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Ivan Is Headed My Way...

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Uh oh...


Hurricane Ivan has changed course and is now headed my way - Trinidad & Tobago. The Govt just issued a hurricane warning for Tobago and a Tropical Storm warning for T'dad. No one has made any preparations as storms and hurricanes hardly ever head this way - the last hurricane was in 1963.


I'll keep you guys posted...

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Good to take as many precautionary steps as are practical. Obviously, on an island, there aren't many places you can evacuate to easily. Make sure you have plenty of fresh water stored, canned goods for food, flashlights, oil lamps, candles. Board up your windows. Stay far away from coastal areas, and get to higher ground if a storm surge is a threat. Other than that, hold on, and we'll all pray it passes quickly.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Thanks for the advice and wishes. Managed to get some supplies at a drug store - problem is the government only issued a warning at 9pm - so nearly everywhere was closed already.


The smaller island, Tobago, looks like it will get hit hard. Trinidad is much larger and it will mainly affect the north (where i am). Thankfully, we've got loads of mountains to break it up - we hope.

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Originally posted by mars:

Just loads of rain so far - though it's eerily quite right now. Latest is that it's veering to the north of us.

What's the scoop? It's now a Cat 4 beast and it looked to me like it would hammer, what is that, Grenada?

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And, the latest track is taking it eventually across Jamaica (take note NYC Drew)...across western Cuba...and, you guessed it, eventually just west of Key West...and possibly back into western Florida...if the latest track is right, possibly somewhere between Apalachicola and St. Pete. Too soon to tell...a lot of variables in the meantime.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Glad to hear you missed the brunt of Ivan. I'll keep all in harms way in my prayers; also those that have been stricken by the disaster I will keep close at heart in my prayers. Let's hope this thing pulls back up off of the ground and just blows over. I don't know much about hurricanes, but we have enough destruction with tornadoes that I NEVER want to have to witness a hurricane first hand. Those things are mega compared to our little whirlwinds that made OZ famous.

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