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6 days without electricity and counting. Please kill me.

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Unfortunately, I just looked at the most up to date version of the photoshop'd map you displayed. It looks like Ivan will hit the entire West Florida coast with a powerful punch. I don't know how you can prepare, given the depleted resources going to hard hit areas from Charlie and Frances, but do what you can because it looks pretty bad at this point. :(

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Thanks for the sympathies. I just got juice turned back on just in time for Ivan to take it out again. I just re-read my post and I'm not trying to make light of the situation, but it seems like humor kept me going. Ice and coolers are still a hot commodity around here. This is my usual parking spot in my apartment complex but something told me not to park there this weekend.




Anyway, there's lots of property damage and a few instances of looting and violence in the neighborhood, but we've formed a "neighborhood watch" type deal with a few neighbors. Hopefully Ivan won't be as bad. Nature is one thing, but there were people who don't even live here just riding bikes around with crowbars and bolt cutters, knocking on doors in the middle of the night. Fucking parasites.

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You're in south Tampa where it was a real mess. It doesn't take much to screw things up there. Up in New Tampa, we lost power for a little over a day. Had a couple of trees down in my yard (and all over). Had some flooding that slowed things down on the roads.


I made about 11 hours of recordings during the storm. Lots of nice winds through the trees. Gusts had to go to about 75 early Sunday morning. Since I was without power, I recorded to my laptop in Pro Tools. Then when that battery gave, I switched to DAT. Finally, DAT's batteries gave, and I ended up with 3 hours on minidisc (or MiniDick as Wewus calls it). I may release some of it.


I'm not in Tampa for Ivan. I'm in Little Rock, Arkansas for about 2 weeks (long story, but it's on my website). To briefly sum it up: My father has bone marrow cancer. The best place in the country to treat it is up in Little Rock. I drove him up there the first of August for his first cycle of chemo. Spent that time taking care of him. Went home for 10 days and now back up here for round 2. I managed to squeeze Frances in while I was in Tampa. Getting tired of hurricanes and hope I have a home to return to!


Michael Oster

F7 Sound and Vision

ReGurgiTron - stays fresh even in hurricanes!

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I'm actually very close to New Tampa by USF on Bearss and Bruce B Downs but my sister lives off Bayshore in South Tampa and they had it pretty bad. I'm glad to hear you came away relatively unscathed, although I can honestly say I never want to hear another hurricane again so you can take me off your pre-order list. :D


Good luck to your dad. The air down there does wonders for the healing process.

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Originally posted by thisDude:


I'm actually very close to New Tampa by USF on Bearss and Bruce B Downs but my sister lives off Bayshore in South Tampa and they had it pretty bad. I'm glad to hear you came away relatively unscathed, although I can honestly say I never want to hear another hurricane again so you can take me off your pre-order list. :D


Good luck to your dad. The air down there does wonders for the healing process.

Ahh, Bearss & BBDowns! So you heard pretty much what I heard. Don't worry about being on the pre-order list. I may put up a 5 minute mp3 so you can download it and when you need a quick hurricane fix, it'll be there.


BTW, don't let your guard down with this westward shift in the storm. Anything can happen and Tampa's well past due for a direct hit. I don't want that, but Mother Nature may have other plans.




Michael Oster

F7 Sound and Vision

ReGurgiTron - even better than trail mix.

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I feel yer pain, dudesicle!!


My parents live in Cherry Creek, over by Dale Mabry and Bearss, and my mom said they never lost power at all...


They had lots of fallen trees, though, and fell victim to some gouging rip-off artists who wanted to charge them $2000 for chopping down a tree the remains of which they left in my parents's yard!! :mad:


I hope my parents don't feel obligated to pay those assholes! :mad::( They know it is an outrageous situation, but they hate to make waves :cry:


Myself, I live inland and to the north. i've lived in Florida all my life, and the conventional wisdom has always been, like, "Hey, only people who live on the coast really have to worry about Hurricanes!"


:mad::(:cry: WRONG!!! Many people in the Gainesville area were without power or water for up to 7 days, and there were numerous TV and radio stations that didn't get back on the air for at least 4 or 5 days...


I lived in south tampa for many years, in the Palma Ceia area--sounds like you guys were especially hard hit. :( Man, I hope things get better for you soon!


i used to love to walk along Bayshore--is it still intact??

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