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Do any of you still stand and not sit when playing live?

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I sincerely hope this doesn't turn into a sitting vs standing debate. 


I have been a sitter for over 30 years, regardless of band. It has never hurt my energy, Folks who have seen my play will tell you that I am perhaps the most animated keyboard player in this town.

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Kronos 88 Platinum, Yamaha YC88, Subsequent 37, Korg CX3, Hydrasynth 49-key, Nord Electro 5D 73, QSC K8.2, Lester K


Me & The Boyz

Chris Beard Band

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There's no dichotomy - there's benefits to both. The main thing is the wrists are kept straight to avoid issues with carpal tunnel etc. I stand to play and have them high up so I can play with straight wrists. Am contemplating switching to sitting at some point, but it would require a new stand for me I think, to get the 2 boards closer together. 

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Yamaha YC73

Korg Kronos2 61

Yamaha CP88

Roland Jupiter 8

Roland JX3P

Roland D50

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In my first high school band in the late 70's, I sat (Rhodes + MiniKorg). In college in the early 80's I formed a new wave band, and started standing. Haven't changed since, but this is in many rock bands as a setting where I feel more involved with the group by standing. 


Having said that, I had a duo for awhile where we both sat. In that scenario sitting seemed correct. YMMV....

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For me it really depends. I'm also a singer, and in most instances, the lead vocalist, so standing is sort of default for both visibility and the physical aspect of singing. 

If there's an acoustic piano (or even a Rhodes) provided at the venue, and/or if I'm doing something low-key and mellow (solo acoustic set, live stream from home, small intimate performace space, etc) then I'll sit.

If I'm schlepping my own gear, and my own band is performing, and I'm playing on a bigger stage, I'll be standing. Occasionally I'll also leave the keys and sing center stage, or I'll play guitar or bass for a song or two, so standing is more logical. 

The last time I subbed for a cover band (keys only, didn't sing), I played one set sitting, adjusted my stand during the break and the second set standing, FWIW.

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I'm 65 and have almost always stood when I play live -- except for two brief periods following an appendectomy in my late teens and a hernia repair in my 40s. After 50 years of performing, though, my left hip has started acting up, probably due to my standing on my left foot for hours on end while operating various pedals with my right. I'm not at the point yet where I'll start sitting, but I have been considering it.

Live: Yamaha S70XS (#1); Roland Jupiter-80; Mackie 1202VLZ4; IEMs or Traynor K4

Home: Hammond SK Pro 73; Moog Minimoog Voyager Electric Blue; Yamaha S70XS (#2); Wurlitzer 200A

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Very Interesting reading this thread. Many of you guys prefer standing, especially since you also sing understandably so.

At my early days at 17 when I played in a pop-rock band I really liked standing because I wanted to be cool like the guitarists e.g bashing some 1/8 note rocknroll piano chords on the keys etc. Nowadays at the very ripe age of 30 (sarcasm) I only sit. Ever. My technique and level has improved drastically over the years..


One year ago I was filming this clip with a singer of our my original song (piano + voice) - in the style of Jazz Fusion + Ragtime (yeah, weird combo but the melody is SUPER catchy). I played stride style, lots of jumping, fast cascading tritons and key changes all over... Anyway, I was STANDING when being filmed for the clip because "cool factor" but obviously no way I would be able to play all that reliably standing up while also being preoccupired in vibing for the camera. Good thing the keyboard was off when filming :D  

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Catch me on YouTube for 200 IQ piano covers, musical trivia quizzes, tutorials, reviews and other fun stuff...


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11 hours ago, Chummy said:

Very Interesting reading this thread. Many of you guys prefer standing, especially since you also sing understandably so.

At my early days at 17 when I played in a pop-rock band I really liked standing because I wanted to be cool like the guitarists e.g bashing some 1/8 note rocknroll piano chords on the keys etc. Nowadays at the very ripe age of 30 (sarcasm) I only sit. Ever. My technique and level has improved drastically over the years..


One year ago I was filming this clip with a singer of our my original song (piano + voice) - in the style of Jazz Fusion + Ragtime (yeah, weird combo but the melody is SUPER catchy). I played stride style, lots of jumping, fast cascading tritons and key changes all over... Anyway, I was STANDING when being filmed for the clip because "cool factor" but obviously no way I would be able to play all that reliably standing up while also being preoccupired in vibing for the camera. Good thing the keyboard was off when filming :D  


I am relieved to read this... Last Sunday we shot a video for our band. As it was all fake playing (I wonder if it is not better to get recorded while really playing!), I took my MODX6+, an X-stand and a 12Vdc powerbank to have the MODX6+ "alive" at least. But, as I am used to play sitting, I was unable to "fake play" fine while standing. I felt bad about that. Thankfully, the video was shot mostly at front angles, so I hope there won't be any (or much!) of my hands on the keys.


All in all, I will practice plating standing, as sometimes it may be required and, clearly, I am not good at it!

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I sit , but at times I will do a Keith Jarret, especially with a 2 teir.... mostly when playing organ on top board.... I stood a lot playing Hammond with other keys on the top (RMI/MiniMoog) of the organ for many years in my youth.... on  an electric gig now... at points in the show ...I may stand!  

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 CP-50, YC 73,  FP-80, PX5-S, NE-5d61, Kurzweil SP6, XK-3, CX-3, Hammond XK-3, Yamaha YUX Upright, '66 B3/Leslie 145/122

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