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Lost my JOB!!!

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Amazing what happened...

2 Days ago my boss came up to me and wished me a happy 2005.


Just 5 minutes ago a guy was at the door and handed me a letter which said me and my co-workers are let off due to cutbacks.


I've been fucking working at that place for 8 years!!!


I just bought a new house,a new car and we have a son that's about to turn 1.


I cannot afford anything without my job and it's not likely that I have a new one within a year here in the Netherlands...


This means I have to sell everything I own. My house,..our cars,..my gear and studio.


I dunno what to do,...Rizzo comes home in 2 hours and I'm affraid to tell her.


My studio's heart is built around a massive PC That I got via work,..in the letter it said that they're gonna pick it up next week also....


I've just put Skip in is little bed and called my mum to ask her if she can babysit for a few hours. I need to bike around town and ask every restaurant if the need a chef(which they don't 'cause it's wintertime and off season).


I dunno what comes now,....

I hate 2005...Last week my laundrymachine broke so I had to give up my x-mas bonus to buy a new one.Last week Riz(my wife) was attacked by a psychiatric patient and is still recovering of her bruses.

I'm frikking recording an album here and now lose my pc and all the savings I did to release that allbum....


I'm stuck here,....



Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan.


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Ouch. That's tough to hear about Boosh. Good Luck to you in your search.

Many times these things do work out for the better, even though it doesn't seem so at the time.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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What can I say? I understand what you are going through. I was once laid off too. One month after my son was born. Had just received a good performance review. But, when a business is hurting, it has to cut expenses....and employees are expensive.


Try not to take it personally. That was my problem. I didn't handle it well. I took it as a reflection on how I performed at work. It didn't matter that the company eventually went bankrupt, I still felt like they axed me because they didn't want me. That wasn't the case.


Dude, life has it's ups and downs. You're going through a down. But remember what matters. You have a wife who loves you, and a healthy baby boy. Jobs will come and go, but NOTHING can replace that.


Hang in there, you are going to make it through this.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Everything happens for a reason, boosh. Don't let that reason be a punishment to you. I hate to hear what happened, but instead of being frantic about it, stop and think.


You and your family will get through this. (We always need good chefs in hungry, hungry U S of A ;) )

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


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As Super 8 suggests, you should take it neither as a reflection on your quality or in any other personal way. It's unfortunate that these things happen---& very poor that you would be glad-handed one moment & axed the next---but you'll recover. (Sounds hollow I know).

Personally---& I hope I can say this without seeming snide---I think you wife's had a worse time, physically attacked by a nutjob!

All any of us can do is commiserate...unless someone can offer you work...


Good luck!

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I might not be as familiar to you as some of the other forum members, but I've noticed your contributions...Always upbeat, interesting and encouraging, and I could tell from 6-thousand miles away that you have a good soul.


I've been in a similar position myself (around "Christmas Time," too!) It won't seem like it now, but later I hope you will see that "they gave you a nice gift, but put it in an ugly wrapper!"


In the meantime, find a way to save your work from that computer. Don't let it get away. Can you back up your files to a CD-R or DVD-R? Is this a solo effort, or does one of your bandmates have a good computer setup?


Keep your chin up, and keep the good attitude that you show around here. Goed geluk!

"If more of us valued food, cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." - J. R. R. Tolkien
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Oh, Booshie, I can store some or all of your sound files, depending on how much you have, The site has 1 gig storage with much of it available and I'll have another like sized site in the next day or so and most of it will be available too. The new site is going to be my personal real estate business site and for the time being will only have still pics on it, no other media so there will be plenty of room. Let me know & we'll work out getting your files onto my site. You would be able to access them from there.

I also have a unit that has a a 120 gig hard drive that's mostly empty. I can put them there too, until you have another computer.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Wow amigo, things have got bad and then, worse for you.


I dunno why but this has been called "The Year of Changes".


How about playing music... DAILY?


When I was without a job, I had to play... cafes, bookstores, small pubs, playing with "cumbia" bands, being a sound man for terrible bands which paid next to nothing... but we all have a "something" extra which will surely help you to get through in the meantime you find something to make a real living.


As Dak offered, I could also host some of your musicfiles. I could spare one gig at my site if you need it.


Rizzo is a great woman and she loves you. She will be with you. Now, go and see little Skip and make sure everything you do will be to make sure Skip will be fine.


Good luck and drop me an e-mail if you need something I could help with.

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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Sorry to hear that. Super 8 had and others had good advice. I hope that you can get another job and keep everything going! I wish you and your family good luck.
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Thankzz for the quick responses guys!!


Mum is on her way to look after Skipster and in the meanwhile I did some thinking and some work:


1/ grabbed my guitar and bluesharp(didn't touch those for years) hit the record button and played some blues. the result is here : laidoff

2/ Called my Boss and told him he'll be spending next week at the hospital where three doctors will be trying to get that same bluesharp out of his ass.

3/ Called Riz to tell her what happened.


Well she took it up lightely and said: "Cool,so you finally will have all the time to finish that stupid CD and promote it so we can buy a mansion within a year".


Now I made a "things to do list".


1/ Burn my complete harddisk on DVD,...No problem 'cause my psychic sister gave me a stack of 100 dvds for x-mas.


2/ register for unemployment benefits. I just heard I can get 70% of my last earned salary for a year because I had a steady job.That's cool!! means I don't need another job but can live of the benefit. Just heared that the boss pays me 8 monthssalaries also 'cause he has to by law.


3/ Give the asshole money so I probably can keep this PC here.


4/ Finish the CD


5/ get famous


6/ Love my family to death.


Dak and Mr.Ladoza thankzz for the offers,...seems like I'm going to be allright allthough I'm very pissed at my superiors right now.


Will keep ya'll posted



Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan.


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Well, it sounds like you will be okay, although I am still sure it is extremely stressful unless you have extraordinarily calm nerves!!! Again, good luck!!
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Hey Booshie!


Originally posted by boosh:

2/ Called my Boss and told him he'll be spending next week at the hospital where three doctors will be trying to get that same bluesharp out of his ass.

Nice attitude, just wait until they give you that 8 months of salary... then kill the bastard :D


Originally posted by boosh:

3/ Called Riz to tell her what happened.


Well she took it up lightely and said: "Cool,so you finally will have all the time to finish that stupid CD and promote it so we can buy a mansion within a year".

Rizzo is a Class Act. Period.


Originally posted by boosh:

2/ register for unemployment benefits. I just heard I can get 70% of my last earned salary for a year because I had a steady job.That's cool!! means I don't need another job but can live of the benefit. Just heared that the boss pays me 8 monthssalaries also 'cause he has to by law.


3/ Give the asshole money so I probably can keep this PC here.


4/ Finish the CD


5/ get famous

Sounds like a great plan! Go for it, man. :wave:

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows:

Well, it sounds like you will be okay, although I am still sure it is extremely stressful unless you have extraordinarily calm nerves!!! Again, good luck!!

Man sometimes will all the shit going on in my life I wonder if I have any nerves at all.

Got two ex-girlfriends who tried to kill themselves by OD-ing,...1 survived 'cause I CPRd her.

I could tell you stories man,..wow,....sometimes I'm amazed I'm still standing but I still am so I guess I'll outlive this shit too,..again,....

I guess you turn harder inside when you experience a lot.

Don't mean I don't feel sad offcourse,...and I'm not made of stone. Yes I cried today,..something I haven't done in a long time but I'm not ashamed. I still stand and I'm proud of what I've accomplished in my life sofar.


Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan.


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Booshy, next monday go to the 'arbeidsburo' and make sure you'll get a 'werkloosheidwet uitkering' which wiil be some 70% of your last salary.


Best to you bro!

The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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Hey Brucie the Viking,....


I just did this: click here and listen!!


and then I read this :


Originally posted by Bruce Swedien:

You know what I am absolutely dyin' to record???? A real "gut-bucket", down-home blues album. Like the records I did in the late 50's, in the 60's, etc. Artists like "John Lee Hooker", "Jimmy Reed" and so on. I wonder if there are any artists like those dudes left down here in Florida?(Actually I'm in L. A. right now!)

Bruce Swedien

Interested in teaming up? I Play Dutch Swamp Blues and can cook too,... I don't suck up but I do need a job ;)

haha ,...just jokin'

Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan.


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Got your toe tappin' "Booshie's Blooze" playing right now.


Hey, you can always do some busking on the side ;)


Seriously, though...I wish you the best of luck, and if worse comes to worse, c'mon to Kansas City, bro! We'll find you something somewhere..you're a chef, right? See, use that "Holland" thing as your hook. The problem is, Holland is full of Dutch chefs, but, it's a novelty in the U.S. ;)

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Got your toe tappin' "Booshie's Blooze" playing right now.


Hey, you can always do some busking on the side ;)


Seriously, though...I wish you the best of luck, and if worse comes to worse, c'mon to Kansas City, bro! We'll find you something somewhere..you're a chef, right? See, use that "Holland" thing as your hook. The problem is, Holland is full of Dutch chefs, but, it's a novelty in the U.S. ;)

So I might have to emigrate and start a cheese parlor in memphis,....???


Servin dutch stew while playing woodenshoe barrelhouse ditties? :)

Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan.


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Boosh, glad to see you seem to be doing better than the beginning of this thread. Sorry to hear about your job. 2004 was almost as shaky for me. But, we keep waking up in the morning! So, we need to make the best of it.


I like the tune, a lot. Hope there's more to it. I think Offramp has a good idea about getting the old office vibes out of the home.


Good luck on your new ventures in 2005, and on!


"It's all about the... um-m-m, uh-h-h..."

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Man, Boosh....


Kind of speechless...OK...I have recovered from that...


1) I love your wife...Her statement makes her woman of the year in my book (finsih cd, get famous, etc)


2) I am with OffRamp on offloading the PC due to karma, BUT, only if it works out money wise. PC's are cheap. The work that is on it is not.


3) I am curious why it takes a year to get a job there? I am not being a smartass, but you sound so certain. Is there something about your government system that makes it this way.


4) It sounds like you have a little breathing room pay wise. While I certainly think doing music is worthwhile, I'd say take the time and some of the money to get yourself some training that boosts your employability.


5) When I am bummed, which is frequently lately, I try to get/do something for my kids (or kids and wife in your case). Maybe short term, try scratching out some childrens songs for the munchkin. I think the intention of focusing it on him might lift your spirits, and yuor wifes.


If you need ANYTHING, get a hold of us forumites. I am growing to think of this place as an extended family. Hopefully, we can be a positive support system...

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hey booshy cat sorry to hear of your delimmas.


You can be a walkabout guide. take rich folkes on exhausting and highly expensive walking tours of your hometown and surrounding areas. get licensed or get the propre permits or whatever and get em dronk and stoned and take them to the canals and shops and historical sightsand feed em goode foode and show them a goode time and tell em interesting stories and if you ain't gregarious enough HIRE a charmere to dazzle and enlighten.

take lots of pics and sell em to them and fill their arms with local trinkets and baubles and rememberances THEY BOUGHT from the local folke.


You can be a good host for a few hours a day ?

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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Boosh, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your job. But since you're a chef, it should be very easy to find work. I'm a chef too, and no matter where I lived so far (Austria, UK, USA) I always found a job in no time. I don't know the job market in Holland, but in my experience our industry is one of the safest ones. This planet is plastered with hotels and restaurants, and especially european trained chefs are in high demand worldwide. Where exactly are you in the Netherlands? Is it in a major tourist area?

You'll find something. And in the meantime, finish your Album, after all, that's what's important, right? You're a musician! :wave:

"Ya gots to work with what you gots to work with". - Stevie Wonder
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