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Things are slowly returning to normal

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These are the numbers I look at each month provided by the CDC on-line.


For the 327,000,000 people in the US the totals are:


May 2020


14,749,756 Tested

1,686,436 Tested Positive

13,063,320 Tested Negative

451,702 Recovered

99,306 Deaths


As of June 2020


23,978,670 Tested

2,129,406 Tested Positive

21,849,264 Tested Negative

843,548 Recovered

117,090 Deaths


I'm hoping things can return to normal as soon as possible... :cool:


Update as of Today July 1, 2020


US population 331,439,964


34,439,964 Tested

2,751,995 Tested positive

31,687,969 Tested negative

1,146,785 Recovered

130,395 Deaths



Stay Safe! :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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Yeah, I am with Winston on this one - even if they find an effective vaccine there is not going to be a return to the "normal" that we became accustomed to living.


Depending on timing, this fall brings the risk of contracting the flu and CV_19, uncharted territory.


The Chinese have found a virulent form of swine flu in their herds that has a potential for spreading to humans. Hopefully they contain it but that looms as well.


Viruses mutate, that is their nature. They infect, they do not care who you vote for or what you believe in. They are here.

Masks are proven effective yet some politicize them. Health officials are expected to have answers or solutions to new situations, this is completely unrealistic, as is following advice of people with zero medical experience - your "gut" should tell you if somebody is full of crap.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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The good news about Covid-19 on the mutation front is that (so far) it"s not mutating very quickly. Compared to viruses like influenza, it mutates at a glacial pace. This gives hope to researchers that any treatments, vaccines or cures they develop will be pretty much equally effective across all strains.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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Maybe if the medical experts...some of them with a past record of being wrong more often than being right hadn't changed their mind so many times or then suddenly given a free pass to one group of protestors while at the same time saying that a different group of protestors were putting people in danger then people might take them more seriously. Maybe if someone had looked closer the projections made by someone who also was wrong many more times than right then people might take them more seriously. When politics gets involved in medical science I become suspicious of the motives.

But what do I know...I'm just a regular guy with no medical background.


The message was unequivocal & clear, people didn't accept that they needed to man up & act like adults, & now the US leads the world in rates of infection per capita.

Scott Fraser
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The message was unequivocal & clear, people didn't accept that they needed to man up & act like adults, & now the US leads the world in rates of infection per capita.

Infection per capita may only mean more tests were done. When counting fatalities per million the US comes in 7th:



And had so many positive testing seniors been isolated instead of being sent back to care homes to infect entire buildings the fatality rate would have been far lower.

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I was very interested to read an article about the 1918 pandemic of Spanish Flu. It apparently came in 3 waves.


The first was was in the spring, and they had folks wearing masks and staying in. After a couple of month though, folks started forming anti-mask groups and saying the government was infringing upon their rights by making them wear masks. Sound familiar?


The 2nd wave came in the fall, and it was much worse than the first. Everybody thought they were done with it, but that was wishful thinking. About 685,000 people caught it, and about 1/5 of them died. I guess those masks might have been a good idea after all.


The 3rd wave came in the Winter and Spring of 1919, and it was worse than the first, but not as bad as the 2nd.


I'm hearing what seem to be suicidal yo-yos out there saying it's not right to make people wear masks and stay 6 ft from each other. I hear folks from all sides of the political fence blaming the other sides, and calling it a conspiracy. Of course, there are folks screaming conspiracy if they hear that a chicken crossed the road, so that's nothing new.


People, just remember, viruses don't care who's in the White House or any other office, they don't belong to any party or ideology, and they don't care about anything but taking over the host they have infested. IF you don't wanna wear a mask, don't, but stay the freak away from me!

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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As I have complained about on other websites, one of the biggest problems with this corona virus is that you have a lot of highly educated and very knowledgeable people with many years of experience saying one thing, but within a few days or so you have other highly educated very knowledgeable people with many years of experience saying the opposite thing. And then look at the great Dr. Fauci, who some people viewed as if he were a messenger from God. He's flipflopped on his messages a few times. So who do you believe? If I were to buy a Ph.D from some online diploma mill, do I suddenly become an expert? This is what is so aggravating. You should wear a mask, you don't need to wear a mask. You should wear gloves, you don't need to wear gloves. Wash or sanitize your hands every time you touch anything, just wash your hands regularly. Is there anybody out there who actually knows what the bleep they're talking about?
I rock; therefore, I am.
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You should wear a mask, you don't need to wear a mask. You should wear gloves, you don't need to wear gloves. Wash or sanitize your hands every time you touch anything, just wash your hands regularly. Is there anybody out there who actually knows what the bleep they're talking about?


I use the simple reasoning process to know what is good for me. I know that if I wear a mask in public places, it is likely to filter out a good amount of contaminants as I breathe. I know that if I wash and sanitize my hands, those acts are likely to remove a good amount of contaminants from my hands. I don't wear gloves but I have a hand sanitizer in my pocket to take care of any contaminants I may collect in the stores.


I don't need any stinkin advice from the talking heads on TV, although if it is science based and I trust that scientifically trained messenger over time, I will consider what they say. It is really simple.

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As I have complained about on other websites, one of the biggest problems with this corona virus is that you have a lot of highly educated and very knowledgeable people with many years of experience saying one thing, but within a few days or so you have other highly educated very knowledgeable people with many years of experience saying the opposite thing. And then look at the great Dr. Fauci, who some people viewed as if he were a messenger from God. He's flipflopped on his messages a few times. So who do you believe? If I were to buy a Ph.D from some online diploma mill, do I suddenly become an expert? This is what is so aggravating. You should wear a mask, you don't need to wear a mask. You should wear gloves, you don't need to wear gloves. Wash or sanitize your hands every time you touch anything, just wash your hands regularly. Is there anybody out there who actually knows what the bleep they're talking about?


Masks are proven to be effective, wearing one is safer for you and safer for those around you. There is no question of it.

Simple analogy: You are standing around with no pants on. A guy with no pants on comes up and pees on your leg. If you wear pants, most of the pee will be caught in the fabric. If they wear pants, the pee will dribble down their own pantleg. That is how masks work, it's super simple. We can protect ourselves and protect all of those around us when we find ourselves in those situations - grocery shopping for one.


It is true that some have made masks a political issue, those are the people to ignore as their agenda speaks for itself. Be careful how you choose your news!!!! Somebody's statement gets edited and it now has a different meaning. People of all sorts with all sorts of motivations are backpedalling all the time. There are many who prefer their "beliefs" to "facts" and spew ignorant nonsense regardless. So either completely ignore all the news all the time or indulge in a larger, more random variety of news.


Certainly, stay the hell off of Fakebook, it is an open sewer of BS!!!! Cheers, Kuru

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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No, the important number is how many positives there are per the number of tests given, not the fact that there have been more tests.

Infections per capita is not the same as positives per test. Also, fatalities per test and fatalities per capita are two different numbers. There are 4 different ways of measuring the virus and each one of them measures something different.

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Re: Fauci


The reason he has changed his recommendations over time is that he"s working with evidence and research that is evolving. That"s the hallmark of good science: you have to be able to change your view based on new, research-based, scientifically tested evidence.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I live in michigan. We are able to work from our up north cabin/house. The town only has population of 230 officially. The county has recorded 22 cases total so far so we feel pretty safe. This weekend lots of downstate folks are comng north. The expressway was heavy traffic the past couple days coming north. I hope we do not see a big surge here. BTW we are in a zone that allows resturaunts to serve 50% indoors and hair and nail places are open. Keep safe and wear the mask when you are anywhere that you question the possibility of exposure. Jim
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No, the important number is how many positives there are per the number of tests given, not the fact that there have been more tests.

Infections per capita is not the same as positives per test. Also, fatalities per test and fatalities per capita are two different numbers. There are 4 different ways of measuring the virus and each one of them measures something different.


Thing is, as the number of tests increases, the gap between sample size & general population narrows, so those numbers eventually statistically coincide. A number worth reflecting upon is that the US has 4% of the world's population, & we have 25% of the world's Covid cases. That indicates we have a problem, & it's a problem not befitting an allegedly first world nation.

Scott Fraser
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Today, which is Sunday, July 5th, 2020, the state of Michigan (where I proudly live) registered ZERO deaths from the corona virus. This is the first day since March 17th that we did not have anyone in the state die from the virus. Yes, there are still new cases being reported every day, but if people aren't dying from it, who cares? I sure hope this is a sign that things are getting better. The gym I work out at has been open almost three weeks now, and I have not heard of one person getting sick. And believe me, if somebody got the corona virus from the gym, word of that would spread faster than the virus ever could. I am being cautiously optimistic. For the record, the corona virus has killed 4,539 people in the metro Detroit area alone as of today, so I am not laughing off this virus like it's a bad cold. But it sure is nice to see some good news for a change.
I rock; therefore, I am.
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Yes, there are still new cases being reported every day, but if people aren't dying from it, who cares?


Because even if you don"t die from it, it can still mess you up for the rest of your life. That"s not an exaggeration.


There are growing numbers of people who have had Covid-19 symptoms for 00+ days. They"re stuck in limbo until they"re recovered.


There"s people who have had organs like livers, lungs and kidneys get severely damaged or even fail due to Covid-19.*


The clots the virus causes can cause strokes, heart attacks, priapism and other afflictions.


As a virologist pointed out, we know it attacks the sense of taste and smell. We don"t know how or why, and whether it"s damaging other parts of the brain while it"s doing so. That same virologist also pointed out that we don"t know if Covid-19 has any long-term effects on human development, which we won"t know for sure until the kids who have it now are a decade older.


While it may not kill a big percentage of its victims, it"s virulence means it will infect a lot of people, giving it more chances to kill. And we don"t yet have a lot of weapons to combat it.



TL;DR: Covid-19 may not be a killer disease in the conventional sense, but it"s doing a damn good job at mauling humanity.






* I was going to mention how Nick Cordero lost his leg to Covid-19 complications...but as I was writing this response, my news feed sent an alert that he has died after having Covid-19 for 90 days.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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  • 5 weeks later...
These are the numbers I look at each month provided by the CDC on-line.


For the 327,000,000 people in the US the totals are:


May 2020


14,749,756 Tested

1,686,436 Tested Positive

13,063,320 Tested Negative

451,702 Recovered

99,306 Deaths


As of June 2020


23,978,670 Tested

2,129,406 Tested Positive

21,849,264 Tested Negative

843,548 Recovered

117,090 Deaths


I'm hoping things can return to normal as soon as possible... :cool:


Update as of Today July 1, 2020


US population 331,439,964


34,439,964 Tested

2,751,995 Tested positive

31,687,969 Tested negative

1,146,785 Recovered

130,395 Deaths



Stay Safe! :cool:




CDC stats as of Aug 1, 2020


US Population 331,182,250


61,041,553 Tested

4,874,934 Tested positive

56,166,619 Tested negative

2,450,399 Recovered

159,403 Deaths


Stay Safe! :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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  • 3 weeks later...
New rules for Oahu, lots like the original rules. No visitors in your house including family members who don't live there. You're stuck with the people you live with till Sept 16.


Live music in public places is not allowed in WA.

We had one August gig, probably the only one. It's an annual event, we've played there 3 times now.


Much smaller this year, on private property and the owner joked that it was a "protest".


They serve up great food but I brought my own sandwich just to be on the safe side. Band was well spread out of a huge porch and our audience was never closer than 15-20 feet away. They had fun, we had fun.

Summer will go away and that will be that for now.

I have recording projects to stay busy and keep the music alive. This too shall pass.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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  • 2 weeks later...
These are the numbers I look at each month provided by the CDC on-line.


For the 327,000,000 people in the US the totals are:


May 2020


14,749,756 Tested

1,686,436 Tested Positive

13,063,320 Tested Negative

451,702 Recovered

99,306 Deaths


As of June 2020


23,978,670 Tested

2,129,406 Tested Positive

21,849,264 Tested Negative

843,548 Recovered

117,090 Deaths


I'm hoping things can return to normal as soon as possible... :cool:


Update as of Today July 1, 2020


US population 331,439,964


34,439,964 Tested

2,751,995 Tested positive

31,687,969 Tested negative

1,146,785 Recovered

130,395 Deaths



Stay Safe! :cool:




CDC stats as of Aug 1, 2020


US Population 331,182,250


61,041,553 Tested

4,874,934 Tested positive

56,166,619 Tested negative

2,450,399 Recovered

159,403 Deaths


Stay Safe! :cool:



Update as of September 1, 2020


US Population 331,330,464


83,282,374 Tested

6,254,397 Tested Positive

77,027, 977 Tested Negative

3,482,337 Recovered

188,827 Deaths


Stay Safe! :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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  • 2 weeks later...
I knew it was bad, but when I read this I was stunned: Turtle Bay Resorts, the biggest employer on the North Shore, has 20 employees, before the pandemic they had 740.



Up here, as many restaurants/brew pubs/bars as could, opened up some form of outdoor seating for the summer and have managed to limp along, although a number of them have closed permanently.

Winter will change that and not to the good side. We get cold weather, torrential downpours and often vigorous windy spells. Very few people will consider outdoor dining/drinking to be an attractive option.


By next May, the "gig economy" landscape in Whatcom County will have changed dramatically. It could take years to recover, if it ever does.

The band won't be taking any indoor gigs this winter, they would all be private parties flying under the radar in any case since live music in public is officially not allowed for now.


I am looking at other income streams, gigging isn't going to be steady money, maybe ever again.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Most restaurants around here have limited seating capacity and are hurting bad. Every few days/week another local institution that's been around for decades closes for good. Live music is almost non-existent due to limited seating capacity. One of my friend's bands hosts an open mic once a week but they no longer get paid...not that they made much before.


We have no gigs in the near future, although one of my bands might get a gig but only because the owner is a good friend of a band member...it's a restaurant/bar that's one of the few that does enough takeout business to keep the doors open. But we'll be playing to 50% capacity or less and would probably have to take a cut in pay.

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I knew it was bad, but when I read this I was stunned: Turtle Bay Resorts, the biggest employer on the North Shore, has 20 employees, before the pandemic they had 740.



Up here, as many restaurants/brew pubs/bars as could, opened up some form of outdoor seating for the summer and have managed to limp along, although a number of them have closed permanently.

Winter will change that and not to the good side. We get cold weather, torrential downpours and often vigorous windy spells. Very few people will consider outdoor dining/drinking to be an attractive option.


By next May, the "gig economy" landscape in Whatcom County will have changed dramatically. It could take years to recover, if it ever does.

The band won't be taking any indoor gigs this winter, they would all be private parties flying under the radar in any case since live music in public is officially not allowed for now.


I am looking at other income streams, gigging isn't going to be steady money, maybe ever again.


You might have to do online shows. Kind of like pay per view or some such.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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You might have to do online shows. Kind of like pay per view or some such.


Working on that. I see so many "guys with guitars that know songs" and I really don't want to go there.

I want to do something with all original material and just "different". That takes time to assemble and produce the creativity to a reasonable quality product.


We have a local sound crew that was serving western Washington at a high level every summer. This summer their gigs got cancelled. They've created a local live music channel and it's getting good.

A large warehouse space with full sound, lights, video and operators for all of the above. All on spec at this point and not making much money.


It's a tough buck, no two ways around it.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I played a small outdoor private party at an RV park up at Lake Tahoe a few days ago with friends and we had a lot of fun. That will be my last commitment until things change. We do have a local group that plays live remotes for parties (zoom or pod or ?), but they are still getting paid from their practice music studio. Our county is opening back up for indoor dining and a few gigs are just starting to make a come back... :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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I knew it was bad, but when I read this I was stunned: Turtle Bay Resorts, the biggest employer on the North Shore, has 20 employees, before the pandemic they had 740.




Most of the businesses I"ve seen go under that were definitely C19 related were underperforming chain locations. Most of the businesses I frequent are 'Mom & Pop' shops and are still viable. Not unscathed, mind you, but still in operation.


The closest call so far is a local family owned & operated Burmese restaurant (Inlay, in Lewisville, TX) my Mom & I discovered in January, about 2-3 weeks after they had opened. Their reviews were running @4.8 stars out of 5. All of the reviews were from total noobs like me or from Burmese expats. Went in and had a fantastic meal. The best initial exposure to a new cuisine we"d had in a decade. Went back several times before the lockdown.


When I was able to return, I went in for a late takeout order...and I was their first customer of the day. At 3PM.


The next time I was able to dine in, they told me they had been a knife"s edge from closing. But they kept getting a slightly increasing flow of customers, including a high percentage of new customers. So they"re toughing it out, so far.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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We are in semi lock down, mask are required, stringent social distancing in all businesses. They just opened out fitness center here in our gated community, only 5 people allowed in at a time, and if you want to use the fitness center you have to ask for an appointment, and you can only stay 45 minutes, then staff comes in and sanitizes the gym and the next bunch can come in.


Our town center pool is still closed for repairs, but 2 of the other smaller pools are open, only 10 folks allowed in the pools at a time. And they are still locked down in our community center main office. Appointments only.


Only 4 cases of Covid in our community, none of them transmitted to others in the community, 2 residents and two of the maintenance staff. Other than that no Covid here in our community of 25 hundred homes. Gated, walled in with 24 hour security, has kept us seniors relatively Covid free.

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FWIW, y"all may know my Dad is an MD. He"s employed by a medical group...and one of the employees in his office was exposed to C19. So he has to self-isolate for the rest of the week. Fun times!

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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