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OT: Any weird quarantine cravings?

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Let me start out by saying I've been pretty much at or close to home since the first week of March, so maybe I'm getting more than a little crazy. Also, by my calculations, today is March 101st.


Anyhow, I haven't been sleeping all day (or much at night, for that matter), haven't gained weight, started baking at home, watching endless YouTube videos, or impulse buying online. I lost my taste for alcohol within the last year or so, and haven't missed it. In all, my habits haven't changed much, in spite of being at home.


The only odd thing that's popped into my mind recently was the urge/impulse/something for a cigarette, and not just any cigarette, a Sobranie Black & Gold? Yes, I used to smoke, and I used to smoke imported cigs, Sobranies, Players, Dunhills, but it's been over 30 years. When I quit, a carton of American smokes cost less than a pack will cost you now in most places, and even the most expensive imports were less than a pack of Camels today.


I have no intention of running out to the nearest tobacconist when everything re-opens, and I don't even want to know what a pack of Sobranies would cost now, but I do wonder where this urge came from, and if anyone else has felt any weird cravings?


Anybody out there suddenly develop a taste for some snack that you loved as a kid, but outgrew, sodas, junk food, bad movies, something you hadn't thought of in years, but all of a sudden . . . "You know, I wouldn't mind having a Whatsit right now!" Maybe it's not a food craving, or an old habit; anyone feel a sudden urge to go visit an amusement park, or take up sky-diving? Just wondering . . . Stay safe, all!

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Don't even think about it Brother Winston! I quit smoking back in October of 1999. I had tried to quit many times before by cutting back and one would just lead to another and on and on. Quitting and sticking to it was one of the greatest things I have ever done and I still feel good about it. But OK, to stay on topic, I will admit that I still crave a Cuban cigar some day LOL! :puff:
Take care, Larryz
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At one point a few weeks back, I thougtht I had a craving for rum.

Drank a fair bit and poured most of the bottle down the sink. Done with that idea.


There will always be stuff we want and never get, each moment is special - enjoy!!!!!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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@Larryz - No worries there, brother! I can't afford to renew a habit that would probably cost me a few hundred bucks a month, if not more! Just odd that something I haven't really thought about in so long popped into my head? It's like suddenly getting an urge for fried Liverwurst, something I haven't had since I was 8 or 10?


@Scott Fraser - I'll trade you: gardening is much of my waking life at this point. I've got Orchids blooming, indoors and outdoors, Hydrangeas all going nuts, Raspberries as tall as I am. This season, I even managed a feat that's eluded me for over 30 years: I got a Poinsettia to re-bloom!!!! (Benign neglect is the trick. I set it out on my patio as soon as the weather got warm enough, and the natural light is what does it.) OTOH, I spend a lot of time talking to birds and insects . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Around mid April, I realized that I had not drank any Coca Cola since the lockdown started about four weeks earlier. I then kept thinking about how much I wanted a Coke, and after a couple days, I put my mask and latex gloves on, drove to a nearby grocery store, and bought three twelve packs of Coke (two regular and one of that new cherry vanilla flavor). Right now, I am out of two liter bottles of Coke, but tomorrow (Wednesday) Kroger's has Coke on sale for 99 cents a two liter bottle. I'm stocking up.
I rock; therefore, I am.
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Nah, no cravings here. I have never been in lock down here in The Arizona Sonoran Desert. I do social distancing and wear a mask when I go out.


I will crave getting outside pretty soon, as it will be 110*F to 115*F every day from mid June on until mid to late October never getting below 95*F even after midnight. I do go out and walk around the community in the evenings when the sun is starting to set. Even at 105*F it is hike-able with the scorching sun on it's way down for the night.

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Surfing at sunrise and banana pancakes at Cafe Haleiwa every Sunday with my Grandpa.


Those are cool stuff, not weird at all. How's Grandpa? I miss mine, and my parents but have been adopted by a wonderful couple. Leroy just turned 90 and is remarkably fit and coherent. His wife Ann is 80, very smart (and a smartass). They are awesome and I am grateful to have them in my life!!!!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I"ve had cravings for snacks I had as a kid. Most of them have been off the market for decades, so there"s zero risk of a binge. But the kiddie cereals & pop tarts have been singing to me when I do the family grocery runs...


But I"ve kept it under control, thus far, and have even managed to lose some weight. Late last year, I was fluctuating between 230-239, now I"m between 222-235.


Part of that is because I"m not so much sweets driven as salt driven: I care more about appetizers and main courses than desserts. That means I don"t usually indulge in calorie bombs. But because I"m a sodium-dependent hypertensive, indulging my craving for salt can result in several pounds of weight gain as I retain water.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I've just been craving more time to play; which, unusually for a "stay at home order" situation, has been LESS than I normally get. Partly due to being very busy at work, and actually working more hours; and partly due to trying to respect other's ears. If only they'd do the same for me...

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Surfing at sunrise and banana pancakes at Cafe Haleiwa every Sunday with my Grandpa.


Those are cool stuff, not weird at all. How's Grandpa? I miss mine, and my parents but have been adopted by a wonderful couple. Leroy just turned 90 and is remarkably fit and coherent. His wife Ann is 80, very smart (and a smartass). They are awesome and I am grateful to have them in my life!!!!


I'm hoping the cafe will open soon and we can get some normalcy back in our lives. I think I'll tell him he doesn't have to eat banana pancakes anymore. I've known for a couple years he doesn't really like them.

Jennifer S.

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I wouldn't tell him Surfergirl...banana pancakes sure sounded good to me! I think I might get tired of them if I ate them every Sunday for two years or more though LOL! Why not just say Grandpa, can we try something new like blueberry pancakes this time? I think he loves the time he spends with you more than he likes the pancakes... :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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I have enjoyed banana pecan pancakes in the past, but Mom once made a batch so huge- 50+ or so- that I lost interest in them. I"d still eat them, but I won"t seek them out.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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It's French toast for me, thanks . . . with a little bacon on the side, I'll gladly have that for dinner.


Not that I was dedicated, but just out of curiosity, I've tried to find a pack of Sobranies, anywhere within the D.C. Metro area, and . . . zip, nada, gornisht. (Sorry, a bit of old New York slipping out there.) Just as well, I guess, but you'd think they'd gone extinct?

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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The local Gorcery Outlet now has 6.7 oz bags of Krakatoa Hot Chips for 99 cents.


Last week I tried the Ghost Pepper flavor, I am from the Central Valley of California and can handle some extremely hot flavors. I could only eat a few of these before it was too hot to continue.


This week I am trying the Kung Pow!!! flavor with Thai Chili and Szechuan Pepper. Really hot but well below my threshold of pain and more flavorful.


They have some other flavors, I should have just bought a bag of each.


These are rated at 14,500 Scoville Heat Units. I think the Ghost Pepper ones were higher, much higher.


Gotta be careful to wash your hands before you rub your eyes or you might die. Good though!!!!!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Don't know how to qualify this one, and honestly, I'm reluctant to share it, but WTH?


While I'm still getting out every so often to do some landscaping work for my regular clients, I've been spending a LOT of time working in my own garden beds this season. I've re-designed and re-planted two large beds already, complete with rock or flagstone borders, and I've been working on the largest back bed for a week or more. It's a big area; it's also been much of my world, for the last few months, as I haven't been going out except for work or essential supplies, since the beginning of March.


For a tall guy, I spend a lot of time close to the ground, and the other day, a weird thought struck me; when was the last time I sat and played in the dirt with a bunch of Army men? Yeah, the classic molded plastic green Army guys that most of us grew up with, the ones we see in all the "Toy Story" movies. Outside of those movies, I couldn't think when was the last time I'd even seen a bag of them hanging in a store anywhere, but somehow, the other day, sitting in a newly cleared section of my backyard, I could envision myself spending the rest of the afternoon moving a bunch of little plastic soldiers around in the freshly tilled dirt.


No, I don't really know where that came from? I know that there's been a lot on my mind lately, not much of it good, so maybe my poor tired brain is just throwing out distractions: "Hey, how about THIS, this would be fun, right?"


Maybe I will go somewhere this weekend and find a bag of Army guys. I may even pick up a pack of Dunhills while I'm at it. Small pleasures, you know. Sometimes you just have to treat yourself, and I could sure use something, right about now.


Thanks, everyone, for listening . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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That's funny Winston!!


It takes me back to long ago and far away.


My greatest joy was the time I took the model I'd built of the Bismark, Germany's greatest battleship, floated it in a 30 gallon iron barrel strategically placed, poured a bit of lacquer thinner on it, set it on fire and climbed up the ash tree with my BB gun. I shot it repeatedly while it burned and stunk. Ecstasy!!!!! lol...

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Amazon has all the plastic toy soldiers anyone could ever want for the price of a set of strings or 2.

I've been eating way to healthy the last 3 months, so when we visited our local music store this week we went to Rainbow drive in for their Chilidog plate. 2 Chilidogs smothered with onions and lots of hot sauce. I had forgotten how good they were. For some reason they don't taste as good when I make them at home.

Jennifer S.

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Amazon has all the plastic toy soldiers anyone could ever want for the price of a set of strings or 2.

I've been eating way to healthy the last 3 months, so when we visited our local music store this week we went to Rainbow drive in for their Chilidog plate. 2 Chilidogs smothered with onions and lots of hot sauce. I had forgotten how good they were. For some reason they don't taste as good when I make them at home.


Thanks, surfergirl. More of a thought than anything, just a surprising thought? A bicycle would be more fun, more useful, and I wouldn't look quite as silly riding a bike around my neighborhood, as I would playing with toy soldiers in my backyard.


I had a favorite Chili Dog, at one time. Washington, D.C. used to be full of hot dog vendors, with the little metal carts parked on street corners, and most of them had the same hot dogs, same sodas, same everything. There was one guy in downtown D.C., Eastern European guy, had his stand on 18th & "K" Streets, a block from where I worked, made his own chili for his hot dogs. When I worked downtown, I'd get two of his chili dogs for lunch, and eat them in Lafayette Square Park, right across from the White House. I never tried to re-create his chili recipe, but it was good . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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