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Good articles in EQ from the home boys...and girl!

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Originally posted by Jeff Da Weasel:

Completely kidding, Botch! :)


Congrats again to Phil and Lee on their first EQ writing!


- Jeff

Huh? I've been doing it for a couple of months now. ;) Then again, I'm not sure how much of the stuff I've written has already been published - we work on it a couple of months in advance.


I have a newfound respect for the greats like Craig and Mitch who are so prolific with their writing, who do so well at it, and who put in so much hard work into making EQ such a great publication. And having editors like those guys, and getting a chance to work directly with people you've respected for so many years, well, it's a great honor.


It's the guys like Craig and Mitch that impress the heck out of me! :cool:


I always enjoy Ethan's articles, and of course I'm really looking forward to reading Lee's first EQ article! :wave:

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Just by coincidence, I signed up for a free introductory issue of EQ , and was thumbing thru it when I caught a glimpse of set of P90's on a goldtop. Oh yeah, and Lee. And Craig.


I had already read the article about how a certain set of wall angles and ceiling height and tune a room to something like a minor 6th, which appears to create a good natural sound environment for recording. My coffee break was already over when I got to Lee's article, but I am intending to comb it this weekend as only a highly trained English major could.


From this issue, I can see that I will subscribe for at least the next year. I've looked for it in some of the local bookstores, but couldn't locate a copy. We're occasionly a little undercultured here, although some humanities majors are permitted.


You can tell the folks at Musicplayer that the direct mail worked on at least one of these forumites.



He not busy being born

Is busy dyin'.


...Bob Dylan

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Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe:

I have a newfound respect for the greats like Craig and Mitch who are so prolific with their writing, who do so well at it, and who put in so much hard work into making EQ such a great publication. And having editors like those guys, and getting a chance to work directly with people you've respected for so many years, well, it's a great honor.


It's the guys like Craig and Mitch that impress the heck out of me! :cool:

You've already got the job!!! You don't have to tell them how great they are anymore!!!



Dooby Dooby Doo
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Last night, I soaked in the whirlpool and read Lee's article. You might say, there I was, naked, looking at Lee's basement. Hey, you losers, get your own copy! Your own whirlpool, too.


Anyway, the subject was something I've been pondering for some time now - how to set up my space for rehearsal and recording. Good job, Lee. I have some new things now to keep under consideration. I'd really like to have it both ways, a separate control room and the ability to track in the same space as everyone else.


I wonder if I could convince one of the home makeover shows to come here and give me a hand...



He not busy being born

Is busy dyin'.


...Bob Dylan

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Who's that hot babe sitting at the desk? ;)

Did she realize some guy would be looking at her picture while sitting naked in a hot tub???


Congrats on a really good article.


If I were to make any constructive suggestion it would be to explore the alternative to the one- room approach you settled on in a bit more detail. Its not clear to me why this could not also provide a fairly easy transition from rehearsal to recording modes for those who dont value the musicians-interacting-in-the-same-room benefits.



Check out some tunes here:


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Glad you guys enjoyed the article!


Ken and henry, the article was really meant to be a "this is what I did and why I did it" testimonial as opposed to presenting what all of the options are! I think the benefits of a separate control room are obvious and stated often, so I wanted to shift the focus to a different point of view.


Also, even if you don't care as much as I do about interacting with other musicians in the same room, there are other benefits to the all-in-one approach which were mentioned both by me and by Ethan Winer: if you have limited space for a studio (which most of us do!), splitting up that space into two separate rooms is going to further compromise the acoustics. Two small rooms are gonna have a lot more acoustical problems compared to one larger one. Also if you do have a band and are planning on using the space for rehearsal as well as recording, you don't want to be stuffed into a small room.


But hey, if you have a whole lot of space to play with, and you don't mind being separated from your bandmates while recording, no reason not to have a separate control room.

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I liked the article by Lee as well, and agreed with the reasoning. I'll hafta read more of the current issue later...
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I missed this thread during the Frances thing, and just wanted to say it's a real pleasure working with Lee and Phil. They have very different writing styles -- Lee basically hits the word count, and needs virtually no editing. Phil provides a ton more copy than we can fit into the allotted space, which is great because we get a very complete picture of the gear he's reviewing, and this helps tremendously in the editing process. Although his pieces end up shorter than what he submitted, I'd like to think that we keep 95% of his evaluations.


Certainly, they're both great additions to EQ and another reason why SSS is just so damn helpful to us here in magazine-land!


Hey, and I gotta say one more thing. When Frances hit and I was told no electricity until the 19th (thankfully, Florida Power and Light was wrong!), Mitch Gallagher immediately put together a contingency plan where Lee, Phil, Lynn Fuston, and others covered for me with content. I'd really like to thank all of you for helping to take some pressure off of me at a time when I really needed it.

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No problem Craig - we're just glad that you made it through Frances okay and that you're back on line with us. :cool:


BTW, thanks for all the kind words. :o Come on, admit it - you were just trying to say (in a nice way) that I'm really verbose... You'd never know that from looking at my sparse post count! :D


Poor Mitch - I just sent him a 1,000 word review for something he asked for a 500 word review on... ;)

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