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Another new synth from Cherry Audio

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I don't think it's only the synth topology/architecture that makes the CS-80 so unique. It's also the well-controlled polyphonic aftertouch. And there aren't many controllers that support it. A Hydrasynth can make wonderful Blade Runner brass (the famous factory patch No.4 that is called Blade Titles) which can demonstrate that perfectly: it's the linearity and smoothness of the polyphonic aftertouch control over the cutoff and the other params that makes this sound alive and not so much the underlying sound design.

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Drat! Here comes another great CA synth I have to possess. I'm perfectly happy with Memorymoon's ME80, but here comes my first actual duplication of synths. Its not a cutting contest; I just like CA's general form. (Next: model us a Novation SuperNova. Right, like that's a casual weekend project.)


I'm going to dig into XKey's app and reset the pressure sensing, to see how much of the feel I can get. I tingle at remembering the time I got to play a real CS80, so maybe I can bring a smidge of that to the forefront. I know, I know, but I did say "a smidge."  


Some people complain of CA synths having a 'sound,' but each house does. Those are the distinctions and pluses you get. I personally find that effected properly, their instruments speak up quite well. Its like that wonderful moment when a woman leans into your ear and gently says "Woof. Woof woof." :rocker:  

Absurdity, n. A statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion.
    ~ "The Devil's Dictionary," Ambrose Bierce

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15 hours ago, Tusker said:

Love the ad. 👍That horn at the end doesn’t sound as authentic as some other software replicants though. Here’s hoping the actual synth sounds closer …


Um, I can think of many reasons why I shouldn't rush to judgement before actually trying out the synth. 🙄 I love what these guys did with the Mercury 4 and the Elka. They dug deep into the character of the original, in each case. Love these guys!!  😇


It could well be that the horn in the promo video was created before the synth was finalized, or that they didn't mean for it to represent the Vangelis Blade Runner Horn particularly but a unique variation. Whoever designed that sound was happy with the trumpet-like resonance that we hear. Nothing wrong with that.


Looking forward with an open mind to see what this CS brings us.


It's going to be a fun Black Friday ...  🤑

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14 hours ago, David Emm said:

I'm perfectly happy with Memorymoon's ME80



Me too,.- it nails the sound very good, but lacks poly AT.

But didn´t matter because I don´t own any poly AT controller until now.


OTOH,- a hardware Yammi CS80 was never a piece of gear I urgently needed in the past and I doubt it´s the holy grail of analog synthesis at all, functionality- and soundwise.

This followed by MOOG Memorymoog(Plus) ... many features but very unreliable and unable to make a couple of Minimoog Ds and a Taurus obsolete.


Minimoog D, Taurus I, Oberheim OB-8 and Prophet-5 were the combo I prefered for a long time until I added a DX7, TX816, KX-88, Roland MKS20 and later an AKAI S-1000 sampler.





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3 hours ago, Al Coda said:


That would be something and much better than a CS80 !!!



I got to demo a Chroma in a music store, but its been so long, bleep me if I can remember the basic sound at all! 🤓 Wasn't it "ARP-y-With-More-Balls?" It'll be an Ooh-Aah moment the day someone offers us that beast.


That's a lot of its appeal now. Its a Mystery Synth. A design that allowed you to grab the parameters freely would be a superior challenge. I mean a positive challenge, too, not the warped situation in which the news uses the word to mis-label a total sh*t-show.

Absurdity, n. A statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion.
    ~ "The Devil's Dictionary," Ambrose Bierce

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7 hours ago, Al Coda said:


Minimoog D, Taurus I, Oberheim OB-8 and Prophet-5 were the combo I prefered for a long time until I added a DX7, TX816, KX-88, Roland MKS20 and later an AKAI S-1000 sampler.



 Your synth cup runneth over. That rig is perilously close to requiring that you enter it by crawling UNDER part of it. The inference is that you are the master of your machinery, but if a stand collapses, you're the master of being squished. Its amazing that Geoff Downes lived through ASIAI! That's the syndrome I'm once again facing by gathering up new softsynths like an armful of dandelions... and here comes a second CS-80... :facepalm:

Absurdity, n. A statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion.
    ~ "The Devil's Dictionary," Ambrose Bierce

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On 11/2/2022 at 9:42 AM, RABid said:

Still waiting for the Rhodes Chroma software version.



It's happened (kinda.) 


Paul DeRocco, the original engineer who finished the Chroma hardware design at Rhodes after ARP died, and who also wrote the original firmware for both the Chroma and the Polaris, had a project long ago called the Digital Chroma. We're talking 2014 or so. There were plans afoot to produce hardware boards that owners of Chroma carcasses could install to revive the hardware with a fully featured digital synth.


It ran on dedicated hardware though, so not available as a standard plugin.


Paul hand built a couple of units that worked well, and added features like stereo outputs and digital FX. I never heard anything more about it, and always assumed he got too busy with his many other projects.



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3 hours ago, David Emm said:

bleep me if I can remember the basic sound at all!

Herbie Hancock: Rocket. The synth solo at 2:53 that sounds like a clave on steroids was purely Chroma, no effects needed. The wah sound was programmed in and controllable with the mod lever. It was one of the presets. My band covered that song back in the 80's. I used the Chroma for lead, MemoryMoog for the main string part, and a Sequential DrumTrax for drums.



This post edited for speling.

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My email announcement today refers to it as their flagship synth. Does that means it's a super synth like CS80 or GX1 etc., or another in house unique design like a couple of their recent offerings? We'll know soon enough.

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22 hours ago, RABid said:


Herbie Hancock: Rocket. The synth solo at 2:53 that sounds like a clave on steroids was purely Chroma, no effects needed. The wah sound was programmed in and controllable with the mod lever. It was one of the presets. My band covered that song back in the 80's. I used the Chroma for lead, MemoryMoog for the main string part, and a Sequential DrumTrax for drums.



 I sure miss the disturbing music videos of the 80s. :roll:Even through YT compression, yep, there's a uniquely crisp THING going on there. Matted Stump's tale of the Chroma that almost was makes me bite my lip and cringe a little. That's why I'd leap on a good emulation. Its a different enough voice to remain intriguing.

Absurdity, n. A statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion.
    ~ "The Devil's Dictionary," Ambrose Bierce

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