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any solutions that work for baldness?

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I'm 27. My hair isn't thinning but I can tell that my hairline is slowly moving back.....not really noticable yet but I know one day I will need to make a decision on whether i should shave it off or try and save it somehow. So does rogain or propecia work? Surgery? Any methods worth looking into? Or shoudl I just skin it? And a question for Phil: How does it feel to wake up every morning without having to worry about it at all?
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Probably buzzing it off or, if you have the money, hair transplant surgery would be the two for-sure bets.
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To me...the best solution for guys with thinning hair is to keep it short...go for the Bruce Willis look...or shave it. Makes you look dangerous, like our buddy Thrashole there. Looks like a bouncer. :thu:


Fortunately, I don't have that problem, but that's what I'd do if I did.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Just make sure you look mean whenever somebody takes your picture




and gel it when it gets too long.

http://www.kennyruyter.com/old/cowmix.mp3 <- Cowbell fever REMIX oh damn!!!




aka: ECBRules . thisOLDdude . keny . Scooch

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one tidbit of advice for those considering the shiny head route in northern climates.....



you would be amazed at the insulating properties of even the thinnest covering of hair. bald is great in the summer though I feel 10 degrees cooler.


Tedster, I prefer the term Menacing. :D

Reach out and grab a clue.


Something Vicious

My solo crap

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I've had thinning hair since age 19, and finally got the guts to shave the whole thing in 1998. Never going back. Rogaine produces some results, but you're locked into using it forever.


It's a scary step, but the first time you're at a gig and some pretty young thing goes "Ooh, can I touch your head?" is almost as good as the first time one talked to you because you were in a band.

Stephen Fortner

Principal, Fortner Media

Former Editor in Chief, Keyboard Magazine

Digital Piano Consultant, Piano Buyer Magazine


Industry affiliations: Antares, Arturia, Giles Communications, MS Media, Polyverse



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Tell you what.


I have the same problem, well it's 1 of 2 things:


- hereditary (my dad is bald)

- something else (I noticed the middle/top area is coarse, dunno why)


I can't shave my head, I look ugly. My self esteem is shot, I just wear this hat all the time. It is very, very, very depressing.


The thing about hair transplants... I've read good and bad. The bad is that your hair will continue to recede and you don't particularily know where or how. Then if you decide to keep it shaved, you have tiny graft scars.


I don't mind paying $5 - $10 grand for transplants, because I'm vain and simply I look better with hair. My problem isn't entirely with what others think, but about how I feel about how I look, and it won't change - I want my damn hair.


Meds you need to stay on forever, I don't want to do that.


I dunno, maybe one day I accept my huge head and keep it shaved (doubtful), figure out if transplants really are worth it, or just kill myself.

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I did transplants at Bosley years ago. No problem. No drawbacks. I have as much hair now as I did at 20. Unless topics like this come up, I forget it even happened. But when a topic like this comes up, I remember the stress/self-consciousness about hair loss that vanished...forever.. when the problem was taken care of. It was like a huge huge weight lifted.


If it's stressing you out, I'd say talk to Bosley or people like them to get the whole story.

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You and I are really going through the same thing. I have a beautiful wife from Venezuela who loves me with or without hair but I want to keep mine. I used to shave my head in high school and it was fine but i really want to keep my hair now. If I do decide to shave it one day, I have to have the rest of my body look good. So as preporation for a future shaving, I am hitting the gym and running 6 miles a day 3 days a week so when the time comes, the other 99% of my body won't look freakish.

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My hairline receded at an early age (about 19-20 I think) I started to look more like my dad, who sports a Bruce Willis style forehead. But it stopped there... I'm 48 now, and still have a full head of healthy hair- it just doesn't start as close to my eyes as it did when I was a teen. Dad is almost 80 and he still has his hair too.
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If you were a black man you could simply shave your head and nobody would hardly even notice. I think Michael Jordan gets the credit for that. :) How often do you see a caucasion businessman with a shaved head? Now how about african americans? Nobody cares but if the white guy is bald (and not a punk rocker) people wonder why. :D Cancer? Balding? Psycho serial killer?


Here's an interesting "gotcha"...


Rogaine supposedly grows hair so older balding men can be more attractive to women. One of the possible side effects of Rogaine is impotence! So what's the point?



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I've been using some stuff called Nioxin.

For me, it works. No kidney damage, nothing to swallow, and you're not locked into it. Just apply it to yer head every day for awhile. For some people, it works faster than on others.


"Rogaine supposedly grows hair so older balding men can be more attractive to women. One of the possible side effects of Rogaine is impotence! So what's the point?"


What's the point?

You're kidding me, right?


My dear, innocent numbnuts :D it's so you can BUY VIAGRA!!!!


"sorry about the 3.5 hour erection, babe...but doesn't my hair look GREAT?!?!?"

I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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Rogaine, Propecia, and so forth can slow down hairloss significantly. It varies from person to person. In *some* cases, it can regrow hair, but the effects last only as long as you are on treatment.


Hairloss is caused by a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Some hair is genetically suseptible to this hormone, and some is resistant. This is why people who are balding rarely lose all of their hair. The back and the sides generally remain because they are resistant to DHT.


The only "cure" for baldness is to transplant the genetically resistant hair to the locations where the hairloss has occured. This hair will remain for the rest of your life.



Originally posted by Phait:

The thing about hair transplants... I've read good and bad. The bad is that your hair will continue to recede and you don't particularily know where or how. Then if you decide to keep it shaved, you have tiny graft scars.

If it is done right, you should have VERY LITTLE scarring, if any. The only area you might be concerned about would be the 'donor area' located on the back of your head.

When the Doctor takes that portion of scalp from your head to make the grafts, he stretches the skin closed and staples it shut.

If the Doctor does his job right, within a year's time you should have virtually no scarring. You may not be able to go completely shaved, but you could go 'Bruce Willis' short, and have no visible scaring.


The other issue with continued hairloss after transplantation; This is the reason most recommend that you NOT have a transplant until you are at least 30, or older. About that time, you should have a pretty good idea where you are at in the hairloss department. But the truth is, some people DO go back for more operations. It really depends on your situation, and the results you are looking to obtain.


If you are considering surgery, DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!!

While I see some people here recommending Bosley, I have to say, I have read many testimonies warning people to avoid Bosley at ALL COSTS.

If you want the best, most qualified Doctors, who are up to date on the latest techniques, and are leaders in their profession, you are going to have to travel a bit. People who are very serious about getting their surgery done right seek out very specific Doctors to do the work. There are maybe ten in North America that have come really highly recommended. Doctors who are really good at this build strong reputations based upon word of mouth alone.


There have been a lot of advancements made in recent years, and to be honest, there are a lot of quacks out there performing botch jobs on people with poor results, and lots of scarring. I've seen some scary pictures. BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST...


I recommend this forum as a place to do research, talk to people, see lots of photos that people have posted, and even talk to some of the Doctors.


Here's the site:



As far as I can tell, it's a totally independant site that is run by a guy who had a transplant.


For myself, I still have plenty of hair, but not as much as I used to. At some point, possibly within the next five years, I'm thinking seriously about having some work done to restore my hairline a bit, and fill in a little sparse area in my crown.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Today I was at my friend's and this girl was there, who is kinda my friend (hey I'm insecure), anyway she's like "did you get your hair cut?" and I'm wearing my cool/silly Skull-cap hat, and I'm like "yeah, well actually I'm losing it" -- I don't thinks he really caught that she was a bit preoccupied... anyway she wanted to see the cut and I said nope, nope and nope. Then she managed to take off the hat.


That was a penis shrinker.


Even though it's not THAT noticeable from a distance, it is up closer.


Oh I dunno. See Stephen Fortner seems to have the right face/head for the shaved look, me I'm a horseface so it doesn't work.

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Cut it short or shave it, end of story. Accept that your hair is thinning and move on (mine is getting pretty thin too). It sucks but I'm pretty sure there are people with bigger problems in life getting by OK.


If you guys are worried about chicks, the #1 thing women find attractive in a man is....




If you get past it, so will others. If a woman kicks you to the curb for the sole reason of having thinning hair, then you are probably better off anyways. Plus, I don't think its that big a deal for 99% of women.


A guy at work a few years ago made a huge impression on me. He was in his late 40's with thinning hair. One morning he comes in wearing a horrible toupe and pretended like everything was normal and nobody would notice. People noticed. I decided to never do anything like that, ever.

my band: Mission 5
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