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Weird gig experience. Hospitalized.

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I couldn't not post this. Sorry, folks.


I got involved in a group that includes a blind trombonist, David Cassidy's drummer, and me. We do acoustic versions of our own, original, songs. We fill in with covers. We are feeling out the waters with very informal gigs, so Friday night was a party at a local horse stable. The owner said "Heck, why don't you just have dinner before you play?" so I loaded plates for blind Bill and Me. I swallowed a bite of steak and... well, it didn't quite swallow. I could breathe okay, but my body started to produce incredible amounts of mucous... I won't include deatails except to say that I would "fill up" and not be able to breathe. We switch off between bass and guitar, Bill and I, and each time we switched I would run offstage and ... expectorate... It was touch and go. I finished the gig and gave blind Bill a ride home with his PA system. By 3 in the morning I still couldn't swallow anything, and I mean ANYTHING. At 6 AM my wife drove me to the emergency room, where they dislodged the offending hunk of steak. Yechy. I was, of course, sedated during this operation. Apparently, I have a constricted part of my throat called a Schatski's ring. Hmmm... 44 years of swallowing and then THIS? But the point is, I finished the gig. Why am I posting this?

Rubber Lizard Studio
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Glad to hear you're OK. You should realize this gives you some usable gravitas the next time someone doesn't want to rehearse because they're feeling "under the weather" for whatever reason. "Oh yeah? I once was choking to death, and finished the gig! " Getcher lazy ass down here! :D

Stephen Fortner

Principal, Fortner Media

Former Editor in Chief, Keyboard Magazine

Digital Piano Consultant, Piano Buyer Magazine


Industry affiliations: Antares, Arturia, Giles Communications, MS Media, Polyverse



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Ok. A blind guy, David Cassidy's drummer and a guy with a hunk of steak lodged in his throat are playing a gig in a horse barn....


Well, it sounded like the setup for a good joke, but I just don't have a punchline for it! Perhaps the setup is the punchline! :D


Glad to hear you're ok. That give new meaning to the term, "trouper". ;)

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I'm glad to hear you survived with only minor complications... as others have said, it could have been a lot worse.


One thing about your story made me smile however.


That there are people out there known, not by their own names, but as "David Cassidy's _____"


In this case "drummer". I suppose there must be a David Cassidy's Bass player, rhythm guitarist, keyboard player and so on... I guess if that's your "claim to fame" you can't escape it... :eek:


Considering the length of time that has gone on since David's headlining concert days... it's a bit funny to me that someone would still be "described" in that way.


Hopefully, you'll never be known as "the guy who almost choked to death on a piece of steak when he was doing a gig with David Cassidy's drummer"!




guitplayer (not David Cassidy's guitplayer!)

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Yes, David Cassidy's drummer does have an actual name, and she doesn't often mention that gig. I imagine them playing county fairs where the headliner is Paul Revere and the Raiders.


Thanks for all the support folks... what a comical situation!

Rubber Lizard Studio
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Originally posted by techristian:

If you are allergic to hay or horses, then maybe your throat started closing up before you ate the steak? Many are allergic to hay and weeds. I got real sick once from some grass.


I'm glad to hear that you are OK.



Somehow I don't think you meant how this came out! :freak::D

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Glad you're okay, Mark!


And, it would have been much simpler if your illness had resulted from listening to old "Partridge Family" records.


How come Andy Partridge doesn't sound anything like his old family? HAHAHAHAHA....er...I'll shut up.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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