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What Do You Think About Working from Home?

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Google has extended staying home for workers until Summer 2021! So...what do they know that we don't know? :)


But that got me thinking. How many of you work in an office environment and are now working from home? Do you like it more? Less?


Microsoft did a study recently that people working from home put in an average of 4 hours a week more than when they worked in the office. I wonder if that's behind Google extending the stay-at-home thing..."hmmm, more work, no increase in pay, save on office space...sign me up!"


As someone who has worked from home almost my entire life, I definitely put in a lot of hours because if I feel like doing something, there it is. I don't have to get in a car and drive somewhere.

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I had to research my records to get the year I moved the office home - 1996. Saved me some $20K a year in office rent, and got to spend a lot more time with the kids growing up.


I don't think working from home is for everybody, assuming there's a choice. I like it a lot - but I'm self-motivated enough to put the hours in (to say the least.) Of course, I'm my own boss - so it's different if you have to log in and work that way all day as an employee.


My son's employer has gone to 100% remote workers for all the copy-editing positions. He likes it, but has to have a just-so setup or distractions get on his nerves pretty bad. His work takes high levels of concentration. My little home office is a walled-off room off the garage, so I have zero distractions unless I let the internet waste my time.


I would NOT want to work remotely, have to logon for X hours, and have one or more kid to look after at the same time. Unless the remote work culture was extremely cool about that....


Myself, I love working a couple of hours, then taking a break in the studio and playing guitar or dinking with the DAW, etc. Beats looking at your phone in a break room by an incalculable amount...



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companies are finally coming around to what they should have been doing 20 years ago.


the technology has been available for at least 20 years.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Companies need to quit comparing themselves to government so they can feel self-satisfied about their rationality and efficiency. There's still untold amounts of blind tradition that rules many aspects of corporate culture. Hindsight is 20/20 but insight and forsight are still rare.



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I am a teacher. I like interacting with the kids and having fun with them, so in many respects, working from home sucks.


On the other hand, I get to wake up late. I don't commute. I wear shorts or sweats all the time. And while I cannot work exactly whenever I want, there's certainly more latitude before or after Zoom classrooms.


So I take the good with the bad.

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Working from home is just not an option for me where my technician position requires me to be working at test benches/stations full of oscilloscopes, signal generators, spectrum analyzers, waveform generators, frequency counters, meters, custom fixtures, etc. ad infinitum. It would be nearly impossible to get all that into my house and also I work on different projects each of which has a completely different setup. No I'm stuck going in daily!
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Other than when I gig, the majority of my work is done at home. I create new backing tracks for my duo, we rehearse the duo, plus my wife and I write new style e-disks and e-fake disks at home. I take care of the http://www.nortonmusic.com business from orders to tech help to webmaster to bookkeeping to marketing, to whatever is needed.


The commute is quick and easy, other employees don't steal my food out of the fridge, I don't have to go out to buy lunches or brown-bag it, I can set my own hours, I can choose the background music when I'm directly doing music, when things are delivered to my home I don't have to worry about porch pirates, I can work in shorts and a t-shirt or sweats depending on the weather and don't even have to put shoes on.


I don't have a boss looming over me telling me what to do. I make my own decisions, profit from the good ones, and hopefully learn from the bad ones. I can break when I want and even take a day off if I want, although I usually work a lot more than 40 hours a week (it doesn't seem like work most of the time).


I don't like Air Conditioning, grew up without it, and lately I've learned that clean air is actually healthier not to mention much better for the environment, I live on a half acre and out of the window both in and under my trees I'm visited by rabbits, snakes. lizards, many different species of birds, squirrels, butterflies, bees, gopher tortoises, and rarely seen raccoons, a bobcat or a fox.


I like it that way.


Working for myself, in my own way, on my own terms, I feel like I'm free.


Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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