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Semi - OT: Weird Band Dilemma


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While people do change, for the most part it is a slow process or evaluating experiences.


By letting them know that you are too busy for their project and thanking them for thinking of you, you've left the door open.

At the same time, you've expressed yourself, you value other thiings over what they are doing.


The texts speak volumes as to who your friends truly are now.


Confrontation among old friends is rarely pretty and seldom goes well. Let yourself off the hook and disappear into a more compatible world.

When you cannot win, why go to war?

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Confrontation among old friends is rarely pretty...


My buddy that I parted company with actually looked kinda smug as I was telling him that things were over. A cat-got-the-canary look. Given that he got two canaries, so to speak, maybe he felt that he came out ahead. I am assuming that there was some deep psychological thing driving him to go after my girlfriend and my other buddy's wife, but what it might be I do not know. It's not as though he had expressed any ill will towards either of us that would explain the matter.


We weren't band mates, or at least not at that time. We had played together years before, but that had run its course and he had pretty much quit playing by the end. At least I didn't have to deal with that, too.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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For those who might be interested, today's Covid 19 death count is 174,290, still slightly below the 174,954 representing 3x the Vietnam war death count. Tomorrow's Covid 19 death toll should easily exceed that figure. All in six months or so.


Some hoax, eh?



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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It appears that there are some significant misunderstandings as to what is 'public health', what is 'science', and what constitutes a valid argument.


The discipline of public health includes areas of impact beyond the simple management/reduction/elimination of a specific disease, such as sociological, economical and political considerations.


'Following science' does not mean that 'conclusions or recommendations of PhDs that align with my worldview require the obeisance and obedience of others'.


A valid argument does not consist of name calling, logical fallacies, and/or saying, 'I"m offended' or 'I"m afraid'. There"s no issue in someone acting upon their gut feelings, but it doesn"t necessarily mean that the afraid/offended is in-the-right and the other person is in-the-wrong.


All of the above are great for getting sympathy, empathy and validation in an echo chamber, but do nothing to further understanding between differing views.


Reasonable people can agree upon a goal, but still differ on the assessment of available data and the strategies and tactics to achieve and sustain the best outcome.

Nord Stage 3 HA88, Nord Stage 3 Compact, Casio CT-S1, Radial Key Largo, Westone AM Pro 30, Rolls PM55P, K&M 18880 + 18881, Bose S1 Pro, JBL 305p MKII, Zoom Q2n-4K

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I'm seeing 175,219 Covid 19 deaths at this point, so...yeah, we're now officially > 3x the death toll of the Vietnam war. I'm not sure what basis someone might have for differing on the assessment of that particular datum., but I'm sure that's just a failure of imagination on my part. Note that the real death toll is almost certainly higher because there are people dying of Covid who are simply ignored because "he was old and it was just his time to go" so no one does a test. The poor guy goes in the ground and the fact that the virus hastened his demise doesn't get tallied--especially with some people being averse to testing.


Still waiting for some dimbulb to pop up and claim that Vietnam was a hoax and any reports of soldiers dying there are fake news. It wouldn't be any stupider than some of the other tin foil hat notions promulgated by certain people.


And in other news, we're approaching 5 x the death toll from traffic accidents in the US last year...but I guess some stupid nitwit thinks that's a hoax or fake news, too.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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People are spending too much time arguing about stuff they have no authority to decide. That includes folks here on this forum. A bunch of keyboard players are not going to decide public health policy.


I might disagree with a bandmate about whether wearing a mask should be mandatory. But that's not up to either of us. Time is precious, we should spend it discussing stuff we can decide like how to structure the solo section of Take Five. If Jason's bandmates took this view of things, they would have an easier time keeping him in the fold.


Now, when it comes to whether we actually do the things that respect each other's health preferences, like wearing masks at rehearsal, that's a totally different issue. But Jason didn't mention anything like that. He only mentioned the way people were going about discussing certain topics.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Time is precious, we should spend it discussing stuff we can decide like how to structure the solo section of Take Five.
Do it in 7/8.
These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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People are spending too much time arguing about stuff they have no authority to decide. That includes folks here on this forum. A bunch of keyboard players are not going to decide public health policy.




Disclaimer: I majored in Microbiology at a Big Ten University. Graduated from a top 15 Medical School with an actual MD degree. Did a Fellowship in infectious disease research. So what the EFF would I know???

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People are spending too much time arguing about stuff they have no authority to decide. That includes folks here on this forum. A bunch of keyboard players are not going to decide public health policy.




I was gonna try to hold off on using all caps, but hell, you went for it, so YEAH. ABSOLUTELY YEAH. I MEAN FRICK.


Threads like this one are the accidents I can't look away from.

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