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best online newspaper?

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My home page is the New York Times online. I like reading it, but it really is a very liberal-slanted publication. I'd like to add another online paper or two to my daily perusal.


Any suggestions as to reasonably objective, well-laid out online newspapers? I don't like papers that claim to be "THE HIDDEN TRUTH OTHERS WON'T TELL YOU". Just good, solid reporting that will perhaps show some of the rest of the world that the NYTimes isn't interested in. Good music and film critics also a plus.


M Peasley

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Perhaps read several! Sources I read daily (most are free):


1. NY Times

2. Washington Post

3. Chicago Tribune

4. Detroit Free Press

5. Detroit News

6. Wall Street Journal (subscription)


Others available online:

1. Economist

2. Mother Jones

3. International Herald Tribune

4. theonion.com


Plenty more out there..



Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


My Professional Websites

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I knew you'd appreciate it.


All kidding aside...you might just check other sites like the Chicago Tribune...Detroit Free Press...whatever, and see what suits your fancy. I usually read cnn.com, msnbc.com, and such.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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