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My PSA for the Day


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My PSA for the Day: Those musicians who are currently rehearsing together, or who plan to start rehearsing very soon, should click to read the LA Times article below, which I just saw posted by my friend Jane Tyska.




The main takeaway is this: "[There is] a growing body of evidence that the virus can be transmitted through aerosolsâparticles smaller than 5 micrometersâthat can float in the air for minutes or longer."


In other words, a typical band rehearsal could cause the virus to be unleashed into your practice environment, and settle on your face and hands. WHY RISK IT?


BTW, I DO NOT view articles such as these as sensationalized, hysterical, or fakeâeven if elements of the reports may indeed be overwrought or inaccurate. What is NOT overwrought or inaccurate are the posts we are all seeing now about family members, friends, and "friends of friends" coming down with COVID-19, as well as players of all levels of success DYING.


Whether you trust big media or not, I would submit that being OVERLY careful ain't such a bad idea these days. Sometimes, paying attention to cautionary tales can be a basic survival skill.


SO PLEASE... I desperately want all of my musician brothers and sisters to take precautions and NOT GET SICK! Don't let boredom, distance from your band mates (and the much-missed collaboration and camaraderie), and the desire to start ramping up for that wonderful time when we can perform for the public again rush you into a badâand possibly tragicâdecision. I can wait to hear your music again, and I want to see YOU playing it.

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+1 Not worth the risk. It reminds me of this article I saw recently:




I liked the Elton John special last night that had many musicians playing from their home studios solo and/or joined by their band mates by skype style sharingâ¦


You can still get together by video chat. My Granddaughter sent me a picture of her taking her live violin lessons with her teacher by video.


Let's be careful out there! :thu:

Take care, Larryz
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Holed up at home mostly, still gotta go for groceries.

Short walk, they have disinfectant wipes at both entry doors.

I wipe before going in and after coming out.

I don't touch my face in the store. It's time to try and find masks, those got all bought up but the hoarding is subsiding.


LOTS of things need done here, stuff to sell, guitar projects and at least a couple of albums of my original songs need recorded.

I was hoping to use some of my excellent musician friends on the recordings but that plan has changed, I can do everything that is needed myself.


No gigs, no practice does not mean no music. I have some things to figure out, others are doing them so it's not out of reach.


I don't think we will ever return to "normal", things have changed.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I thought we already understood that the virus was airborne?


Even a simple bandana can help, tied around your face like a bandit out of the Old West. If you can't sew, dig out a handful of safety pins, to attach elastic bands, for a more secure fit. Got an old Halloween mask lying around? See if you can use the elastic from it, if you don't have anything else.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I thought we already understood that the virus was airborne?


Even a simple bandana can help, tied around your face like a bandit out of the Old West. If you can't sew, dig out a handful of safety pins, to attach elastic bands, for a more secure fit. Got an old Halloween mask lying around? See if you can use the elastic from it, if you don't have anything else.


I read an article this morning explaining that even a t-shirt tied over one's mouth/nose provides the protection needed.

So I will be making a mask today.


I wonder about wearing a mask to the credit union? Oh wait, they closed the lobby, just drive up and ATM available... :- D

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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My band is in my computers, the computers are immune to the virus as far as I can tell. :cheers:


So my practice days are with my laptop, studio monitors and with me on guitar and vocals.


However if I was in a band with other musicians, I would bag practice till this thing dies out in the heat. Luckily in the Arizona desert the heat is always excessive and the Covid 19 does not do well in the heat and the UV rays are excellent here in the Sonoran Desert, the UV rays are unhealthy for the virus. For most of the late spring, summer, and early fall months there is no clouds in the sky to speak of, and the sun shines brightly without much humidity in the air to dim it.

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