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OT- Doom 3 release...2004/08/03

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December 10, 1993. I was 25 and working probably the most miserable job I've ever had that related to music. I was depressed and had no prospects for the future.


Doom was released that day. I had not anticipated it, or anything...I just happened to be in the right store at the right time. And it changed my outlook on life and I found a new vocation.


It was the most immersive experience to date on a computer. And it was kind of scary, too. Remember, at that time, most computers were displaying 256 colors max. It was hard to be immersive and scary.


Well, Doom 3 is going to be out in a few days, and like its two predecessors, it stands to redefine its genre. It's going to buck the trend of online multiplayer and concentrate on the single player experience. Oh, and the graphics are pretty good, too.


I am building a new PC specifically to play this (and run the new Gigasampler :) ). The specs are steep.


We have come so far in 10 years. check out the screenshots of Doom 2 and 3:



"For instance" is not proof.


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I am doing the same, frag-bro...Ia msure Phait is in as well...


Got a Crucial 128 DDR Radeon Pro beggingin to be heated up.


Doom 3, Halo2 and half Life 2...Gonna be a gaming fall...


All this, and I will have Logic 6, Live 4 and Adobe CS in about 2 weeks....



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Hmmm... I think it's time for a new PC.


To be honest, the last PC game I got into was Diablo 2. That screenshot below is making me yearn for the latest and greatest though. I assume it's an in-game screenshot and not a cinematic one...

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Originally posted by Jeebus:

I assume it's an in-game screenshot and not a cinematic one...

Here's some more IN GAME shots








You gotta have quicktime, but if you go here, you can watch the trailer, which starts with a cinematic and ends with in game play. By the way, take a look also at the xbox screenshots. Obviously less polygons, but the textures are breathtaking.

"For instance" is not proof.


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zeronyne, thanks for this information. We've been playing Quake III Arena here for the longest time. We're ready to move up. Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to have to shell out the money for a new system. My P3 500 MHz machine just won't cut it. :(


I hope you're doing well.


Tom :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by zeronyne:

December 10, 1993. I was 25 and working probably the most miserable job I've ever had that related to music. I was depressed and had no prospects for the future.


Doom was released that day. I had not anticipated it, or anything...I just happened to be in the right store at the right time. And it changed my outlook on life and I found a new vocation.


It was the most immersive experience to date on a computer. And it was kind of scary, too. Remember, at that time, most computers were displaying 256 colors max. It was hard to be immersive and scary.


Well, Doom 3 is going to be out in a few days, and like its two predecessors, it stands to redefine its genre. It's going to buck the trend of online multiplayer and concentrate on the single player experience. Oh, and the graphics are pretty good, too.


I am building a new PC specifically to play this (and run the new Gigasampler :) ). The specs are steep.


We have come so far in 10 years. check out the screenshots of Doom 2 and 3:



Is this some kind of video card software for game playing? I don't think any one of my computers has ever had a game played on them. I take that back. I did once have some sort of golf program on one. I seem to be totally unintrigued by computer games, but I always hated board games also. My kids have all the stuff. Super fast computers and graphics cards, game cubes, playstations, etc. I've looked over their shoulder a couple times. If not for the word processing, Internet, and my interest in music and digital recording, my computer would be nothing but a doorstop. My video card is only an 8 meg card and I haven't found any need to upgrade it yet. My sound card however, well, that's another story.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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A better video card can make an old system seem a lot newer even for audio. When the plugins really slow down a system, a faster video card can keep the gui moving smoothly making the computer seem a lot more powerful.


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Originally posted by Frost:

A better video card can make an old system seem a lot newer even for audio. When the plugins really slow down a system, a faster video card can keep the gui moving smoothly making the computer seem a lot more powerful.


I'll have to look into that. I don't quite understand how moving graphical user interphase faster and smoother can affect audio performance, but maybe if a systems useable memory is marginal then maybe it can.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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I'll probably pick it up when I get my new liquid cooled Dual 2.5ghz G5, sometime in September. That's probably around when the Mac version will come out I imagine.


This definitely needs to be played on a desktop and not a console, IMO.

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Originally posted by Sunny.:

I'll probably pick it up when I get my new liquid cooled Dual 2.5ghz G5, sometime in September. That's probably around when the Mac version will come out I imagine.


This definitely needs to be played on a desktop and not a console, IMO.

Don't forget you're buying ME one of them babies. :thu:
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Originally posted by Dylan PDX:

Im so there, dude! I just hope my new ATI 9800 Pro can handle this game!

Apparently, according to all reports, Doom 3 will look really phenomental with the 9800 Pro (or anything above the minimum specs, for that matter). There's an Ultra High Quality mode that will not run well on any available card, but all other resolutions will be great.


I'm picking it up tonight, but my upgrade pieces won't arrive until Thursday or Friday. :mad::mad:

"For instance" is not proof.


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I'll be running over to EB on my lunch hour tomorrow. I had become less interested in computer games over the past few years, but I can't deny this one looks like a blast.


I was never a fan of Doom 2, although Quake 1 sucked me in. I remembering being scared to death playing against those zombies at 2am and trying to get a null modem cable to work to play against my friends.

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Reporter: "Ah, do you think you could destroy the world?" The Tick: "Ehgad I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!"

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DX 9.0 compatible 3D card w/ 64MB RAM*

MS Windows 2000/XP

Pentium 4 1.5 GHz or Athlon XP 1500+

384 MB RAM


2.2 GB of HD space

Broadband (for multiplayer)


*Supported 3D Graphics chipsets:

ATI: Radeon 8500, 9000, 9200, 9500, 9600, 9700, 9800

NVIDIA: GeForce 3, GeForce 4MX, GeForce 4 Titanium, GeForce FX, GeForce 6



Hmmmmm, I've got a brand new case. I just need to buy the Mobo and all the rest. I've been putting it off because my 500MHz Dell (with a new graphics card) has been doing just fine for the uses I have. Now I've got to make up my mind on the Mobo and make the jump.


The best thing about waiting is that there's no buyer's remorse, you can watch as component prices tumble, and you can let other folks be the guinea pigs for the new stuff. There will ALWAYS be new stuff. :rolleyes:


Stand by. I'm close to jumping.


Tom :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by zeronyne:

Originally posted by Dylan PDX:

Im so there, dude! I just hope my new ATI 9800 Pro can handle this game!

Apparently, according to all reports, Doom 3 will look really phenomental with the 9800 Pro (or anything above the minimum specs, for that matter).
That's good to hear. I just know that Far Cry barely runs with anything less than a 9800, so it's good to hear that a $200 video card isn't totally obsolete yet :D !
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This is from a reviewer who walked through level 2 at a launch party on Saturday:

Pause. These games are supposed to scare you. You're supposed to jump when you're playing them by yourself at home. But few would argue that a game like Resident Evil 4 could be scary when featured at the loud, crowded show floors of, say, the Electronics Entertainment Expo. We played Doom 3 under similar conditions at the G-phoria event. A rockstar played a song on a nearby stage. Busy passerby bumped into us as they made their way to the bar. And yet, with headphones firmly fastened and our eyes fixed on the screen, we jumped. We were encapsulated by the game's atmosphere, plain and simple, and though we shouldn't have been scared, the simple truth is that we were. Does that make us pansies? We can live with that.



In many ways we have been Doom 3 skeptics. There's no doubt that technically speaking it is leaps and bounds above any competitor. It is perhaps the most gorgeous game coming to market, period. That being true, we weren't always convinced that it was going to bring anything new play-wise to the table. And you know what? We're still not. But having played through a level, there's no denying that Doom 3 is one of the most atmospheric, captivating first-person shooters we've played anyway. It's scary, it's extremely intense and it's fun. And we've only scratched the surface.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Fusing audio with the off-topic nature of this thread, coders like Zeronyne may be interested in reading about the application of patent laws to the shadows that are so cool in Doom 3. Apparently, the method used to create them is similar to a patent held by Creative Labs for 3D sound generation, and CL is using that as leverage to get EAX sound technology (which I believe Carmack swore he would never use) into the engine.


Interesting IP case.



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OK, so I got it today. I stood in a line with about ten 16-24 year olds of the type that you'd expect to see standing in line at a video game release, although thankfully there was no "minutae talk" like there was when I attended a Star Wars Ep 1 premiere.


My new system parts have not arrived yet, so I put it on my music PC to play it at 800X600, medium quality.


I played it for 40 minutes, and stopped.


It is phenomenal. I need to see it in Ultra quality at 1024 X 768 or higher.


This game is the equivalent of Bug's Life or The Matrix on DVD...one of those things that you use as a technology demo to wow your friends.


Anyway, I highly recommend it if you like the survival horror and twitch shooter genres.

"For instance" is not proof.


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I wandered into Eletronics Boutique today and the zit faced kid swore up and down the release date wasn't until tomorrow. If I didn't have a gift certificate to the shopping center it's located in, I would've gone somewhere else. Guess I'll wait and spend tonight mixing my current client instead. :cry:

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Reporter: "Ah, do you think you could destroy the world?" The Tick: "Ehgad I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!"

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Looks like even one of my 'secondary machines can handle the minimum specs with plenty of room to spare - half a gig or RAM, XP 2400 processor, plenty of HDD space, 52 X CD-RW drive... all I need is a better video card. I'm tempted... :)
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The game runs pretty okay on low detail, 800x600 on my P4 2.4ghz with nvidia fx5600 ultra (256mb ddr video memory) but very poor at medium or higher detail.


I will have to turn off any special effects like shadows, flares and such.


I expect to be able to play it at high detail settings in, say, 5 years?


Do ID software hold any shares in nvidia and ati? ;)

Stirring shit up since 1968
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Originally posted by bassix:

The game runs pretty okay on low detail, 800x600 on my P4 2.4ghz with nvidia fx5600 ultra (256mb ddr video memory) but very poor at medium or higher detail.


I will have to turn off any special effects like shadows, flares and such.


I expect to be able to play it at high detail settings in, say, 5 years?


Do ID software hold any shares in nvidia and ati? ;)

They are clearly trying to position themselves as the development engine of choice for the next few years.

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Reporter: "Ah, do you think you could destroy the world?" The Tick: "Ehgad I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!"

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