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So what the hay-all do y'all look like? PICS!

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Me last Friday night. No Yankees game, so I spent some quality time with my Green Monster. :D


Slightly corrected with the GIMP . Pic taken with an Olympus D-395. Not bad for a cheap cam, I say. 3.2 Mpx. Note the bedroom eyes acquired over years of too much caffeine consumption, hacking, and general BS.




BTW I just printed a 4x6 photo from my new Canon i560 printer before the Yankees game on Saturday, and after seeing the printed pic, I can now say, "bye bye film". Well, okay, not really. I do have a Pentax K1000 I plan on using some more soon.

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Well I think owe Myshell an apology.

I'm sorry to have jumped at you like I did and didnt do any homework as to what you were like as a person. I presumed something I should kbnow better about. I am sorry Myshell.

I hope you can forgive me girl :(

Everyone else is owed one to so sorry guys and I feel pretty petty to say the least and really thought i was defending Ani when I said what I said and shows my immaturity to say the least.

Will crawl back under my stone now and it won't happen again.

Now, can we allget along without my childishness? Hope so :)

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Originally posted by Programghoul:

In Myshell's defense, I too had to jump through hoops to convince folks I wasn't an alter ego when I first arrived on the scene. And you know what? It is really frigging irritating having to prove your existence to the paranoids.

Well, I took TheWewus' advice and paid him $68 in unmarked bills (I used Paypal). He took care of my identity and proof-of-existance issue.


Oh man! Sorry, I just realized I posted this in the wrong forum! :eek:


Please disregard...



Steve Force,

Durham, North Carolina


My Professional Websites

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

I recently posted this in the guitar forum, but here's me at last Saturday's gig:


Could you redirect us, Lee? I haven't been able to get this pic to show up and when I attempt to cut and paste the address it says the site doesn't exist.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Thanks everyone. It seems like we're all on the same page now. And I would like to apologize to anyone I offended or got into trouble.


I am now self-censoring my images (after a friendly warning).


And thanks Ani (ElvirAni)...those were very kind words.


Now let's talk about something else! :)



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Originally posted by Kris:

I am also into self censorship... ps quit staring at my belly:eek:

There's something fishy about that avatar, Kris... :confused:


(Hey man, speaking of pictures, I just pulled your promo pack out again. Thought I'd give another try at getting you some gigs in Nashville. Before I do, are you still in the same band? It's been a while since your bandmate sent me the pack. ;) )

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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LOL too funny Ted and Jimmie! :D


Taz: prudence is a quality I most appreciate in a guy, especially since it's so rare these days. Crassness and short term gratification have become the norm, and I don't take very well to either one.


Trouble is, there are few enough prudent guys to begin with, and among those there are, their prudence sometimes prevents them from making any bold advances. Which makes me wonder how I'm ever going to find anybody.


So, you know... maybe don't be QUITE so prudent just this once. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got a camera for my birthday so have been taking as many pictures as possible. Here's me in my dump of a bedroom playing bass at 3 in the morning. :D



Derek Smalls: It's like fire and ice, basically. I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water. http://www.myspace.com/gordonbache
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Originally posted by The old Tedster mansion:

Boggs...man, you lucky dawg, you! Beach!


Great pic!

Took a lot of years and a lot more miles to get to this point in my life, that's for sure! We had about $15,000 worth of "surprise repairs" needed on the new house as it turned out, but we're getting through it. We know it is still a great investment. The buyer of our old house will be closing on it in mid-December, so that will help immensely... Boggs
Check out my Rock Beach Guitars page showing guitars I have built and repaired... http://www.rockbeachguitars.com
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My pic is in my avatar.

I'm dead sexy.

And if you need more proof, check me out:


At Stonehenge with my hair pulled back

(oh how they daaahhnced):



Onstage in NYC:



And looking like an "artsy" guy...




"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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