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Tubes Availability


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Curious what the effect the Russian sanctions will have on Tube availability.   Wondering if I should buy some more tubes.   I have a bunch of 6L6 based amps but mostly gig with EL84 amps.  Should check my AX7 and AU7 inventory. 

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This is a damn good question! Worldwide supply of dependable, quality tubes has been problematic for years. Russian sanctions could create a new "supply shock" in an already troubled marketplace. Will this end up pushing more guitarists to try non-tube amps like Fender's ToneMaster series, or pedalboard-mounted amps?

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3 hours ago, Jon Levy said:

This is a damn good question! Worldwide supply of dependable, quality tubes has been problematic for years. Russian sanctions could create a new "supply shock" in an already troubled marketplace. Will this end up pushing more guitarists to try non-tube amps like Fender's ToneMaster series, or pedalboard-mounted amps?

I went with the Fender Deluxe Reverb Tonemaster when it came out and haven't looked back.  My two tubers Hot Rod Deluxe and Hot Rod Deville have been in the garage gathering dust for the past couple of years.  I love getting the tube sound without having to lug all the weight (40lbs vs 20lbs) around town.  The Tonemaster is a great bedroom amp or gigging stage amp.  I just play at home now and the amp rarely gets played above the 1watt setting.  Didn't have to worry about the Russians, tubes, bias, etc.  I'm strictly a Solid Stater now... 😎

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Take care, Larryz
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Recently posted by EHX at https://shop.ehx.com/item/5881/:




On 3/7/2022 at 10:59 PM, Larryz said:

I went with the Fender Deluxe Reverb Tonemaster when it came out and haven't looked back.  My two tubers Hot Rod Deluxe and Hot Rod Deville have been in the garage gathering dust for the past couple of years.  I love getting the tube sound without having to lug all the weight (40lbs vs 20lbs) around town.  The Tonemaster is a great bedroom amp or gigging stage amp.  I just play at home now and the amp rarely gets played above the 1watt setting.  Didn't have to worry about the Russians, tubes, bias, etc.  I'm strictly a Solid Stater now... 😎

If the Fender Tone Master Deluxe Reverb and Tone Master Twin Reverb included an effects-loop, I would have bought one a while back! For my uses, that would be a very welcomed feature and is a missed omission!

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I used to buy tube organs and other tube audio gear at thrift stores, I hardly ever see any of it now. 

I bought a Norelco tube tape recorder made in Holland once, it had quite a few early 60's Amperex Bugle Boy tubes in it. One 12ax7 Bugle Boy is worth more than I paid for the recorder and I have at least 4 of them. 


If it wasn't a Hammond, I usually gutted it, sold the speakers, reverb tanks and the amps for way more than I paid for the organ and kept the tubes. 

Many a Grandma's favorite Baldwin died at my hands. Maybe I killed them all. I got some nice tubes though. I wish I still wanted to use tube amps but I don't. 


So it goes... I am a bad person, very bad...

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It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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@ Caevan, I'm not sure that leaving out the effects loop was a missed omission on the Fender Tonemaster series.  They were SS amps designed to model and look just like the older original Fender Deluxe and Twin Reverb that did not have effects loops.  I can see where you would have wanted an effects loop or would pass on any amp that did not one.  Maybe Fender will put out a Hot Rod Deluxe/Deville in solid state someday as these tubers do have effects loops.  😎👍

Take care, Larryz
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I've been ready to move on from tubes for awhile, and this may be the time. I'v been using my vox VT40+ lately, it uses just 1 12AX7. The 5 button foot, currently unavailable, is $75., since I only use the AC15 and clean I may just pick up a 2 button Hosa for $20. for channel switching. I'm experimenting with different onboard effects, many of which are foreign me, to find what I like.   

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Jennifer S.

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FWIW, I received a press release from the German firm Tube Amp Doctor earlier today. I'm certain that they have been receiving a ton of inquiries regarding tube availability and they addressed it here:


Current Situation Regarding the Supply of Amplifier Tubes

(As of 16 March 2022)


Without a doubt, the current situation on the tube market can be classified as dramatic. In any case, for years, there have been only three noteworthy manufacturers of audio amplifier tubes such as 12AX7 / ECC83, EL84, EL34 and 6L6GC. In August 2019, the largest manufacturer Shuguang closed its factory in order to move to a larger and more modern location. Unfortunately, the new production facility has not been granted permission for two years now. In the meantime, leading employees have left or have been compensated. This probably means the end of the Shuguang Electron Tube Factory.

The second major manufacturer in Russia, known mainly for the Sovtek, Electro Harmonix, Tung-Sol and Gold-Lion brands, can no longer export tubes since the Russian sanctions came into force.

This leaves only JJ as the smallest of the three big manufacturers. And their delivery time was already up to 18-20 months, even before the Russian sanctions.



As we anticipated the development with Shuguang at a very early stage, we had already intensified a new cooperation with a small manufacturer in China in 2020. We knew that they had acquired the production facilities of another tube manufacturing plant that had been closed in the early 2000s, but had not yet used them for the types of tubes we required so urgently after Shuguang ceased production.


Working closely together, we facilitated a massive expansion and modernisation of the production facilities and started with the TAD 6L6GCM-STR REDBASE in spring 2021. This was followed by the TAD 6L6WGC-STR, the TAD EL34-STR, the TAD 12AU7A / ECC82 and the TAD GZ34-STR.


Currently, we are expecting the start of volume production of the new TAD ECC83WA, 7025WA, 12AX7A/7025, 12BH7A-STR and KT88-STR right now, followed by more models such as the 6V6GT-STR, 6550A-STR, 12AT7 / ECC81 and EL84-STR REDBASE series in the near future.


# # # #

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VIA Eurotubes in Milwaukie Oregon for JJ tubes;


Our online store is temporarily closed due to an overwhelming numbers of orders placed after 3/10/2022. Do not worry! JJ Electronic is running at full capacity and we're processing existing orders as quickly as possible. Once we're caught up we will reopen the store.
If you need help, please contact us at Info@eurotubes.com


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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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8 hours ago, Scott Fraser said:

If they're asking for input, I'll kindly request the unobtanium of the AC701k, so that Neumann can start making M49 & U47 mics to original specs again.

Whaaat, Scott- you don't wanna pay well over four grand for a single used tube... ? 😅🤣😂 Yeeesch... !! I thought the going rate for questionable 6CA7's was bad... !!

Oh, and Scott- if you haven't already, please follow the links through to westernelectric.com/expand 'page and tell 'em that!

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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10 hours ago, Caevan OShite said:

Whaaat, Scott- you don't wanna pay well over four grand for a single used tube... ? 😅🤣😂 Yeeesch... !! I thought the going rate for questionable 6CA7's was bad... !!

Oh, and Scott- if you haven't already, please follow the links through to westernelectric.com/expand 'page and tell 'em that!


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Scott Fraser
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On 3/15/2022 at 11:06 PM, Caevan OShite said:

If the Fender Tone Master Deluxe Reverb and Tone Master Twin Reverb included an effects-loop, I would have bought one a while back! For my uses, that would be a very welcomed feature and is a missed omission!

That seems like a very strange omission, since these amps are digital... then again, for the price I don't get why they didn't provide more than just one modeling preset per amp, but I guess the concept thing is that these are for people who are put off by digital modeling and it gets past that by treating it like a "normal" amp so they aren't overwhelmed by choices (which is where digital modeling loses most people). Still, they could've at least put a simple switch to let you choose between different eras of the amp... Like "Tweed Twin, High Powered Tweed Twin, Blackface Twin, Silverface Twin, Red Knob Solid State Evil Twin..."

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@P90,  The Fender Tonemaster concept was to create a solid state amp that modeled the original tube amp.  Doesn't matter if you choose the Twin or the 65 Deluxe.  The best manufacturer to model the originals would be Fender IMHO.  If the original amps had an effects loop, I'll bet Fender would have included one.  They chose not to try and model the Blackface, Tweed, Silverface, Twin, Red Knob, etc., for whatever reason (not saying that's a bad thing).  Fender did include a few things on the Tonemasters that were not on the originals such as:


1. an Antenuator to choose different SS wattage output settings from 0.2 to 22 tube watts.

2. the standby switch is not a standby as there is no need on an SS amp.  It is actually a speaker cut switch to cancel stage volume levels, mute, etc.

3. 3 cabinet mic settings from Off, Dynamic and Ribbon.

4. Ground lift xlr switch.

5, Balanced xlr cab sim line out with power control.


Other than 1 - 5, it basically looks and models a 65 Deluxe Reverb as close as you can get going from Tube to an SS modeling amp keeping things close to the original.


But then I also left out weight considerations. You won't find a 65 Deluxe Reverb weighing in at 23lbs.  This is due to no transformer, lightweight wood speaker cab, neodymium 12" speaker sans magnet, etc.  If they model other amps besides the basic 65 Deluxe Reverb and Twin Reverb, Fender may include other whistles and bells.


I love this concept amp...😎👍


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Take care, Larryz
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It'll be interesting to see if Fender adds an effects look to future iterations of the Tone Master amps. I've played through several different models (not in a rehearsal/recording/gig setting, but playing on my own at very loud volume) and the built-in attenuation was really good. A lot of guitarists will welcome that option. I hope to get an opportunity to gig with one of these and test out the XLR outputs / cab sims too. Anything that can make life easier for the soundman/woman is much appreciated.

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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