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iTunes vs. BuyMusic.com

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I have been using them both. iTunes is flawless. Every download works. Every cd burn works. When you have to reformat your hdd and you erase your license for the files you bought, iTunes easily re-applies your license for all downloads in one fast move.

BuyMusic.com is, of course, Windows Media Player. Messy. Works sometimes, doesn't work sometimes. I just burned a cd with files from them and two of the files won't convert from the protected format. My emails to them kept getting returned as undeliverable. Finally, today, one went through. Who knows when I'll get an answer. They do not post a phone number to contact them with. I'll have to go to iTunes to replace the bad files.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Originally posted by Timmayock:

Robert the Bob,

I'm using Rhapsody, I never buy songs I just listen and it plays complete CD's I love it. Does Itunes have playlists?

Yes, they have playlists. But I'm speaking specifically about purchasing songs via Internet. I always pay for protected material. Songs run from $.79 to $1.09. I just downloaded a 14 song cd for 12 bucks. I feel that's pretty cheap. When you use those services, the music is copyright protected and you have to use their software to burn the cd's. However, in my little amount of experience, the Microsoft stuff is more troublesome than the Apple stuff. Go figure.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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I haven't gotten the iPod yet but I am using iTunes and it awesome! Even without an iPod I enjoy iTunes to manage the songs I have (which aren't that many) From my cd's to itunes to mixed cd's, its really easy within iTunes.


Can't wait for the iPod. Kinda tired of my CD's (actually, copies of my CD's) cluttering up my car. To have my collection in hand and easily navigate thru it, it's a blessing.


I didn't care for the iPod much, but after using iTunes and seeing what the iPod will mean to me, its a no-brainer.


A confession: I even browsed around the Mac section of the store, even fired up garage band just to see what happens.....ha, ha.


Oh, i forgot the coolest thing. The accesories! I'll be getting the iTalk, it's a mic witha small speaker that plugs on top of the iPod. No need for a hanheld recorder anymore. Now all my quickie ideas go down in the Ipod!!! Tell me that is not the coolest thing!!! Field recordings (albeit, cheap ones) here I go!!!


The pathetic thing is I haven't got the iPod yet, but soon....


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I'm starting to really like this new "Digital Age" I took my Techno Illiterate gf into an Apple store a couple of weeks ago and showed her the iPods. She of course fell for the mini right away so guess what I'm getting her for her birthday?


I think the iTunes app is great even without the iPod as a poster has already said. But with the iPod it's a life changing product. Easy access to all your music while on the go is intoxicating. I can't wait to have a home unit and car adapter so that I never have to listen to Clear Channel dreck while I'm burning up my precious life minutes.


Everything seems to be so well thought out in iTunes. If a downloads hangs you're just a menu choice from correcting it. Click on an arrow and you're taken to the iTunes Music Store for the artist that is playing. Burn CDs easily and never once has my CD not played in a CD or DVD player.


I told my gf that I don't want to see CD holders anymore. Once the music is in digital format there is no need to have your jewel cases displayed. Heck with the way HD sizes are expanding I might just have to rip my prized CDs to Apple Lossless and reduce their size by half without losing nary a bit.


I'm open to any competitors that might come. If they have a better product them I'm willing to check it out cuz right now iTunes is so good its conqueror will have to be phenomenal.

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