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Is this possible? Damaged CD due to extended pausing...

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Last night I was groovin' on some killer Charles Earland jams. I had to step out for a minute and paused the cd player. Well, it was about ten or fifteen minutes before I returned to the studio to resume my music consumption.

Now here's the deal:


The CD is now skipping and acting crazy everytime it hits the point where it was paused. As soon as it hits 7:44 (track 3), it starts skipping and jumps back to like 6:53 or somewhere and just stays stuck in this rut.


Is this normal? Is it possible to damage a CD leaving it paused for too long? My guess is that the laser managed to actually burn the disc in that spot.

Or am I imagining things and it's just a defective CD?

When I first took it off pause, it started doing it. I figured the CD changer was just crashing from mbeing paused too long. I killed all the power (rebooted), and took the CD out and put it in a different slot (5-disc changer), and it still does the same thing in the exact same spot.


I'm slightly convinced that I damaged the CD.


Any ideas on whether this is possible?

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Originally posted by ryst:

yeah, change the thead title to "Holy cow, is it possible to piss off LiveMusic with this thread title"?



And I could get like 5 pages of extensive debate over the need for Live Music to get a date. Or was it Phait?

I could just throw a "W" in the title and could surely get some multi-page action. You know, blame Bush for my CD problems and let the liberwacks and neocons battle it out. :D

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Did you burn the disc, originally, or is it a store-bought?


If you burned it at home on a writeable media, then yes, it's possible to burn a bad spot in the disc.

I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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Originally posted by Mudcat:

A good friend of mine had a boyfriend destroy her copy of The Pursuit of Happiness' first CD this way.


Yes, overuse of the pause function will wreck a CD.

That's what I was afraid of.


Update: It plays just fine on the computer. I also did an extraction and the file doesn't show anything abnormal. I would have to assume this is a result of some error correction.


That's what I get for violating my number one rule, which states that when I get new jams, the first thing I do is burn a copy and use it, leaving the original on the shelf.


Now the only question is whether I just burn a few copies and use them and pretend like I didn't fudge up my news jams, or I can head back to Border's and return it as a defective CD. The latter seems kind of shady, but I'm a bit annoyed that this CD was so easily damaged.


I thought we got away from this sort of thing. With tape you knew that if you left it on pause for more than a couple of seconds, you would end up with dropouts for sure. Who knew that CD's would have the same issue?

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Its more likely the player was damaged than the disc. It would take a pretty powerful laser to burn a pressed disc. For a disc player to stay in one spot is very demanding. Imagine riding a bicycle compared to just staying still in one spot. Most players will enter stop mode before they self destruct. Kcbass

 "Let It Be!"

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Originally posted by Slowly (AKA Kcb:

Its more likely the player was damaged than the disc. It would take a pretty powerful laser to burn a pressed disc. For a disc player to stay in one spot is very demanding. Imagine riding a bicycle compared to just staying still in one spot. Most players will enter stop mode before they self destruct. Kcbass

It only does it with this one disc. My first guess was the player was just acting erratic, but it only does it for this one disc at the exact same spot everytime.
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Originally posted by The Stranger:

Originally posted by Slowly (AKA Kcb:

Its more likely the player was damaged than the disc. It would take a pretty powerful laser to burn a pressed disc. For a disc player to stay in one spot is very demanding. Imagine riding a bicycle compared to just staying still in one spot. Most players will enter stop mode before they self destruct. Kcbass

It only does it with this one disc. My first guess was the player was just acting erratic, but it only does it for this one disc at the exact same spot everytime.
Skipping in the exact same spot is always a disc problem, or a combo of the disc and a weakness in the player. If it was the player alone, the conditions that cause the skip are repeated over and over in playing any disc. Kcbass

 "Let It Be!"

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