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The Moog Vocoder returns


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Was just about to post this, after a long work day and finally checking audio industry news, but am not surprised someone else already noticed. :-)




Too tired to take it all in right now; I guess it's sixteen channels per se vs. 16 bands (which seems low-res so I expect more bands are involved).


When they list artists like Herbie Hancock and Daft Punk, are they referring to vocoders in general, or people specifically using the vintage Moog model?


How is this model compared to top gear like Sennheiser and EMS?

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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Being said forumite, I would like to emphasize that I do not have any specific information that indicates that Moog will be going out of business in the near future. As I've said repeatedly, I don't want them to go out of business--I like their stuff; have four of their products. My speculations have been based (as detailed elsewhere, won't reiterate here) on apparent (okay, glaringly obvious...) disarray at Moog Central in Asheville and some other items, such as the cancellation of Moogfest. No one thing is sufficient to raise alarm on its own, it's the overall pattern that disturbs me. No one wants me to be wrong more than me.


In a nutshell, I fear that Moog has been taken over by folks of a bureaucratic mindset. Something to watch for: If Moog changes their company name (even if it's just a minor variation), I'll take it as confirmation that I'm right. It takes time for bureaucrats to destroy a place of business, but one of the signs of a bureaucratic takeover is frantic activity, later seen to have been "too much, too soon," but in the moment it's invariably touted as proof of vibrant, strong leadership, or some such malarkey.


We'll reconvene in, say, three years and see if I called it. By then it should be clear whether I'm right or wrong. I'm not saying Moog will be four-paws-up in three years, only that the trend should be obvious.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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My name change warning flag is based on the idea that bureaucrats tend to want to put their stamp on a business and one of the more prominent ways that they can flex their new-found powers is to change the name of the business. It will be presented as, say, "reflecting their new business direction" or something like that. Look at press releases for any number of corporations for examples of the verbiage, but honestly there was nothing wrong with the old name. It's just an ego trip for those in power.


Another indicator of trouble is dissatisfaction and high turnover in the lower ranks. This often accompanied by sour attitudes. I could make a case for that too, but I'll leave it for now.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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Sounds like maybe someone was on the receiving end of some bureaucratic nonsense.....


Anyway, vocoder is a beast but too rich for my blood, at least for what it is. I"d rather get something like a used Alesis Ion or a new Behringer vc340 and get a little less vocoder but a whole lotta synth too.


I like that they have a mix of high end boutique gear and reasonably affordable stuff. They"re a luxury brand and have certainly earned that status, why not show off?

1974 Rhodes, CP70B, Polivoks, Dominion 1, Behringer D, Mother 32, DFAM, MS20 Mini, Folktek Mescaline, Nord Lead 2x, KArp Odyssey, Jv1080, Digitakt, Hydrasynth,
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It's really sad, but I do worry that Moog's immense attention to business ethic just isn't compatible with the modern world. I've been to the Moog factory (practically stumbled into it by accident on the streets of Asheville), and was immediately in love with the company. But company love doesn't make money. When your basic mission statement requires that all parts, metal, and wood be locally sourced, it's hard to compete with China stepping up its game. I hope the best for them, but I do worry.

Puck Funk! :)


Equipment: Laptop running lots of nerdy software, some keyboards, noise makersâ¦yada yada yadaâ¦maybe a cat?

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I was born not far from Asheville. I can attest that the southern Appalachians can use all the jobs they can get and tech jobs are a pretty good bet. Still, as EricBarker says, in a world where China pays workers a fraction of what American jobs pay and Behringer is nipping at their heels, I'm not sure that Moog is on solid footing.


In that neck of the woods (so to speak), the primary job alternative is likely to be logging (beats working at the local Walmart), which pays fairly well but is heavily weather and market dependent. Here in the Carolinas we've had incessant rain for weeks and the skidders and logging trucks can't safely traverse muddy mountainsides in those conditions. A lot of people are going to be dipping into savings to keep food on the table. It used to be that tobacco was a major cash crop--along with a little corn--but those days are long gone. No one wants to farm and tobacco is verboten. The fields that I remember as farms when I was a kid are now stands of pine.


There's no mining in the Asheville area. Even Spruce Pine (not far up the road from Asheville) is but a shadow of its former glory back in the 1940s-'70s. (Own a cell phone? The silicon for the chips came from Spruce Pine, NC. The purity of the quartz is unsurpassed.) The problem there is that, while there's demand for the product, economy of scale (e.g. the Pine Mountain Mine, which took over from the Chalk Mountain Mine as king of the hill [ahem]) and automation have decimated the mining work force. Downtown Spruce Pine is a ghost town. An arsonist burned a number of buildings years ago. Today they stand scorched and empty, with trees growing through non-existent roofs. There's been no attempt to rebuild. Heartbreaking.


Tourism? Yeah, there's tourism, but that's seasonal, doesn't really pay all that well, and there's a limit as to how many B&Bs and hotel jobs you can justify. And that's overlooking the fact that a lot of people don't much care for "tour-asses" swaggering around town, acting like they own the place.


Arts? Yep. There's a lot of music and such. And that pays real well...right guys?


It's even worse outside the city.


Of all the things to reissue, I'm not sure I'd have chosen the vocoder, but maybe there's more demand for vocoders than I realize.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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the cancellation of Moogfest.


From what I understand, Moog Music - while having served as one of several partner entities - has never managed Moogfest. Last known Moogfest organizer/managing company was UG Strategies:




Last known Moogfest CEO is not the CEO of Moog Music (Mike Adams):


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Finally listened to the demo just now (the one that was posted at Sonic State). Some fine musicianship going on there, on everyone's part, and very articulate sonics. I'm guessing the vocoder only kicks in near the end, unless it also is being used for octave-shifting vs. singing in falsetto. I didn't notice a price listed, but haven't checked anywhere but the Sonic State announcement so far. Oh, just now saw the Sweetwater demo posted above; pretty cheesy and inarticulate and muddy.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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Oh, just now saw the Sweetwater demo posted above; pretty cheesy and inarticulate and muddy.


What was interesting to me was the explanation of the features.


There was an album released around the time Wendy Carlos came out w/ Switch On Bach - rather than taking on classical it was more of jazz-focused, kind Tin Pan Alleyish. Forgot his name. Maybe Dan was referencing that stuff.

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I didn't notice a price listed...


Sweetwater says they'll sell you one for a mere $4999.00


Before you pass out, note that they say that's $1001.00 off the list price of $6k.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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Ugh... I'm no businessman, but this seems like a TERRIBLE idea for a struggling company. If they sell 50 units, I'll be surprised. But maybe a quarter-mil is all they need? I dunno. Maybe their supply chain is SO bad that the only path left is to make a very small number of VERY expensive boutique products.


I still can't believe they've discontinued the Model D. These are dark days.

Puck Funk! :)


Equipment: Laptop running lots of nerdy software, some keyboards, noise makersâ¦yada yada yadaâ¦maybe a cat?

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This is the inside of an original Moog Vocoder. Do you see $5000 in there?



Maybe they're all Aristotelians at Moog. The whole is always greater than the sum of the parts.


Ugh... I'm no businessman, but this seems like a TERRIBLE idea for a struggling company. If they sell 50 units, I'll be surprised. But maybe a quarter-mil is all they need? I dunno. Maybe their supply chain is SO bad that the only path left is to make a very small number of VERY expensive boutique products.


I'm still not sure why everyone thinks Moog is struggling. Frankly, when they unveiled the Emerson modular I thought they had lost their minds. They built 3. They sold 2 and kept 1. And beyond all comprehension, they're still building and selling 5U modulars. The presence of Kay jewelers hasn't hurt Tiffany's sales. Different customers.




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I don't know about "everyone." I thought I was the only one who saw an unfortunate pattern in some of the things that have been happening recently. If there are others, then...it's news to me.


As to "why" I've said what I've said...I've detailed that in my Visit thread recently and in a few others, including this one. I thought I'd been pretty clear as to my chain of reasoning.


That said, I can't see $5-6k for it, but I'm not their target customer for that particular device, either. I'm sure there are people who are hot for it--I'm just not one of them. If I was going to drop that sort of money on a Moog I'd find a Voyager XL and replace my regular Voyager. The leftover money (between a used XL and $5k, that is), I'd probably just save for a rainy day.


For that matter, I've got a Kronos. Doesn't that have some sort of vocoder capability built in? Maybe my MOXF8, too? Shows how much I care about vocoder things that I don't even know if I've got one... They're just not relevant to the kind of music that interests me.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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