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Behringer IPO Article


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Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. :thu:


I wonder where they will list the shares? Two of the most important reasons for an IPO are a) as a harvest time for early investors, and b) as a way of paying for future capital expenditures which in turn promise attractive returns. I look forward to reading the prospectus and the business case which will be laid out to IPO participants.


Another way of asking the question is, what significant investments does Uli hope to make which will require more capital than what he presumably has from cash flow?

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' wished I had bought early IPOs of the big tech companies'


Let"s fix this:


'Wished I had bought IPO shares of that tiny percentage of small tech companies that at a later time managed to succeed unimaginably in the open and competitive marketplace, and thus became both big and extraordinarily profitable.'


Yeah, I wish that too!

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Just saw THIS today on LinkedIn. Interesting read. Sorry to those who are not on LinkedIn.


I'm not a finance wiz, but I always wished I had bought early IPOs of the big tech companies. The stories about those who bought Apple stock early are legendary.


Hindsight is perfect. You don't have to be a financé wiz. Many IPO's fail. And unless you are inside you can't get at the opening shares


Simply, a Vanguard Index [ tied to S & P] is the easy way to go. Corporate America. Solid, low risk growth. Think long term.



Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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I have a friend who invested his 401k heavily in Tech stocks during the 90's. His investments were growing really big and he was making plans to retire early. Then the house cleaning came in early 2000 and his 401k was devastated. The euphoria over anything 'internet' had gone away. Then in about 2008 his 401k was well on the way to being were it was. Unfortunately much of his balance was again wiped away when the "Great Recession" of 2008 hit!


I re-balance my 401k annually, I have been rather conservative and in 2006 I realized that my real estate investments had probably gotten too much. So in 2006 I invested in various blue chip stocks and dumped my real estate funds. That saved me from taking to bad a drubbing. My balance recovered about 3 years afterwards.


But yeah I wish I had taken the price of an original mac and and bought shares of Apple with it and held on to them for 40 years, but then I don't think Nostradamus could have foretold that Apple would create the iPhone.


Boards: Kurzweil SP-6, Roland FA-08, VR-09, DeepMind 12

Modules: Korg Radias, Roland D-05, Bk7-m & Sonic Cell

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I"m a bit confused by the intent of the first para of the article. If the company is not interested in creating shareholder value or paying dividends then I"m unsure what"s in it for the prospective shareholder?


But good luck to Music Tribe. Hope it goes well.

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I didn't know Uli was going IPO. Good for him.


That being said, I think he's got it all goin' on. A bit like Elon Musk, right?


The dude has done some impressive things. Yes, he's built a machine that can clone whatever. But there's also some amazing non-instrument products, like the X-Air. Which I love. I haven't checked out their current PA amplification (nor microphones) but that's another hill for them to climb.


If they can figure out how to reach musos directly (vs. all the usual retail channels) I think they're going to nail it.

Want to make your band better?  Check out "A Guide To Starting (Or Improving!) Your Own Local Band"


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Wow a smorgasbord of MI investment opportunities this week. Another just hit my inbox. For those who are interested in returns. (Maybe)


"An opportunity to invest in one of the biggest music biopics of 2020 covering the short life of the greatest music manager of all time - Brian Epstein, The Man Behind The Beatles.


Investors are set to see their initial investment returned with a 20% uplift before we as a studio begin receiving profits, once you are in profit, final round investors continue to see returns of 25% from all sales of the film for perpetuity."

A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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Given what Behringer's been up to, I've had pretty positive thoughts about Uli and was thinking to read up on him a bit. Not really toward any particular goal, I just expected it to be interesting. However this blurb is um... weird and I'm not sure I get it. It's basically a recruiting pitch and indication they're planning to sell equity in the near future, but the words are a heavy on the corporate speak and a bit convoluted. It is not Steve Jobs or Elon Musk material. (Even when Musk is at his weirdest, you understand exactly what he's saying, it's just nuts. Then half the time, he turns out to be on the money anyway so...) Not saying Music Tribe isn't going to do well with whatever is up here, but these words do not move me because the meaning is unclear.


It sounds like the goals of floating equity are to ensure the company continues to be successful by having certain incentives in place and perhaps to inspire customer loyalty via stock ownership. Both are a bit of a gamble, but not unreasonable. I'm not a big fan of less regulated equity markets as there's far too much opportunity for fraud. All that compliance that is mentioned... yeah, that's there for a reason.




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Since Uli is cloning classic synths I wish he would rip off something cool instead of tired old ground. Maybe a Polyvoks or especially the Kobol and Polykobol.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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IPOs often don't go so well. Quite a few companies in the music business had planned IPOs, or were grooming the companies for same, but didn't follow through...Steinberg and Fender come to mind. In the case of Fender, their IPO was mostly intended to pay down debt; apparently that ended up not being necessary. I think Henry probably wanted to take Gibson public at some point, but I'm not sure about that.


It seems Uli is saying that the main purpose of the IPO is to allow employees and customers to own a piece of Behringer. I guess that would end up somewhere between a privately held and employee-owned company. But I agree with Zalman Stern's post that the message is somewhat confusing. For example, I'm not really sure what the emphasis on "digital" means.


However, the part that does resonate with me is flipping the organizational pyramid. I consider the people who read my articles my boss, not the organization that publishes the articles. Same with people who buy my products.


I've always felt the fastest way to turn a company around would be to make the front office people (who interact with the public) managers, and have the managers who are isolated from customers work in the front office to find out what's really going on. I say that semi-humorously, but those at the top often believe their own press, not what the front office people are telling them about the reality of a situation.

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Just a different casino, sometimes you can win.


I've only bought into one IPO - NIO. They make electric cars in China.

I got in early, not a huge investment. The IPO surged upwards quickly. I kept a close eye.

It more than doubled and then started subsiding.


I could have flipped half of it and gotten all of my "investment" out. I flipped the entire thing, made $3,500 in 3 days. It plummeted to below the starting poing. On to the next.


And that is my one and only day-trader story. Mostly I am very cautious and would advise others to do the same. Behringer has a LOT of competition and like Peavey established a reputation early on for unreliable and overall substandard products. It took Peavey decades to mostly overcome that reputation and you can still get incredible bargains in used Peavey gear that should sell for much more. I've played a ton of gigs on great sounding sub $100 used Peavey amps and many of their USA made guitars and basses are still ridiculous bargains although they have begun trending upwards (finally).


The Behringer I remember sold cheap crappy crap and that is a difficult reputation to kick. They've upped their game but some of their competition doesn't have to rise above, they already have a solid reputation and just need to maintain it.


So I will stay out on this one...

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Behringer looks good now, but once they've released clones of all the classic synths, where do they go from there? Yes, they're in a good position to release new gear of their own, but that won't happen at the same breakneck pace. I'm thinking this could be a bubble and that things will trend upwards for another year, maybe two, then drop. You'll have to time this very carefully indeed to make money.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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