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Non-TS OD's?

Winston Psmith

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Working on a more compact pedal array for Novparolo, and I need a nice OD/Distortion that isn't another Tube Screamer clone. Ideally something with a compact enclosure, under $175, with a good bit of grind on tap, but without that squishy, compressed sound I associate with the TS.


(Sorry, I know it's akin to blasphemy in some circles, but I really dislike the TS sound.)


I've got a Messner OD, but it's really low-gain; if it isn't plugged into an Amp on the edge of breakup, there's not much Drive to it. I was curious about the Walrus War Horn, but haven't gotten to try one out.


I'm really just going for the Big 3 here - OD/Mod/Delay - and I've got Modulation & Delay covered (Digitech Obscura & Keeley Bubbletron). Thanks, everyone.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I didn't like TS either, got a Boss Blues Driver anyways which is pretty much the same thing. Putting it in a Boss 3-pedal board and it fits right in with the tuner and one more pedal. Have no use for 12 pedals with what I do.


Was loosing bottom end until I started using the guitar with volume barely open and OD up. Doesn't have good tone with guitar volume wide open but is much better with guitar volume rolled-off and also guitar tone rolled-off.

Been round the block but am not over the hill...



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I know the TrueTone VS-XO dual OD has one circuit based on the TS, but the other side is based on a Nobels OD.


The Friedman BE-OD is based on the Friedman BE100 amps gain circuitry.


smallsound/bigsound makes the f*ck overdrive and the mini jfet OD. The mini is based on the f*ck, but isnt merely a stripped down version of it.


ThorpyFx makes a few ODs: the Peacekeeper is low to medium gain, the Gunshot is medium to high gain. Both are available in their standard size and, as of this year, a more compact mini.


I can think of others, but most springing to mind at the mo are more clean boost/transparent OD/low gain or larger, higher gain pedals aimed at the metal market.


Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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@Bartholmew - I had a Blues Driver, and found it far more responsive than a TS, but again, more suited to a slightly hot Amp. Looking more for something that has a nice snarl of it's own, even through a Clean Amp setting. Also, I've really been moving away from Boss products, of late. No real reason, certainly not some product failure, I just used them for decades, and want to branch out more. (Even my wife mentioned, just the other day, that my rig used to be pretty much ALL Boss pedals, and she's happy to see me trying other gear.)


@Dannyalcatraz - That VS-XO is still slightly more footprint than I'd like, and I'd have to see if anyone nearby carries it? I'm more than reluctant to order any OD I haven't tried personally. I've got a GC within walking distance, and my FLMS (independent/family-owned) is just up the road; my FLUMS is only a bit further, and it's a better bet for finding anything that isn't mass-market. That's where I found the Bubbletron and the Algal Bloom. Ah, now if I saw a used Nobels OD . . .


@Danzilla - I already have a perfectly beautiful Fuzz, in the form of the Fuzzhugger Algal Bloom V2. It's possible that a slightly dialed-back Fuzz will give me more of the tone I'm looking for, and I can order the AB V2 in a more compact enclosure, but I'm hoping to find something I can buy and bring home, so I can put it to work right away. However, if you see another used Bubbletron around, let me know. Well worth having a back-up . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Of the ones I mentioned, I know the Friedman should be available at your local GC, and as it happens, they have a couple used ones in the system.


GC Friedman BE-OD


Used BE-OD at GC


And it definitely has its own grit. Heres one being demoed through a Quilter 101:





FWIW, even though you cant try it out, GC has a used Gunshot in their system as well.

Used ThorpyFX Gunshot at GC

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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Right now my goto drive is based on the Reverend Drive Train. The newest Route 66. I like it and the Ross based compressor side. Both sides have clean blends and the comp has a switchable noise gate. A great alternative to a TS but maybe not heavy enough for what you want.


It's above budget but I'm quite found of the Wampler Tumnus Deluxe. I played one one afternoon at the shop. It reacts so well to the guitar volume control.


The new Pantheon is also cool. Based on the Marshall Bluesbreaker but with more potential gain on tap.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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@CEB - I was curious about the Tumnus? Thought it was another Transparent OD, or is that just the mini version?


@Caevan - have thought about Fulltone, will check those out. There are ALWAYS used Fulltone OD's at my FLUMS, and they show up at GC pretty often, too.


@Dannyalctraz - couple of Friedman boxes at my FLUMS, even now. Will keep those in mind.


@Danzilla - I thought the DLS was another low-gain box, more Boost than Drive? That's the impression I got from reviews, never had one underfoot.


Right now, Friday AM, I'm about halfway through re-arranging my Music room. Every couple of years, I decide it's time to move things around, and I spend a couple of days with my tape measure, sizing up different possible configurations, before I start moving desks and bookcases. Should be done today, then I'm out auditioning OD's. Will report back later.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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@Danzilla - thanks, hadn't seen that. Would probably pass on the DLS, based on that review. FWIW, the Drive section of the Quantum drive gets me close to what I want, but I'm really pushing it, to approach that sound; noise becomes an issue.


@p90jr - No argument there. A couple of years back, someone posted a list of every OD box inspired by, or copied from the TS9; it was simply ridiculous, more than a hundred entries, IIRC, and yes, it seems like every basement solder freak has decided to 'improve' or re-engineer the bloody thing, which makes it all but inescapable. Of course, the same thing is happening to the Big Muff.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I cant tell you how many non-EHX Muff variants I own...or currently reside in my G.A.S. list.


I can say that several of the ones I love actually succeed in improving on the originals, though. (Even if its just a smidge.)


And I could probably say much the same of my TS clones.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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The big Tumnus does what the mini does. It does the transparent thing. But the Deluxe has a higher gain mode. There are active bass and mid controls and treble filter that lets you do some different tonal thing. I like to crank the gain on it.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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Everybody had a tube screamer... I would get asked why I didn't have a tube screamer... that made me not want a tube screamer.


I preferred the underappreciated Boss Super Overdrive, and still do. Best $15 I ever spent 3 times (had a couple stolen). I have an arsenal of dirt pedals but I still grab the Boss every once in a while.

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Everybody had a tube screamer... I would get asked why I didn't have a tube screamer... that made me not want a tube screamer.


I've never had a Tube Screamer. Well, I briefly had one that was given to me, a gainier '90s varient, can't remember quite why, can't remember what I did with it...


Well, I'm guessing that my recently acquired Fulltone Fulldrive 3 is in one way or another related to TS designs... ?

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I'll have to look for that list sometime: I'm sure it's grown since I first saw it.


You know, I've had two or three of the old Boss Super Overdrives, too; can't remember why I didn't hang onto one? It was more than affordable, and didn't have that squished tone.


Some OD's at my FLUMS, that I may go check out today -


Keeley Super Phat Mod OD


Barber Gain Changer


Protone Dead Horse OD


Wampler Paisley Drive


It seems like a couple of those models were made to give some girth to Strats and Teles, so they may not be what I'm looking for, but they're all in one place, and I like going out to see what else they might have.


There's also a Suhr Rufus Fuzz that merits a look, and an Xotic AC-RC limited edition Oz Noy Boost/Drive that I have to check out. I figure anything designed by, or for, another Experimentalist is worth a listen.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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