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Aimee Mann... G'bless her little cotton socks

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I never really follow any artist much any more but everytime I see Aimee Mann on TV, etc., I'm impressed with her skill as a writer of songs.


She's not a great melodic composer or, at least that I've noticed, a tremendous wordsmith but in the same way that Bruce Springsteen or, more equivalently, Tom Petty create songs that are well-melded in their match of music to mood & involve structures & progressions that seem quite familiar but side-step being overly cliched.


Plus she's got that record compnay/promotional organization Musicians United, which demonstrates a certain degree of involvement in treating other writer/performers as more than commodities.

[Anyone here have any interations with MU ?]


I just find myself wondering what keeps her from being more popular.

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It's actually "United Musicians", but I knew what you were trying to say. :) IMO, labels like that are part of the future of the music industry. She couldn't do what she wanted to do on her previous label, and now she can. And IMO, her music is so much the better for it.


She puts on one heck of a live show too - I saw her at HOB last year, and it was fantastic. Real musicians, playing real songs, and just NAILING it. And her records are excellent too. Highly recommended. :cool:

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She needs a nickname like "Manna" or something - or maybe we should all call her Sir Aimee and salute. That way the teaming masses will know we adore her as if we actually knew her and they will want to TOO!!!
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Thanks for the correction, Phillip (yer O'K with me ;) ).


Greenboy, Glad your second post came through; the first one was a bit ambiguous, at least to me...maybe Paulie got it.


I'll admit I could've well missed any skillful lyricism of Mann's as I only hear her once in a blue moon, like on a TV promotional shot.

Her melodic sense, however good it may be, doesn't seem to soar or have a particularly wide range...but as I said, her songs seem to be very well built & quietly inventive & that's something deserving mention.

Plus she looks like she's having quite a quiet ;) good time when performing.

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Lost In Space is absolutely freaking brilliant. i just got the deluxe version with a live and unreleased material second disc. highly recommended.


Bachelor No 2 is great too, especially the tune she wrote with elvis costello.


i'd put aimee mann towards the top of the all time great songwriters list.


she always has a top notch band, too. i love her guitar player.

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Originally posted by P.McGinnis:

Lost In Space is absolutely freaking brilliant. i just got the deluxe version with a live and unreleased material second disc. highly recommended.[


Bachelor No 2 is great too, especially the tune she wrote with elvis costello.


Both are indeed excellent albums. :cool:


i'd put aimee mann towards the top of the all time great songwriters list.


As would I.


she always has a top notch band, too. i love her guitar player.


She had Julian Coryell playing lead with her, as well as opening the show the night we saw her - an excellent player, and his album "Rock Star" (on the United Musicians label) is also quite impressive. http://www.unitedmusicians.com/temp/index.html


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She had Julian Coryell playing lead with her, as well as opening the show the night we saw her - an excellent player, and his album "Rock Star" (on the United Musicians label) is also quite impressive. Phil
I got to see that same show out here on the east coast. Awesome! Got some decent pics t00.








Did any of you get to see the vaudevillian show she did the year or so before with Michael Penn? That show was great also! Who was the guitarist that toured that show?

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Three things about Aimee Mann:


1. I had a big crush on her in HS.

2. I was supposed to see her on 'Till Tuesday's first tour to the NW.

3. She never made it across the mountains due to snow and the show never happened.

4. I'm listening to "Coming Up Close" right now.


OK that's four.

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"Whatever" and especially "I'm With Stupid", her first two solo albums, are my faves, but all of her solo albums are great. It's Not Safe is probably my favorite song of hers...


All you want to do is something good

So get ready to be ridiculed and misunderstood

'Cause don't you know that you're a fucking freak in this world

In which everybody's willing to choose swine over pearls


And maybe everything is all for nothing

Still you'd better keep it to yourself

'Cause God knows it's not safe with anybody else


You can take your own advice and try again

But a thousand compromises don't add up to a win

And they'd be happy if you'd only cover your tracks

But the trail of crumbs you've left won't help you find your way back


So maybe everything is all for nothing

Still you'd better keep it to yourself

'Cause God knows it's not safe with anybody else

God knows it's not safe with anybody else


You can play along, but you'll just end up wrong somehow, won't you


But you're the idiot who keeps believing in luck

And you just can't get it through your head that no one else gives a fuck

So maybe everything is all for nothing

Still you'd better keep it to yourself

'Cause God knows it's not safe with anybody else

God knows it's not safe with anybody else

God knows it's not safe with anybody else

It's not safe with anybody else

God knows it's not safe with anybody else

David Tobocman


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