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Making lemonade!


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'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!'


Since everyone worldwide has been affected by the Coronavirus, there"s an abundance of 'lemons" right now. There is tremendous value in being thankful during this tumultuous time and I thought it valuable to share our 'make lemonade" stories. Here"s one.


My daughter is finishing her senior year as a musical theater major at Western Kentucky University. She"s endured lots of losses caused by this pandemic. She had a lead role in the spring musical that was cancelled, no graduation ceremony, no chance to say 'goodbyes" to classmates, etc.


She"s back home, taking online classes, trying to figure out how to live in our household again, mostly isolated from all her friends. It"s been tough and my wife and I feel badly for her. Now for the lemonade.


She has her spring vocal recital tonight (via Zoom). When she came home a couple weeks ago, she asked if I"d accompany her. Awesome!! We"ve spent the past weeks rehearsing daily, each of us preparing for an excellent performance of 'Always Better" from the Broadway production of 'Bridges of Madison County". It"s a nice song that really goes somewhere dynamically and my daughter is killing it.


As we"ve rehearsed, she"s recorded it and sent to her vocal professor for feedback. After running through it last night, her professor told her it was her best performance yet, and that being able to practice at home daily (with me) was a great benefit. She stressed the positivity of the circumstances and verbalized the great result.


I"m looking forward to sharing this performance with my daughter tonight. And I"m thankful for this opportunity that would have otherwise never existed. Although the audience will be small, it will be one of the more meaningful musical things I've done since I can share it with her.


Making lemonade,



Kurzweil Forte, Yamaha Motif ES7, Muse Receptor 2 Pro Max, Neo Ventilator
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Nurturing a child"s talent is one of the most rewarding undertakings we can avail ourselves as parents. My mask is off to you, sir.



1967 B-3 w/(2) 122's, Nord C1w/Leslie 2101 top, Nord PedalKeys 27, Nord Electro 4D, IK B3X, QSC K12.2, Yamaha reface YC+CS+CP


"It needs a Hammond"


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What an elegant way to handle a sudden left turn in things! Good Dadding! :thu::keys2:


Seeing how quickly people took up teleconferencing, even with the usual 1-second delays and pixelizations, its at least a small paradigm shift. I doubt I'll live long enough to see the optional William Gibson USB-F brain jack, but after this event, its already warming up some drawing boards. The bandwidth wars are going to pick up speed. Conducting business from home while wearing no pants is going to become a bigger selling point. A smarter cat than me, whose name escapes me, said: Today's CGI is tomorrow's rear-projection. This.

"Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm payin' for it."
        ~ Stan Lee, "Ant-Man and the Wasp"

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I clicked Like on your post, Bif_, but I would have selected Love if it was available. :2thu:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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