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Nord Stage 2 problem and questions - looking for feedback

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Greetings all. It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I took a 2  year hiatus from gigging and I’m now getting back to it. 


I have an interesting situation with my Nord Stage 2EX compact 73 that I wanted to post and get a little feedback.

I purchased this Nord new from Musician’s Friend in early 2017.   

In 2018 the USB chip on the circuit board failed (confirmed by the first tech I brought this keyboard to) and according to Nord Support, they did not have the part to replace it with at that time.  


So I put that repair on the back burner. I bought a Kronos 2 73 not long after that, which became my main gigging Piano/workstation.  The thing with the Nord is that right before that chip failed I had deleted a bunch of sounds from it to free up memory so I could load and try out all of the larger piano libraries and other samples.  When the chip failed I then couldn’t load the other sounds back in.  This has left me with less than the factory soundset and unable to upgrade the operating system or restore factory settings at all since 2018.  


Fast forward to this last year. I brought it to 2 techs here in Boston. Both re-confirmed that the chip on the circuit board had failed and this time the first tech could not even get a return call from the US distributor for Nord after a week of trying and the 2nd tech (who is also a Nord dealer) tried contacting them, and then told me that they do not provide support or parts for older Nord keyboards. So needless to say, I’m frustrated. 


This keyboard otherwise is beautiful, mint condition and more portable and practical for certain gigs than my Kronos 2-73.  


But I  find myself wanting to bring my laptop when I bring the Nord to a gig to compensate for the sounds that are missing and for the acoustic piano sounds, which admittedly I have never cared for.  But bringing a laptop and accessories to gigs is often a hassle for me so it’s not my first choice.  And the lack of USB functionality means with a laptop I also have to use long standard MIDI cables and a midi/USB interface in addition to bringing the digital audio interface. A lot of extra stuff to bring with the Nord just to make me happy. 


So now I’m debating what to do with this Nord. I was considering at one point selling it and going for a newer Stage 3 or Electro model. But my experience with no Nord support on this has left me somewhat cold on buying another Nord product. I’ve owned 4 other Nord keyboards since the Electro 2 and have never had any problems before this one.


Has anyone else experienced this particular problem with the Stage 2 or other model?


If I was to sell this with full disclosure that the USB is non-functional, how much of a hit to the resale value do you think I would have to take on the sale? Like I said it’s otherwise absolute mint condition with a custom Mooradian gig bag.  


Any feedback is appreciated.  

End of rant 🙂

Nord Stage 3 Compact

Nord Stage 2 EX Compact

Korg Kronos 2 73

Mag C2 organ

UHL X3-1 organ

GSI DMC-122 

Radial KL8

Motion Sound Kp500S

Macbook Pro 
Falcon, UVI, Kontakt, Logic, PT

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I'm sorry I can't help answer your questions but I have to ask: is this "USB chip" some kind of special thing? An LSI chip custom-fabbed just for Nord, or one where the standard part # is painted over? I've sourced parts for my QSC speakers and Roland controller that were not from QSC or Roland - they had stock part #s I could look up in a Mouser catalog or find on Ebay. Would Nord at least provide you the service manual with a schematic, so a tech can identify and order this part?


I know bringing a 5-pin midi interface is a PITA but imo if it was a choice between that and having a $4000 boat anchor, I think I'd go with the midi interface. I recently got an iConnect MIO, a very small and inexpensive 1x1 guy. Carrying that attached to a USB extension cable isn't much more to deal with than a USB cable by itself!

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Damn!  I would be ranting too.  So if I understand you correctly, a year after you bought a new Nord keyboard, a part failed and Nord could not repair it then, and today Nord says they will not repair it.


Do you have any documentation from your 2018 effort to identify and fix the problem?  It might be possible to appeal to Nord and say this problem occurred soon after I bought the keyboard, and I have documentation to support that.  Tho' it sounds like Nord is woefully uncaring about what users should do with a malfunctioning Nord keyboard.


I'm going to suggest that the initial part failure in 2018 was the time to press for repair/replacement.  The five years of waiting has closed off many options. 


It would be very hard for me to buy another Nord keyboard having had this experience, not the least because of the premium cost of Nord keyboards - and my expectation that I am paying for a superior keyboard that won't fail, and the manufacturer will do the right thing if there is a problem.

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14 hours ago, Dave Osoff said:

In 2018 the USB chip on the circuit board failed (confirmed by the first tech I brought this keyboard to) and according to Nord Support, they did not have the part to replace it with at that time.  So I put that repair on the back burner.

It sounds like it was some sort of close-out when you bought it, as the NS3 was already available at that point in time.  I believe the NS2 was designed around 2011-2012?  I wouldn't expect many computer parts from that era to be available in 2023.  Even if the part was still somehow available, finding a tech that would be willing to replace and test it would be quite difficult as well.  Not a lot of people willing to work on older computer logic boards, I've found. 


The good news: it's still a very playable keyboard, even with a small midi dongle!  

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There are two aspects to the USB failure. Firstly:

15 hours ago, Dave Osoff said:

I had deleted a bunch of sounds from it [...] When the chip failed I then couldn’t load the other sounds back in.  This has left me with less than the factory soundset and unable to upgrade the operating system or restore factory settings at all since 2018.  

And secondly:

15 hours ago, Dave Osoff said:

I also have to use long standard MIDI cables and a midi/USB interface

I agree with Rob @Reezekeys and Chuck @cphollis that the second isn't really a big issue.


But the first is more significant. I would be surprised if the USB controller is a custom Nord component - if you can get a manufacturer or part number, it's worth trying to source a replacement "via alternative channels" (s/h, reclaimed from another dead board etc).


Regarding reselling it with faulty USB, I think the inability to load new samples and OS updates will be unattractive to buyers. Look out for a "not working/parts only" NS2EX perhaps?


Regards, Mike. 

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Apparently there are other people who have experienced problems with the USB chip on the NS 2. I did a quick Google and pulled up this:


"There is a SMD circuit named ISP1181bdgg which controls the USB functions, and I think the problem is there.
I checked the USB socket and it is perfect, as well the fuses behind it too. But seems this SMD chip isn't, but it's just what my tecnician suppose to.
I don't know where can I find theses chip on internet, anyone???..."


Maybe you already know this? If you could source that part number and have a tech install it, that could be your solution.  Good luck!

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2 hours ago, cphollis said:

Although, from what I remember, it would make a fantastic midi controller.

Second manual for a clonewheel? Waterfall action with high trigger is attractive, and rare among controllers.


Cheers, Mike

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Dave, have you contacted Nord directly?  They might be able to provide you a part #.  I had an old Briggs and Stratton engine that needed a part, when i contacted B&S directly they told me that they no longer have the part but sold those old parts to focused dealers.  1st dealer I contacted had the part in stock. So if you can find the mfg/part# you might be able to source the part through the internet.  Only other option I see is finding what other Nord models use that part then searching for used Nords that are being sold for parts/repair.  I would have to think that Nord should have some ideas as to how to help you with a solution.

57 Hammond B3; 69 Hammond L100P; 68 Leslie 122; Kurzweil Forte7 & PC3; M-Audio Code 61; Voce V5+; Neo Vent; EV ELX112P; GSI Gemini & Burn

Delaware Dave



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On 5/4/2023 at 3:55 PM, AWkeys said:

Apparently there are other people who have experienced problems with the USB chip on the NS 2. I did a quick Google and pulled up this:


"There is a SMD circuit named ISP1181bdgg which controls the USB functions, and I think the problem is there.
I checked the USB socket and it is perfect, as well the fuses behind it too. But seems this SMD chip isn't, but it's just what my tecnician suppose to.
I don't know where can I find theses chip on internet, anyone???..."


Maybe you already know this? If you could source that part number and have a tech install it, that could be your solution.  Good luck!


I have checked and that IC is readily available at AliExpress. I work fixing electronics and that IC is feasible to replace on a decent repair shop. It is not the easiest of the soldering works, but it is not too hard. I have replaced more difficult ones.


I am in Spain, so it is not a great idea to ship it to my shop!. But, eventually, if you can not fix it and are able to get the circuit board out, that could be possible to ship.


But for sure, a more local option should be available.



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