Seriously, during my years in the active duty Air Force I'd get to a new station and soon learn who the local musician(s) was/were, and more often than not we'd become close friends. The Internet allows you to "hang" with a whole bunch of folks who like the same thing you do, and let's face it, music performing/recording ain't as popular as, say, NASCAR or elk hunting. I spend a lot of time here, and I have no regrets.


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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Originally posted by AudioMaverick:

That was embarrassing. My wife walked in just as I got to the picture. Now, she thinks I look at girly pictures on the music forums... :freak:

Sorry, man. :( I take full responsibility for my actions, but would like it known that Super 8 made me do it.


Did she see the thread title? :D


Tell her I'm sorry and that it isn't a typical thing. Tell her I was just trying to get you in trouble so you'd do some work around the house.

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I thought this was the porn site.


Them whippersnappers just keep hidin' this stuff from the old guys.


Seriously, Strat, I've looked at your website, and from the things you've done there, I'd say you have invested your time well. I'm still looking to rehab my first amp, a Silvertone Twin Twelve 1484 head. You gave me the idea of using it as a bass amp, which I think will sound cool.


I really think Ben Franklin had a lot of things in perspective - "Everything in moderation." - if you feel hooked here, take a walk, or better, fire up that soldering iron.



He not busy being born

Is busy dyin'.


...Bob Dylan

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Thanks for all the support guys! :) I think I'm going to start getting out of the house more, although I don't know what I'll do when I'm out. :confused: Next week I'm heading to Alaska on vacation, so I'll certainly get a break from the internet while I'm up there.


All of my available vacation is booked, so I'm afraid I can't make it to the east coast jam. :(


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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When I get to work into the morning the first thing I do is fire up this forum.


I don't check for emergency issues from my boss, or my e-mail to estimate my workload for the day... I come here. After I've "taken care of business" I'll start earning my money.


They just gave me a raise this morning so I guess I'll have to keep reading this forum.


You guys are helping me put my kid in new sneakers!

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