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OT: Ever Had Oral Surgery?

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Just wondering what I'm in for. I have about four teeth that need to be yanked.


I just had facial surgery today, to remove a large section of tissue that was damaged by an infected tooth. In a couple weeks, I'll be going in for reconstructive surgery. Yikes.


Seems like everyone I know is battling some sort of health issue these days.

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Originally posted by The Studio Pet-Rock:

Just wondering what I'm in for. I have about four teeth that need to be yanked.


I just had facial surgery today, to remove a large section of tissue that was damaged by an infected tooth. In a couple weeks, I'll be going in for reconstructive surgery. Yikes.


Seems like everyone I know is battling some sort of health issue these days.

As to what to expect, it depends on your tolerance level. I was off the Vicodan in one to two days, depending... They went alot deeper this last time so it kept me awake another day.


Best advice I can give is follow the instructions to the letter.

The next best advice I can give is, if you can, have them put you under. For four teeth, the awareness, associated noise, tensed muscles & etc. will lead to more aches and pains if you stay awake and go with the local.


I'm going through it now too. I had a tooth yanked in July that, because of my stem cell transplant and the anti-cancer medication regimin I'm on, never healed. It got infected but that was taken care of. The dentist did a debrisment (sp?) but that didnt' work so I was referred to a oral surgeon who took a look and sent me to Loma Linda School of Denistry. I've had two additional procedures done. The first didn't work there either. The second looked good as of yesterday. If it doesn't take we may have to remove a couple of teeth cut a bunch of jawbone away and stick in some bone from my hip. I don't want that...


Good Luck.


Our Joint


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I had all four wisdom teeth yanked at the same time -- a little over 10 yrs ago when I was in my early 20s. The doc put me "half-way" under. That is, I got general anesthesia, but not enough to knock me out. Basically, I was higher than a kite. I've never been one for recreational drugs, but I gotta tell ya' -- it was fantastic!


I have also had minor gum surgery twice -- both using local anesthetic. Essentially taking tissue from the roof of my mouth and transplanting it to my lower gums where there was threat of recession. (Frickin' dentists and periodontists understand the meaning of "preventative" care better than anyone!)


In all cases, I did not need very much of the pain medication and recovery went smoothly. The worst thing for me was not being able to maintain my regular diet. I love food -- all kinds of food. In all three instances my diet was severely restricted, and that royally sucked.


I had minimal swelling and no discoloration. I would recommend any of the three fellahs who did the work.


Good luck with it.






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I had my wisdom teeth removed 10 years ago and not only was it totally painless, it was a lot of fun. I forgot to ask the doctor what they gave me, but I thought I was the Starship Enterprise, and The Doctor was another spaceship trying to dock with me. For some reason this was infinitely fascinating. When he was done, I asked him if we could go again.
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I've had two experiences. The first one went fairly well, despite how painful it sounds. I was probably around 12, and had my four bicuspids removed in advance of getting braces. Normally not a big deal... but they had discovered (via the pre-braces X-rays) that I had an extra upper front incisor, growing UP instead of down, and located behind my main upper front teeth, right near the root of one of them. They couldn't put me under, and they couldn't make things completely "dead" because they wanted to try to save the tooth that the extra tooth was next to, so they couldn't numb that too much - they needed to see (from my reactions) if they were getting too close to the nerve of the tooth they wanted to keep. Anyway, the oral surgeon was excellent, and kept me occupied my having me hand him things and had me raise my other hand if it got too painful. Thirteen shots of novocaine later, the five teeth were out. Let me tell you, feeling someone cut open the roof of your mouth, feeling it seperate and yet feeling no real pain is a STRANGE experience. Ditto that for the sensation when they stitched it back up.


Anyway, the first experience went well, despite the way it sounds. The second was a nightmare. I was about 17, and had all four wisdom teeth removed at once - they were impacted of course, so they had to chip away at some jaw to get to them. The doc was an idiot. I got a shot in each shoulder, and an IV, and it knocked me out completely. I never did figure out the reason for the two extra shots. But I had ben warned by some friends at school that this dentist wasn't the best in the world. I should have insisted on a different one.


He told my mom to give me two demerols as soon as I woke up and to chase that with a "big bulky meal" - a burger, shake and fries "or else he'll get sick from all the meds". My mom forced me to follow the instructions to the letter, and of course, I was sick as a dog twenty minutes later. :rolleyes: Plus my arm / shoulder hurt for months afterwards - he must have hit a nerve or something with one of those two 'extra" shots. I had some swelling and some bruising on my face, but nothing too bad. My dad decided to get a photo of it though - and I was too doped up and in too much pain to complain much at the time.


My advice: Get a good doc. They make all the difference.


I hope it goes well for you. BTW, it beats the heck out of nose surgery. That REALLY hurts.

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Originally posted by Botch.:

What will YOU be drinking heavily afterwards, Petrock? :(

Unfortunately, probably just water. I've been on all kinds of crazy antibiotics for several months now. I am getting thirsty!


Looks like I'm going to have a lovely scar from yesterday's procedure, too. Maybe I should just change my nane to *Snake* & start wearing leather & filthy jeans. :cry:

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Originally posted by daklander:

If it doesn't take we may have to remove a couple of teeth cut a bunch of jawbone away and stick in some bone from my hip. I don't want that...


Good Luck.[/QB]

My dentist keeps threatening me with that if I don't come in often enough.



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