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On The Occasion Of My 2Kth Post...

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On the occasion of my 2Kth post...


(which i didn't even notice was coming up until Tedster pointed it out)


It's going on 33 long months now, through the sullen winds of fall, the frigid depths of winter, to the excitement of spring and the sweltering of summer. We've had a lot of laughs and cheers, boos and jeers, all of us, and i'm happy and grateful to have been a part of it all. Little did i know what i was getting myself into when i somehow stumbled my way into the Guitar Forum and made a post about my craptastic amplifier. It was even quoted and remarked as "This is true post-modern poetry" by someone. I don't even remember who. If only there were a way to dig that thread up again and show y'all how far i've come, and how far i've gone downhill. To think i've hit that ole SUBMIT button 2000 times. I hope that my S/N ratio is at least 50%.


There are a lot of really swell folks here, when you get right down to it. We've got people from all over the world- places that i've never been to, but places i would go if i had the chance. Everyone here has their own mix of being intelligent, witty, fun, serious, opinionated, helpful and crass, but there isn't a rotten apple among us. And you know, it's really saying something when you have a public internet forum like this and you can truthfully attest that things are pretty fair, nobody gets crapped on that doesn't deserve it, and such things as trolls and spam are kept quite well in check. I've participated in a lot of forums over my 7 years of internetedness, and the musicplayer.com forums are a shining beacon over a sea of muck that stretches from horizon to horizon. We've got to hand it to our moderators, and to ourselves for working together and keeping it together.


And speaking of our moderators, we couldn't ask for a better group of folks to babysit us. Seriously. Phil and Craig and Dendy and Gus and Nursers and Myles and Lisa are great great folks. There is no favouritism, heavy-handedness nor complacency. Being an object of authority amongst your peers, and also participating *as* a forumite is a difficult balance. Surely they have to make some personal sacrifices in order to maintain the high level of integrity all of our moderators posess. Yet, on the same level, look how friendly and downright fun they are to have around! No stuffy Gestapo that comes in and clamps down everyone's good time. They'll jump right in and have the fun with you. What a great team. We owe them many thanks and admiration.


And of course, we owe tons to all the honchos at musicplayer.com, United Entertainment Media, CMP Information, Hostasaurus and all the little folks that never get mentioned but are just as instrumental in making this all possible. Remember folks, they are providing a service that costs money, takes time, patience and hassle. Always remember to tread lightly and help out as much as you can.


Members... gosh... if i tried to start naming names, i'd surely leave some out. There are so many of you and my memory is only 64K. But you know, something i've learned is that there are some people you've got to give a chance to. I could name off about a dozen people that i sincerely did not like at first, but i think it was just a matter of getting to know and understand their personality. It takes all types to make the world go round, and we've got all types here. This is a good thing. I've also seen a few folks come here originally with a chip on their shoulder, or with the intent on trolling, and something about the place mellowed them out and made them a fine upstanding member. It just takes time and patience.


In any event, It's been quite grand. Through thick and thin, and work and play, I must give a huge THANKYOU to all the forumites, moderators, service providers and trolls that have kept me informed, kept me entertained, and kept me company throughout the amusement park of life.


Sincere Gratitude to all,



Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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"Now, presenting the awards for 'Best Acceptance Speech'"...


(Raising frosty mug) Bravo!! Well said!!! Congrats!


(Homer voice) "Let's eat!...(narf narf narf munch munch)"

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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well, seeing that i don't have any beer, it looks like so far i'm celebrating with everlasting gobstoppers and homemade bean&&cheese burritos.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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You're one of those people that I just can't figure out, and I've come to think of that as a good thing. You're a man of many talents, and........my friend.


On one hand, I can't figure myself out either. On the other hand, I feel i should take pride in being able to confuse the Mighty Wewus. On the third hand, I think you're mocking me. On the fourth hand, GET YOUR HANDS OFFA ME!!!



Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Maybe you should celebrate your 2k with an upgrade! ,anyway,well put and congrats!


Do you think that tube-based octal accumulators are more conducive to warm, pleasant memories, or should i go cheap with the SDRAM route?

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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